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Tahun kelahiran 1998

Jenis Kelamin Perempuan
Status Pernikahan Belum Menikah
Telepon 085358523426
Alamat Huta I Landbouw, Kec. Bandar

Ringkasan Profile I’m a person who’s organized, focused, and thorough about the work.
I’m also a person who likes learning new things and likes challenges.
Even so I’m a realistic person when setting a goal and try to be better
and efficient in achieving the goal.

Riwayat Pendidikan
1. Elementary school at MIS Al-Hikmah M.Bandar in 2004-2010

2. Junior High School in MTs Al-Hikmah M.Bandar in 2010-2013

3. Senior High School in MAN Simalungun in 2013-2016

4. S1 Information Systems at UIN Sultan syarif Kasim Riau majoring in

Information Systems in 2016-Now

Keahlian Mastering Ms Office such as Word, Excel, and Power Point.

Accustomed to working with computers.

Pengalaman Bekerja Fresh Graduate

Pengalaman Bekerja

Pendidikan Terakhir Sarjana / S1

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