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Water Treatment Plants

1. Drinking Water Plants

2. Waste Water Treatment Plants

1. Drinking Water Treatment Plant

Process ;
1. Coagulation Process (mixing of chemicals in water)
2. Flocculation (staring/moving water in constant speed)
3. Sedimentation (bottom collection or top collection)
4. Filtration (bacterial removal-sand filter use-after coming out of sand filter water should have the
clarity of about 0.3 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)) or Activated carbon filter use (It
improve odor and taste of water )
5. Disinfection (Chlorine treatment (majorly use in US) /ozone treatment /ultra violate(UV)
radiation treatment)
Cl compounds (Chlorine dioxide and Monochloramine) kill microorganism (but these chemicals
can react with other organics materials in water to create disinfection biproducts which are
harmfull to humans ) even with all of chlorine is using all over the world as it kill pathogens in
water at plant but chlorine present in tab water to kill max amounts of pathogen at any stage.
UV treatment ( dose not kill the bacteria but make it impossible to reproduce so make them
Ozone treatment ( adding ozone to water called ozonation which kill the bacteria in water also
improve the oddor and taste of water)
6. Test
7. Constant pressure of 40psi in the outlet pipe must be maintained (1ft in elevation change of
water pipeline will cause 0.433psi pressure increase or decrease in pressure)

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