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Persuasive essay writing can also be referred to as an argumentative essay.

This is because it uses

argument and cognition to drive a point home that one idea is more valid than another idea. It also tries to
convince a reader to embrace a certain idea. Therefore in persuasive essay, what are persuasive are the
arguments one tries to put across in order for his or her point to be adopted. When writing a persuasive
essay, you should always think about what is persuasive in the essay you are writing and always try to
avoid back loading your arguments that is to say that, the argument should be arranged in an ordered and
logical way. Also one should avoid relying on faulty logic and writing the essay without keeping your
audience in mind.
The main purpose for writing a persuasive essay is…show more content…
Here are some examples of persuasive essay topics: should school day hours be increased? Is society too
dependent on technology today? Should school uniforms be mandated? Should homework assigned to
students be limited? Do social media for example facebook create isolation? Should the government
increase the minimum wage? Should the university offer free transport to the student? Is smoking
cigarette harmful to your health? Should the government introduce corporal punishment in schools? Is it
important to do exercise every day? Should citizens be allowed to keep guns in their houses? Do we need
money in politics? Is classroom education important today? Are we ready for women

Throughout the semester, I have developed many skills and have greatly improved on my writing. At the
beginning of the year, I had no clue how to format a paper in APA. I had only used MLA format before this
year, so I was clueless. Also, I never knew how to correctly write an introduction. I did not know that an
introduction needed to include a hook. I knew that it needed a thesis statement but I was never writing my
thesis correctly, until this year. Finally, I never knew how to correctly include transitions.
The first skill I feel as if I have mastered is the skill of formatting in APA. I believe that I can now create my
title page and set my paper up in APA format easily and in a matter of seconds. I know that with the title
page you need…show more content…
I was never aware that a hook and a roadmap was needed in an introduction until this year. Now, a hook is
the first thing I come up with when starting my essay. It is a key component in the introduction. It is critical
to catch the attention of the readers, so I always make sure to include a rhetorical question, stat, or
personal experience. By referring to my persuasive essay, you can see that I started the essay off by asking
a series of rhetorical questions. In addition to including a hook, I now know how to correctly write a thesis
statement. I know that the thesis is the “so what?” of the essay, and that it tells the readers what they are
about to read about and why it is important. It also includes the roadmap of the essay, in the correct order
of how they are going to be talked about. In my Classification/Division essay, my thesis informs the reader
that if they recognize the different types of sports fans, they will be able to categorize themselves. Because
of Comp 1, I now know how to correctly write an introduction…show more content…
On my first paper (development by example), I did not include any transitions, and when I put my paper
into paper rater to check my grammar and spelling, I saw where it told me my transitions were very poor. I
then had to go through and reread my whole essay multiple times. Also, I did not know very many
transition words at the beginning of the year, therefore I have gained knowledge of many new transitional

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