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Sessional # 1

Muhammad Umar Farooq

Fatima Ahmad

Date; 10/19/2020
What impact does Entrepreneurship have on your natural environment? What
does it have on sustaining local communities?

Entrepreneurship means earning the profit by setting up a business thorugh taking financial risk.

Impact on Natural Environment:

There are many negative impacts of entrepreneurship on the natural environment. The natural
environment consist of plants, animals, land, air, wood etc. It creates the pollution in the land and
causes diseases. Land become polluted. Some people started their businesses in the places which
is fertile through which the most of the fertile land is now contimated due to pollution. The
machineries that are used they made the water pollution and air pollution. Through air pollution,
mercury emission is increases 70-90 percant. The land and air pollution inceases day by day. The
pollution is deceases because of COVID, everthing is closed due to which the ecosystem of the
world. Entrepreneurship may need specific areas for specialized dry cask storage of spent fuel
rods. Pollution and pollutants discharged to surface water from power plants can result in
adverse water quality effects.

Impact on sustaining Local community:

A community that reflects the issues of economic, social and environment by acknowleding the
region, city or state without harming any land, water or air resources that support them. Through
the water, air and land pollution the local community is effected heavily. The smog, toxic water
and soil erioson made the local community to suffer. The local community lives near industrial
area. The main reason is that industries are located at the fertile land instead of unfertile land
through which major diseases occurs because in these areas, the water is contimated with toxic
chemicals and the smog that occurs from their chimneys directly effects the heart of the
individual and causes cancer, heart attack or made them a heart patient.

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