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Analisa CPO

No. Parameter Referensi Standard Alat Reagen / bahan Keterangan

tabung kapiler gelas (panjang 5-80 mm , 1
1 Analisa Titik Leleh SNI 01-2891-1992 mm 1.d, 2 mm o.d max) kertas saring

Thermometer (skala -2 C sd 68 C atau -2 C

Cara Uji Makanan dan minuman aquadest
sd 80 C)
Gelas piala 600 mL
penangas air
lemari es
2 Analisa Moisture Content ISO 662-2016 Oven -
Petridish diameter 5 cm
Animal and Vegetable fats and
oils - Determination of moisture
and Volatile matter content Desikator

N-hexan / petrolium eter /

3 Analisa Impurities content ISO 663:2017 Cawan Gooch (Kaca mesir) No. G.2
petrolium Benzin
Animal and Vegetable fats and pompa vacum
oils - Determination of insoluble
impurities Content penangas air / waterbatch
Gelas piala 250 mL
4 Analisa Free Fatty Acid (FFA) ISO 660:2020 Buret NaOH 0.1 N
Animal and vegetable fats and Erlenmeyer 250 mL etanol 96%
oils - Determination of acid value
and acidity indikator PP
5 Analisa iodin Value ISO 3961:2018 Buret Cyclohexan Acetic Acid 1:1
Animal and vegetable fats and Erlenmeyer 250 mL pelarut Wijs
oils - Determination of iodine KI 10%
value tio sulfat 0.1 N
iso-octane (titik didih 40-60 C)
6 Analisa Deterioration of PORIM (Palm Oil Research Labu ukur 25 mL atau n-heksan (konsentrasi 0.5 -
Bleachability index (DOBI) Institute of Malaysia) 1995 15%)
ISO 17932:2011 Neraca analitik
Palm oil - Determination of the
deterioration of bleachability spektrofotometer UV-VIS
index (DOBI) and carotene

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