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1. Introduction of substancias or other physical elements into a 2. It is a genus of culicid mosquito common throughout the world
médium, which make it unsafe or not suitable for and especially in tropical and subtropical áreas.

3. It is spread by a species of mosquito common in certain áreas of 4.Natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things
Africa and South America. It is advisable to that interact naturally,wich means that in.

7. fever transmitted by a mosquito called chikungunya 5.A disease caused by the Zika virus, which is transmitted by
mosquito bites.
8. It is a liquid connective tissue, which circulates through capillaries,
veins and arteries of all vertebrales. 6.Small cavity of water, natural or artificial, used daily to provide
irrigation,raise fish, swin, etc or for.
10. It is a substance whose molecule is composed of two hydrogen
atoms and one oxygen. 9.Temporary outbreak of red, lumpy,scaly, or itchy patches of
skin;possibly with blisters or hives.

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