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Day, month, year, date, time

Read the following dialogue

Barry : Hi Kent. How do you do?

Kent : I am fine, and you?
Barry : Me too.
By the way, do you have free time on Saturday?
Kent : Hmmmmm. OF TIME
I am free in the morning, but I have schedule at 14.00
Barry : Wow. You look so busy.
I hope we can finish our English task on Saturday.

On the dialogue above you can see the use of “on” “in” and “at”

 At  : is used to show exact time. untuk waktu yang sudah pasti/tepat (jam).
 On : is used to show days or dates. untuk hari (days), tanggal (dates)
 In : 1. is used to show month, year, seasons (untuk bulan, tahun, abad, jangka waktu yang
panjang, musim, waktu)
2. Is used to show time (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the night)

Another Example :
AT I wake up AT 07.00.
I sleep AT night. (at boleh dipakai morning, afternoon, night tapi tanpa “the”)
ON I will meet Sarah ON Sunday.
I was born ON June 4th 1991.
IN The school starts IN January.
I Sleep IN THE night.

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