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Business intelligence is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and finding the necessary

information in helping companies make the right business decisions. It is composed of different tools,
applications and methodologies that help companies collect data that helps them make business
efficient decisions. Its main goal is to improve the firms in general, in particular their access to the
necessary data to make their company more profitable and efficient. As mentioned in the article “How
to choose manufacturing software for business intelligence”, BI has many benefits such as accelerating
and improving decision-making; optimizing internal business processes; increasing operational
efficiency; driving new revenues; gaining competitive advantage over business rivals; assisting
companies in the identification of market trends; and spotting business problems that need to be
addressed. In other words, BI can also help you understand your customers on a deeper level. As Andre
Chaperon says “the business that succeeds the most is the one that understands its customers best”.
Finally, business intelligence gives firms the necessary data to identify sales trends and keep customers

According to, “NetCharts Performance Dashboards is an interactive,

web-based dashboard, business intelligence and data visualization solution designed and architected to
empower non-IT business users. Nearly all aspects of dashboard key performance indicator creation and
management are configurable by end users eliminating the IT bottleneck in most reporting processes”.
Dashboards are the tools that turn BI into visual representation, in order to facilitate the understanding
of individuals. Visualizations provide a better understanding of what’s going on in a company, while it is
happening. Dashboards can also help companies improve their BI, by not wasting any money on hiring
programmers to analyze their data, since they can do it themselves.

After looking through the different software listed in, the one that
caught my eye was Rivery Software. At a first glance, I noticed that Rivery is a cloud based solution that
was rated 5 stars and was not as pricy. Rivery provides BI tools to automate and manage data and can
be used for companies that are small, medium or even large. What also made me interested about this
software tool is that it can add multiple clients’ accounts in the system by combining data from different
sources. I also like the fact that Rivery facilitates the integration with other applications such as
Amplitude, Avantlink, Google AdWords, Hubspot, MailChimp, Instagram and more. In conclusion, I know
that the cloud has revolutionized the way data can be stored, processed and managed, therefore Rivery
is the one software that capture my interest the most. The five benefits Rivery offers is simplicity, speed,
cost, scale and control.

Location intelligence uses special information to empower understanding, decision making. It

has applications everywhere. Location based insights are used in many ways. They can create safe and
more efficient supply chains, help us better understand the trajectory of hurricanes, floods, and reduce
damages and injuries. Location intelligence organizations allow all participants to create, manage and
share information, making them smarter, more productive and efficient. Some businesses already used
location intelligence to gain a competitive edge, create market opportunities, and, in other words,
succeed. Moreover, has three tabs; solutions, products and services. The solutions tab
gives information about the shipment, the industries (retail, finance, insurance...) and it gives insights
and analytics. The product tab describes the products that are sold.
After visiting, I came across many products under the category of analytics and fraud.
One of these products is FICO® Falcon® Platform. This product is powered by a portfolio of fraud-specific
machine learning techniques. It understands customer behavior, adapts to new trends and promotes
new experiences. FICO® Analytic Consulting helps companies attain the best predictive models, all the
while improving profitability. FICO® Application Fraud Manager helps stop fraud at the point of
origination, it reduces losses, in real time with artificial intelligence. Predictive analytics is driven by data.
Then we apply some analysis and some analytics techniques which drive to future insights. This helps
predict the future and make informed decisions concerning risk and opportunity, it helps explain events
based on data, using modeling techniques and machine learning. It helps explain trends, discover
patterns, based on data.

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