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 Aviator’s Fracture : a coronal-plane fracture of the neck of the talus resulting from
forced dorsiflexion of ankle.

 Bankart’s Fracture : an injury of the anterior (inferior) glenoid labrum of shoulder

due to anterior shoulder dislocation

 Barton’s Fracture : an intraarticular fracture of the distal radus with dislocation of

the radiocarpal joint

 Bennet’s Fracture : a fracture of the base of the first metacarpal bone

whichextends into the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint

 Bosworth Fracture : fracture of distal fibula with posterior dislocation of the

proximal fibula behind the tibia

 Boxer’s Fracture : fracture of neck of little metacarpal

 Bumper Fracture : compression fracture of lateral tibial plateau

 Chance Fracture : horizontal fracture of vertebral body

 Chauffeur’s Fracture : intra-articular fracture of radial styloid

 Chopart’s Fracture : foot dislocation through talonavicular and calcaneocuboid

joints with associated fractures, usually after ankle twisting.treated in a non weight
bearing cast for 6–8 weeks

 Clay Shoveller’s Fracture: spinous process fracture of C6, C7 or T1

 Colles Fracture : distal radius fracture with dorsal angulation, impaction and

radial drift

 Cedell Fracture : Posterior talar process fracture with injury to

the posteromedial tubercle caused by forced dorsiflexion and pronation

 Duverney’s Fracture : distal radius fracture with dorsal angulation, impaction and

radial drift

 Dupuytren Fracture : bimalleolar fracture caused by a combined abduction external

rotation from an eversion force.

 Essex-Lopresti Fracture: comminuted radial head fracture with interosseous

membrane disruption and distal radioulnar joint subluxation

 Felix Fracture : is a Classification of Periprosthetic Fractures of the Tibia

Associated with Total Knee Arthroplasty

 Galleazi Fracture : a fracture of the middle to distal one-third of the radius
associated with dislocation or subluxation of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ)

 Gosselin Fracture : a V-shaped fracture of the distal tibia with extension into the
tibial plafond, dividing it into anterior and posterior segments.

 Hangman’s Fracture : fracture of both pedicles of C2

 Hill-Sachs fracture : impacted posterior humeral head fracture occurring during

anterior shoulder dislocation

 Holstein-Lewis Fracture: fracture of the distal third of the humerus resulting in

entrapment of the radial nerve

 Holdsworth Fracture : unstable spinal fracture-dislocation at the thoracolumbar


 Hume Fracture : olecranon fracture with anterior dislocation of radial head

 Hutchinson’s Fracture: intra-articular fractures of the radial styloid process. The

radial styloid is within the fracture fragment, although the fragment can vary
markedly in size.

 Ideberg Fracture : Categorizing scapula fractures involving the glenoid fossa.

 Jones : Fracture of base of 5th metatarsal extending into intermetatarsal joint

 Jefferson : Fracture of first cervical vertebrae

 Le fort : Fracture of midface which collectively involve separation of
all or portion of the midface from the skull base
 Lisfranc fracture : an injury of of the foot in which one or moreof the metatarsal bone
are displaced from the tarsus

 Monteggia Fracture : Proximal ulna fracture with dislocation of radial head

 Maissonneuve Fracture: Spiral fracture of proximal fibula

 Malgaigne Fracture : Vertical pelvic fracture through both pubic rami and

the ilium or sacroiliac joint with vertical displacement

 March Fracture : Stress fracture of a metatarsal shaft

 Moore Fracture : Distal radius fracture with ulnar dislocation and entrapment of

styloid process under annular ligament

 Neer Fracture : Proximal humeral fracture

 Odontoid Fracture : Fracture of odontoid process.

 Pipkin Fracture : Posterior dislocation of hip with avulsion fracture of fragment
of femoral head by the ligamentum teres

 Potts Fracture : Bimalleolar fracture of the ankle

 Rolando Fracture : Intra articular comminuted fracture of base of first metacarpal

 Runners Fracture : Stress fracture of distal fibula 3–8 cm above the lateral


 Salter-Harris Fracture : Fractures involving a growth plate

 Segond Fracture : Lateral tibial plateau avulsion fracture with anterior cruciate
ligament tear

 Shepherds Fracture : Fracture of the lateral tubercle of the posterior process of the

 Smith’s Fracture : Distal radius fracture with volar displacement

 Stieda Fracture : Avulsion fracture of the medial femoral condyle at the origin
of the medial collateral ligament

 Tillaux Fracture : Salter–Harris III fracture of the tibia

 Toddler’s Fracture : Undisplaced spiral fracture of distal tibia in children under 8

years old

 Zirconia Fractue : Fracture of Zirconia Crown

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