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Calumpita, Ron Ron R.

January 25, 2021

IR-157 2020-1-01101

Renaissance to Enlightenment Period: Significance in the study of International


Through time, things evolve very quickly, and its significance is essential
in today's time. Historians and researchers found studies about past events.
However, we all know that some are just theories that needed to be proven.
Yes, the past helped shape the present, but how exactly are we going to
appreciate these past events and help develop our future. Arts and Literature,
Economics, Treaty of Westphalia, and the Age of Enlightenment are the things
that think have a significance in International Relation study.

Art is vast, and so is the literature. Art is a physical expression of creativity,

and literature is considered a form of art; basically, they are interconnected.
Through centuries, arts and literature evolve rapidly, from styles, forms,
techniques, and types. With those things' history, culture, tradition, and
contribution of different countries studied. Through arts and literary works, we
can record, preserve, and transmit knowledge. The value of it inspires a new
pathway of new experiences.

So, during the 1600s, mercantilist policies adopted by most European nations.
They all wanted to export more than to import. In exchange, they will receive
gold. As time went by, democracy and free trade destroyed Mercantilism in the
late 1700s. American and French revolutions formalized large nations ruled by
democracy, and they endorsed capitalism. Moreover, Mercantilism introduces
the foundation for today's nationalism and protectionism. Nations felt they lost
power because of globalism and the interdependence of free trade.

In 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia endorsed. It marked the end of the Thirty
Years' War and the end of the Holy Roman Empire. The Westphalian Treaty
introduced the principle of political balance. It intends to preserve the existing
political situation and the distribution of the forces. The states' sovereignty,
equality, and non-intervention were the primary concerns of the Treaty.
Although much criticized, the Westphalian model became universal and
accepted. During our time, its significance can observe in various fields. Among
them are the global economy, international safety, and humanitarian activity.
When the time in the 18th century, the Enlightenment occurred. It is known as
the time that significant change and new ideas occurred. Essentially, this was
when many great philosophers across Europe began to ask in terms of the
conventional authority and accept the idea of rational thinking to enforce a
significant change in our society. This intellect arguably initiated a cultural
shift that was visible in art, science, and politics. Thus, lots of modern ideas
and concepts are embedded in this philosophy. Besides, the Enlightenment
helped to set up theories and laws that were proven to be true. These theories
and laws became known to all people and became the basis for thinking.

In conclusion, as time went by, our world becomes smaller and smaller
because of lack of interaction due to rapid evolution technology. International
Relation is fascinating to study. Learning about other people's cultures and
interacting with them, politicians and diplomats can make exchanges more
productive and beneficial. As the developing world grows, new countries are
becoming more prominent players on the international stage. Moreover, we
need to help each other to have a better world we always want.

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