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NIM : 1941720012
DATE : 23 MARCH 2020

1. It informs you that the audio is off.

2. It asks you if/whether you to logout.
3. If requires you to enter the verification number.
4. It informs you that the copy of Microsoft is not activated.
5. If asks you if/whether you want to save your changes to ‘document_assignment’.
6. Cold -> to search the words that begin with “C”, the end with “ld”.
7. Paulo, Pauli -> to search the words that begin with “Paul”, then end with letter “i” and
8. If you drop that pen, it might break.
9. If I have time, I will finish the assignment.
10. If I study hard, I will pass the exam.
11. If you don’t submit your assignment, you will get bad score.
12. If I have money, I may buy a new laptop.
13. Captain Zap hacked into the Whitehouse and Pentagon in 1981.
14. 8 years later a teenager hacker cracked the US defence system.
15. John Drapper arrested in 1972 but wasn’t sent to prison.
16. The IBM International network paralysed by Christmas Message in 1987.
17. In 2006, hackers stole the credit cards for the amount of 20,000 At&T online customers.
18. A Canadian hacker launched a massive denial service attack against websites like Yahoo!
and Amazon.
19. The Guardian published the first of Edward Snowden’s revelation in 2014.
20. Edward Snowden revealed the documents about the secret mass surveillance programs
done by the US Government.
21. Designed
22. Recorded, Carried
23. Recognized
24. Generated
25. Enabled

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