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Possible Questions About your topic

1 / If you couldn´t get to be a teacher what profesional career would you

choose and why ?

2/ What main differences are there between being educated in a public and
being educated in a private school ?
In my view, public schools in Spain are quite good. Personally , I have
always been studying in a public school and I found that the possibilities
were good. However, I believe that sometimes, in private schools, Teachers
can be more helpful and follow the children more because a private school
has to get good results.
3/ If you could have studied abroad, which country would you have chosen
and why ?

4/ Why do you think children and teenagers give up on their schooling in

Andalusia ?

I believe the main factor is they live in small villages where the
unemployment rate is high. If they can study they will further their
education in a bigger city but if their family is pressuring them to come
and work with them , then they tend to give up quicker . Nowadays, in my
village, a lot more teenagers get out of town to go and study.

5/Do you think that teaching methods will eventually change in Spain ?
Well , it is difficult to change mentalities and it can´t be done in one day !
Governements need to look at other countries such as Finland as I was
mentioning and modernize education. If they take the welfare of the
children in account, I ´m sure it will change in a few years. I hope I can
contribute to it !

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