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1. Raster Graphic will shows jagged edges when we zoom or maka it bigger than the
real one. Vector Graohic won’t lose its quality when we make it bigger or zoom it.
2. Raste Graphic (JPEG, GIF, TIFF). Vector Graphic (EPS)
3. Combining parts of different images to create a singke image.
4. To design everything from aero planes and building to consumer products.
5. To save a lot of time and money. Cause failed design won’t cost money.
6. CAD (Computer Aided Design) and GIS (Geographic Information System)
7. Animator. Animators use computer animation software to create animated cartoons or
add effects in movies and video games.
1. Resolution = (E) The number of pixels in an image
2. Jagged = (D) Irregular or Uneven
3. Filters = (A) Special effects that can be applied to pictures
4. Wireframe = (F) To drawins of a model by using features like edges or contour lines
5. Rendering = (B) A technique that generates realistic reflections, shadows and
6. Fractals = (C) Geometrical figures with special properties
1. Gerunds
2. Adjective
3. Gerunds
4. Present Participle
5. Gerunds
6. Gerunds
1. Create => Creating
2. Add => Adding
3. Click => Clicking
4. To perform => Performing
5. Test => Testing, to make => Making
6. To render => Rendering
1. Painting
2. Select
3. Make
4. Clicking
5. Draw
6. Drawing
7. Rotating
8. Turning
9. Scaling
1. Adobe InDesign, QuarkXPress or PDF
2. DTP Software is a combination of several function but Word processors just for
processing word only
3. Portable Document Format, it allows people to view, search and print documents
exactly as the publisher intended.
4. Adobe Acrobat Reader (Free For Download)
5. Be cause CTP (Computer-To-Plate) machines are expensive.
1. A User-Friendly Desktop publishing software
2. A reliable young hardware company
3. A German Industry graphic design
4. A modern word processing applications
5. A new Portable Sony Music Player

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