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Name : Aisya Az Zahra

NIM : E1A020282

Class :D

1. What may unjust laws be used for?

For personal gain or of personal disagreement.
2. According to the text, what is civil disobedience?
The deliberate and public violation of an unjust law as a means of protest.
3. Who was the chief theoretician of civil disobedience movement?
Henry David Thoreau.
4. What famous activists of this movement are mentioned in the text?
Martin Luther King, the famous leader of civil rights movement.
5. What were the most important merits of Martin Luther King?
Promoted non-violent methods for racial equality.
6. Do you agree that unjust law should be disobeyed? Why (why not)?
I agree, as a means of protest to change them after unjust laws have been enacted.
7. What may be the reasons for creating unjust laws?
Unjust laws often used by one group to mistreat another group.
8. Can you think of any other methods of changing unjust laws?
Making works is like creating a song so that their opinion is heard.
9. What would happen to the society if everyone who thought a law was unjust broke it?
There was chaos and damages society.
10. Give your comments on the King’s statement presented in the last paragraph of the text.
I agree because if we don't act like that the government will not respond and the unjust laws
will not be changed.

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