Gramatical Features

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Gramatical Features

1. Simple Past Tense

 A molecule found in all living cells that contains the genetic material passed from
one generation to the next.
 She continued her education at Cambridge while working at the British Coal
Utilization Research Association, earning a Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry in
 During this period she performed important research on the physical structure of
coal and carbon.
 She learned how to use X-ray diffraction techniques to study the structure of
 She returned to London in 1951 to work with a team of scientists at King's
College in the University of London.
 This may have influenced Wilkin's decision to share some of Franklin's work
(without her ) with Watson and Crick of the University of Cambridge in January
 The graduate night school of the University of London.
 Work on live poliovirus was halted because of the high risk of contracting the
 In 1947 Franklin traveled to Paris where she spent three years at the Laboratoire
Central des Services Chimiques de l'Etat.
 Using a technique she invented, Franklin photographed the DNA molecule and
the results clearly showed DNA's helical structure.
2. Temporal Sequence
 Born in London, Franklin enrolled at Newnham College of the University of Cambridge in
1938, graduating in 1941
 In 1947 Franklin traveled to Paris where she spent three years at the Laboratoire Central des
Services Chimiques de l'Etat.
 At the time, no one else had been able to produce such photographs.
 A few months later, when the science journal Nature published Watson and Crick's paper on
the structure of DNA.
 In the last years of her life, Franklin studied the structure of the live poliovirus, despite the
risk of contracting polio.
 After her death from ovarian cancer.
 She continued her education at Cambridge while working at the British Coal Utilization
Research Association, earning a Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry in 1945.
 During this period she performed important research on the physical structure of coal and

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