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a)) What are the facts exposed in the reading?

Canada is experiencing much more serious global warming, being twice as intense as the global
warming of the rest of the world (1.7 ° since 1948 compared to 0.8 ° of the global average).

The temperature in Canada will continue to rise for at least the next 2 decades, despite whatever
efforts are made now to stop it.

Canada suffers and will continue to suffer some consequences of global warming such as rising sea
levels, shrinking glaciers and Arctic ice cover, increased risk of summertime water shortages and
more frequent droughts, floods and wildfires.

b)) Actions to avoid Global warming (Government and Society)


Governments aim to reach "net zero" by 2050, and for that, global greenhouse gases must be
around 45% below 2010 levels for the next 12 years.

Pricing carbon emissions in order to promote the use of cleaner energy and technologies.


Recycle to decrease the amount of garbage that will be burned in landfills

Raise awareness about the serious consequences of global warming.

Reduce the use of electrical appliances, disconnecting them at the same time we stop using them

Avoid using the car as much as possible, walking for short distances and using public transport
more frequently

c) Give an opinion about your partner´s comment

I completely agree with Brittany. Large companies such as clothing and cell phones are more
concerned with selling than reducing their environmental impact, generating a lot of garbage in
the future by creating too much "brand clothing" or "cell phones of the year" that will probably be
discarded before they actually become useless. Besides, the manufacturing process is just as
polluting. For this reason, as she says, it’s necessary that we ourselves make ourselves aware that
what we buy is really necessary.

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