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Definición de Indicadores Ambiental

Fase 1 - Identificar Conceptos Básicos De Los Indicadores



Yurleidis De armas Rincón- Código: 1091661404




Silvia Alejandra Trujillo

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Ingenieria Ambiental

13 de febrero de 2021

An environmental indicator is a parameter or value derived from

parameters that provides information to describe the state of a
phenomenon, environment or area, with a meaning that goes beyond that
directly associated with the value of the parameter itself. The importance
of the indicators lies in the use that can be made of them. Ideally, they
should inform decision makers or users, help them clarify an issue, and
discover the relationships between its components, all of which lead to
better-informed decisions. They are also an excellent information tool for
the public because, accompanied by a good communication strategy, they
illustrate concepts and scientific information, contributing to
understanding the issues and helping society take a more active role in
solving environmental problems.

Nowadays, the tendency to have indicator systems is more and more

common, despite not being completely clear about the objectives pursued
with them, which also increases the risk that these efforts are little used.
It is important to note that, for an indicator system to really fulfill its
function, there must be associated with it an information system that
ensures it has data for updates and a team that continuously reviews,
updates or modifies the indicators to maintain their usefulness. The
country's natural assets face different challenges, and the actions of the
State are aimed at taking advantage of them efficiently and responsibly.
The variations and changes that the environment presents affect the living
conditions of the population; and also to the different productive,
economic and social activities.

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Orjuela, A. S., Vallejo, O. D., & Mejía, M. I. (2017).
Environmental excellence district program assessment according
to the strategy self-management promotion of the sustainable
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