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Essay 1 pg 10 N4

As we are talking aboud the tv program “strict parents”I would say that it’s not
the program that I want to watch,I don’t think that program about patents and
their children is interesting for people who don’t have any problems with their
parents or children.
So now about parents in my country. In y coutru kinda old parents are strict
because they grow up in very different time and they have different view on
raising a child and younger parents are more on a teenager side,they’re trying
hard to understand us and They try to raise us differently from them.
To conclude,I don’t want to watch this tv program and parents in my country
are different in rasing a child.

Essay 2
Do you prefer reading books or watching a films in the original version or in
your own language?why?
Reading books and watching films is interesting for everyone,but they are
different they both can be the original version or translated one.i think the
translated one is realy difficult to read,because they can de translated different
from the original it good? Absolutely no.
First of all,the original version is always better then translated ones. In the
original version there is mostly more information than in the translated one. In
the original version of the movies you understand the content better.
Secondly, If the information in the book is not translated exactly as in the
original version we will not understand the content as in the movies, But
translators in movies mostly do not translate words accurately while in the
book they lack information
To sum up,its up to you to deside read books or watching films in the original
version and get information correctly or read and watch it translated and all
you get is lack of information or accuracy.
Essay 3
How important do you think it is in your country to learn English?why?
Nowadays, People mostly need their native language and international language
English to start working in a job where their salary will be enough to make a
First of all, you mostly need English at work because it is convenient to serve
tourists, but English is needed not only in service relationships but also
abroad.Can a tourist come to you at any time and ask you anything, even where
the subway is? And you can not answer it, you can not help him\her.
Secondly, You may not need English at work or abroad, but that does not mean
that you do not need to know English at all. You may need it at any time, but
you just do not know it.
To conclude,its your choise to learn English or not but it will be good if you
know at least a little English.

Essay 4
My name is Sabiana im 15 years old im from Georgia and my mother_tongue is
Georgian.apart from Georgian I can speak English and Russian.i started learnin
English at 5th grade I was 9 years old,I starten learn Russian in 1st grade and
before 1st grade I was watching programs on the moment I study
English at high school I study a lot of grammar and vocabulary.we don’t
translate a lot . outside a school I don’t speak much English because I don’t need
English outside for that time I speak in English at my English teacher on
Mondays and Thursdays.i watch film and series on English and I listen to
English songs because I need it in the future. I make few mistakes in speaking
and in writing but Im sure that after a long practice I will do a better job.
Essay 5
"Animal experimentation is acceptable because of the benefits it could provide
for humans in the future"
Issues related to animal experimentation are frequently discussed these days,
particularly in the media. It is often said that animals should not be used in
testing because it is cruel and unnecessary. This essay will examine the
arguments for and against animal testing.

On the one hand, the people who support these experiments say that we must
do tests on animals. For instance, many famous lifesaving drugs were invented
in this way, and animal experiments may help us to find more cures in the
future. Indeed, possibly even a cure for cancer and AIDS. Furthermore, the
animals which are used are not usually wild but are bred especially for
experiments. Therefore, they believe it is not true that animal experiments are
responsible for reducing the number of wild animals on the planet.
On the other hand, others feel that there are good arguments against this. First
and foremost, animal experiments are unkind and cause animals a lot of pain. In
addition, they feel that many tests are not really important, and in fact animals
are not only used to test new medicines but also new cosmetics, which could be
tested on humans instead. Another issue is that sometimes an experiment on
animals gives us the wrong result because animals’ bodies are not exactly the
same as our own. As a consequence, this testing may not be providing the safety
that its proponents claim.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion, on balance, that the benefits do not

outweigh the disadvantages, and testing on animals should not continue.
Although it may improve the lives of humans, it is not fair that animals should
suffer in order to achieve this.

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