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This song was written by Moira Dela Torre. It is very popular in today’s generation.
Surely, everyone can relate to the utmost pain of letting go someone you held on to for long, you
built dreams with, and loved for like forever. The song is seemingly about a person who is in
love with this someone who doesn’t love him back. It talks about being the right person but
staying with the wrong one only to have no other way but to let that person go for it surely won’t
work out. The saddest part in life is letting someone go for their happiness and that someone is
the person you wish to spend your lifetime with.

This song Paubaya makes me realized that we must trust the Lord for His plans are better
than what is ours. Paubaya means letting God move to your life and continue on trusting his will.
Yes it is hard that sometimes He need to broke us for us to see the goodness of his plan but when
you start to open your eyes and heart, you will begin to see the better plan His working.

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