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Miftahul jannah



1. Game Online

Game online is the popular game that many people like to play, from children until adults feel happy
in playing this game online. Right now, not only almost children in this world know and play it, but
also adults play this game to refresh their mind after do many jobs and activities. Game online is just
use for fun or pleasure, but if we are over in playing it, it will be harm and making many bad effects.

Lazy, this is the scared effect that many parents worry about their children. If a child play game
online and spend much time for playing it, it will make him or her won’t to do the other activity, he
or she will forget to have lunch, do homework and take a rest. Parents have to limit their children in
playing game online, so thay can prevent their children to become lazy.

The eyes get harm and red, this effect can happen if we are over in playing game online without
using any protector or glasses to protect our eyes. Moreover, the eyes can get harm and red because
of the radiation of monitor or computer. So, people who play game online should use contact lensa
or glasses in order to prevent eyelid.

It can be fun if we can manage time well and play just for refreshing our mind and don’t make
playing game online as a hobby. We’d better have a few time for playing and much time for working
or doing something useful in our life.

2. • or
• and
• for
• so
• until
• but
• if
• from so until
• to
• more over

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