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stage 1: initial planning and project set-up

- Setting goals and identifying data 1-2 weeks

- Assessing the availability of 2-8 weeks
information and project feasibility
1-8 weeks
- Researching the population and
understanding the issues

1-4 weeks
- Initial planning, budgeting and
developing an initial survey plan

stage 2: survey development and testing

- Samples collection, subject matter 2-8 weeks
expert input and initial listing and
Developing the initial survey 1-7 weeks
Developing supplemental materials 1-2 weeks
Preparing a paper work (request process) 1-2 weeks
Stage 3: Testing survey protocols and final approvals
- Preparing for implementation – 1-4 weeks
database development, data
processing set-up
- procedure pre-test implementation 1-3 weeks
and evaluation
- review and approval of supporting 1-2 weeks
Stage 4: Full survey implementation
- Administer and monitor 1-2 weeks
- Data entry and processing 1-2 weeks
Stage 5: Post-implementation activities
- Follow-up activities 1-4 weeks
- Post-survey assessment 1-4 weeks

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