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Modred, Mordred n (Myth & Legend / European Myth & Whelp n. whelp 1.

a young offspring of a mammal, such as a

Legend) (in Arthurian legend) a knight of the Round Table who dog or wolf; 2. a. a child; a youth. b. an impudent young fellow;
rebelled against and killed his uncle King Arthur 3. a. A tooth of a sprocket wheel. b. Nautical any of the ridges
on the barrel of a windlass or capstan. v. whelped, whelping,
Affinity n. pl. affinities 1. a natural attraction, liking, or feeling whelps
of kinship; 2. relationship by marriage; 3. an inherent similarity
between persons or things; 4. Biology a relationship or
resemblance in structure between species that suggests a
common origin; 5. Immunology the attraction between an antigen
and an antibody;6. Chemistry an attraction or force between
particles that causes them to combine. adj affinitive

Reign n reign the time during which a king or queen rules: In

the reign of Queen Victoria. v 1 . to rule, as a king or queen: The
king reigned (over his people) for forty years; 2  to be present or
exist: Silence reigned at last.

Trinity n. pl. trinities a group consisting of three closely related

members. Also called triunity. n trinity Theology In most
Christian faiths, the union of three divine persons, the Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit, in one God. Also called trine.

Kinship n. kinship 1. connection by blood, marriage, or

adoption; family relationship; 2. relationship by nature or
character; affinity; 3. the state of having common characteristics
or a common origin

Urchin n urchin a mischievous, usually dirty or ragged, child,

especially a boy: He was chased by a crowd of urchins.

Dwell v dwell to live (in a place): She dwelt in the middle of a

dark forest. n dwelling a house, flat etc. v dwell on to think or
speak about something for a long time: It isn't a good thing to
dwell on your problems.

Orphanage n. orphanage 1. a public institution for the care and

protection of children without parents.; 2. the condition of being
a child without parents(orphan).

Heirloom n. heirloom 1. a valued possession passed down in a

family through succeeding generations; 2. an article of personal
property included in an inherited estate; 3. a cultivar of a
vegetable or fruit that is open-pollinated and is not grown widely
for commercial purposes. An heirloom often exhibits a
distinctive characteristic such as superior flavor or unusual

Turf n turf 1.  rough grass and the earth it grows out of: He
walked across the springy turf; 2 .(a usually square piece of)
grass and earth: We laid turf in our garden to make a lawn. v
1 .to cover with turf(s): We are going to turf that part of the
garden; 2. to throw: We turfed him out of the house.

Lout n lout a clumsy, ill-mannered boy or man. adj loutish

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