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50 Recit. Donna Elvira. (alone) _ _ + \ B <—-—a— be = =e St + i Sy Mm qhe-sfa for-ma dun-que thi tra-diil scel-fe -ra- to! & questoil To think my love was yield-ed, not to love or de - sire, bat® to ob- 2 Teomio che quelbar-ba -ro ren-deall’a - mor mi - of Ah, ven-di-car vo - session! That is worse than I ev- er had im ~ ag- ined. Venge-ance a-lone he In-gan -na - tomio cor! priacheimifug-ga, si ri - cor-ra, si re sent by Heaven to gli-o merits! And I’d felt that my love gave me a_pow-er 2 it Ee ous sol ven-det-{a par-lar, rab-bia @ dispet -to! T shall love him no more; _ nev-er shall T weak-en! ——_—_ ya-da; iosentoin pet-to save him, although he left me. ———— & No 5.“Giovine tte, che fate all’ amore... Duet and Chorus. Scene.—The open Country. Zerlina, Masetto, and Chorus of Villagers, dancing and singing. Allegro. +4917 turning to the maidens. who press shout her, while Masetto, Zerlina.on the other side, is surrounded by the lads.) | of Gio-vi - net -{e, che fa-tdall'a - mo- fe, che fa-teall’ a - jets Pret-ty maid with your grac-es a - dorn-ing’the dew-spangle e, on la. -d morn. ing, The red. = FL tr SS oh: Fug. stia-te, che as-Si fe - ta, che pas-si Te - ta, che pas-si Te - tal rose and the white fade a- way, Both wither a-way, All fade in a eel day. Of your se-to ¥i bu-li-ctil co - fe, Vi bu- li-eall co - te, i) fis Pride and un-kind-ness re - lent - ing, to kiss - es con ~ sent- ing, All the me-dio ve-de-fe-lo qual pains of your shep-herd al - lay, cer, che piacer che sa- rat iipeniixsy cuck-00 ae o-ver the may. (the maidens form a ring, and dance arow 14 Zerlins Chorus. SOPRANO ¢ ALTO. ie-cer che Ba- cenche ae conver the Ab} —_—__—— AAS the cuck- 00 —~, nL 7 Tut] be Masetto. (to the lads) ™ Gio-vi = net - ti leg-gieri “a What is youth-ful de - Tala-Ik- Fela - Ja, loth - feta - la! = may.Falala la lasFg la lala la 2 a te-sta, leg-gie-r: di ie-sta, non an-da-le gi-ran-do di qui e le feather that veers with the weather, But a fan-cy\that wanders a -stray, ‘This way, that li,_e qui e po-co du-ra demat-ti la fe-sta, demat-ti la way,This way, that way Then if one from the day of their meet-ing Stay true to his Te. sta, ma perme co-min-cla-to non ha, co -min-cla- to non sweet ing, Let us crownthem with laurel and bay: With a- ho and a a i ia - hi ene sa - ral heigh, —_______— che pia- cer, che piacer Chorus, TENORS BASS. ‘As the cuck-oo flies o-ver the may. NOR & BASS. (ring and dance) Certs | ree flo oy = 58 che pia~ cer, che pia-cer che sa ta; Ih-lt . As the cuck=o0 flies 0 = ver the may.Be iy rk > Has Tall fe SmeyFa Ta tag ta’ Fahy eit Sf > fp (Zerlina and Masetto leave the groups andadvance to cents ina. where the ypung chorus forms a great Ting around ieee ee Vie-ni, vie-ni¢a -ti-no, go - dia smo, Let us turn, let us twist with a © can- tiamo.e Wal- fama, mo-tion, Quick and live= ly as fish" e Suo- _Masetto, in the ™ Vie-ni,” vie-ni” cari - no, go - dia-mo, e can Tis Let us turn, let us m2 twist with a mo-tion, Quick and live bal-Tiamo,e suo yas fish in the Ta, Ven ~ ia-mo. Vie-ni, vie-hi ¢a-Fi - ho, £o ~ dla -mo, che pia - eer, che pia-cer che sa~ o-cean, The two halves of a sin-gle de - vo=tign, Ag the cuckoo flies o-ver the nia-mo, vie-ni, vie-ni cari -no, go - dia - mo, che pia - cenche pia-cer chesa~ o-cean, The two halves of a sin- gle de vo-tion, Asthe cuck-oo flies 0 - ver the _ - i ia - che sa - che pia - cer, che pis - der ‘As the cuckoo flies 0 ~ ver the ia - cer,che pia-cer che sa ~ 7 the cuck-o0 flies o - ver the ot ra! may. M. = rel (D. Giovanni and Leporello come out of may: = | the villa; both stop to look ons) OPR.t ALTO. —, : 3 Ah, che gia clr, che pia-cer che sa- ® Ani ‘As the | cuck-o0 flies o - ver the ° , ; a TENO) & BASS, a 7 o 7 — Ah, che pia- cer, che pia-cer che sa- NE ct As the cuck-g0 flies o - ver the x a sok La-la - re-la -| la, Fale la la | le - lay la- - Te- la - la Fa ila ila la —. la, re-la-la, fe-la-| la! la lala la Ia la | Ja. a, rela-la, rela - lel lk bbl la . . pn. glia. — Recit. Don Giovanni. (to Leporello.) Po “at fo 2 oh mar ‘Man-co malee par-ti-ta). Oh guarda, guarda che bart (There's no sign of that nuisance. What h: WellnowiSome hor SO eae ee : Leporello. don-ne! (Fra tan - fe, Her mia 8, visa - 1 qual sche e co -saan-che love -ly! (So__long _as there are lots, he may leave one or two Be ee Don Giovanni. (stepping bevgeen beri and Masetto, while Leporello turns to the maidens) i p-—s — ———_—_s .—* = me), Ca -ria-mi - ei, buon gior-io! se-gul= tas ie; me.) _To you all, _a’_good_morn-ing! Please don’t stop Str ay = men-te, _se-gui-ta-tea suo-nar, 0 buo-na gen-tel Oe qualche spo-sa -li - zi? my sake; I adore these un-tutored counsry leas-ures! Is__this all for a wedding? ON Zerlina. (with a self-satisfied curtsey.) jon Glovanat. ee 2h = i, Signo fe, fa spo-ga son 4-6. Me ne con-ay -lo- Yo Yes, it_is, sir; with my-self_as_ the bride, sit Fer-vent good wish-es!__ The Masetto. (with scrape.) Don Giovanni. paps ne atts spo - so? Jo, per ser -vir - la. th, bra - vo! per ser-vir- iestd 6 bridegroom? Me, at your, Serva ioe like that! __At_my_serv- Your sim- E = eporello. Zerlina. a or Oni aie Ma - - | “lant -uo imo. (Ba-sta,che sia ma-ri - to)! Ohl mic ple? - y v o fe thats nhl (No ble e = nough to cuckold!) No one’s more nro oN a io che Sia-mqa- =e un co= F0._ Ohanchiione - ca ee bbe. friends for = & m dot - ti - fio n-er-ous than my dear SS 2 i aa (to Zerlina.) Zerlina. Don Giovanni. | Masetto. bp —e—# 2 -# are 28. se Pee #6 = = =| miei; il vo-stro no - me? der ~ tha Ell t-0? Ma ev -er! What is your name, dear?’ _Zer - ]i - na. And you are? Ma- $- ——— - : a i —— 2. (inking arms with Masetto, the other arm around Zerlipas waist.) ENO Don Giovanni. : wee — : “5 — a fh oP SS SS S| St 0 casrojl mio Ma - set-to! ca-ra la mia Zer- li - nal set - to. My __ex-cel - lent__Ma_- Sgt 7 fo. my _un = ex-celled Zer - li - na, = = = = = 7 (To Leporello, who is amongst oe # pg ee ee st - (ESS Se fase Ta inla provte vai > 0 = ne! Lo ~ po -rel - fo! Tam pleased to. of - fer you my pro - tec-tion! Le - po-rel - lo! = ce = = a8 — the peasant-girls) e 2 Leporello. + oe + = SS CBE a —- SSe4 = = 2 sta fal ii, bir-bo- ne? Andy io, ¢a-10 pa-dro-ne, ¢ - si - Whatdo you think you're doing? 1 __think that_I_was pleased, sir, _to_be SSS = Don Giovanni. —b pr Disco le miaprote-zi-6-1e. Pre-sto va concostor; nel mio pa-laz-Z0_ don- _.of fering these girls my pro-tecttion. You have_ng time for that. You'll go _at_once to_the ett e—9—e_ke_ i du - ci - li sul fat-to: or - dj - nachabbia - no cjoc-co-la -te, caf-fé, vi-ni,pre - cas- tle with my friends here.There you will order for all, re-fresh-mentjcold ham,sweet wineand -o- Scuit = Pas ~ tries, cer-ca di - ver-tir tut - i, mo-stra fo - See_that_all__havea IT giar-di - no, = _muse-ment,show the _maze inthe gar-den, (with emphasis) fa che re -~ sti con- be_sure the _best_is_pro- Chokes La pe-spero (to the Leporelto. villagers.) Masetto, ten-tqil mio Ma-set-to, hai ca - vid-ed for Ma-set-to! Do pi - to? Ho cay itor you fol-low? Like a Gade shadow, an- re We're (While the rest enter the inn. Masetto. ‘Don Giov. detains Zerlina) Leporello. (to Masetto) 8?__La Zer-li-na sen-za me non pud star. In 3 ostfo Jo - i here? But I can-not leave Zerdi-na a - lone. Have 2 st Sa ~ra sua Kecel - ou forgotten your nog ape + —§ ¢ £ # BSS , ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) len ~ za, € sa-pri be ne “fare le vo-sinl pars Oe ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) er la Zer ~ ea = —— Pre ~ = tec - tor?__Be_surehe_will_pro-tect her_in your place ho - bly. Zerlina, ae li-na Qin mand\n Ca-va - lier; va pur, fra po-ed el a i-na Qn man din Ca-v 5 q _bo-edel-la the- So ver ra. © Vat H-na will be my special care,_My word. 1 think that will more than suffice, Please! i wer que-sto? Must I_tell_you? XY —— =SS—= Terlina. Masetto. EYE 9 fhe Don Gioy, oN E per que-sto non cd da du-bi - tar. Ed 10, co-spet-to— _0- And you might have more faith in me as wall! I_trust you with me, _Now, ‘5 Tfo sen-zal-tro Te - pli-car non fe ne finiam le di-spu-te! Se su a Oe einy goed ia Let’ quar-rel-some. Id not wish to change for ba Let's _not be quar-rel-some. I_would no} ftp tp gg pt pg Tara il va = i ‘Ma-set-to, guar-da ben, fi pen lat pres-sion: Ma-set-to, be dis - crget; or else—be sor = ry! 4 (Touching his ‘sword) # == 88 N° 6.“ Ho capito.,, Aria. Giovanni) Allegro di molto. Masetto.(dumbfounded,staring at Don = a i Ho ca-pi - to, Si-gnory Yes, your lord-ship. Sec, I stand, Signor, st! Chi - neil ne vo, ‘iacche cap in hand, At your : - mand. When the pia-cea voi oo -si, _al-tre re-pli-che non fo, no, no, no, 0, no, noynon mas-ter bids him go, Shall the serv-ant an-swer No? O no, no, no, good gracious 2 a Sf ja-Va-liervoi sie-te git, vemgWhoam_ T that T should doubt : 2 tar Jordan ost BS me lo di -ce @~bowt? Gentle = men, la bon. ta. che vo - lo.tea-ver per as we have heard, Pay their debts and keep their ‘ 59 (aside to Zerlina, * me, aver per me, a-ver per me. Bricco-naccia, malanc word, and keep their word,and keep their word. Happy, aren’t you? coul dri-na, fostio- ld kill you!So yosil 7 oe (To Le (To Leporelio who w, - to lead him off) WBE = = gnor la mia ru-i - na,fos.tio. gnor la alia ra - i-nal Tp play the strum-pet, will you! So you'll play the strum-pet, will you! Justa moment I Pe__ fe. S =. ee - =e (to Zerlina) (aside, bitterly) x. Re-sta,re-sta! Ku-na co-sa mol — too-ne-stal For the last time ...Do not make my love your pas-time. ‘Strings. (to Zerlina and Don G.) (sarcastically to Zerlina) Faccia il no-stro Ca-va - lie-re Ca- va - lieraanco-ra te, Ca-va- When.his_ Lord-ship woos a maid-en She_ be - comesMi-la- dy too Shs be - 2 AP (aside to Zerlina.) o Z n. dri-nal fo.stlo- lieraan-co-ra te. Bric-do - nac.cla, oa Iet you. How! comes Mi-la - dy too. No, Zer ~ li- na. .- 60 gnor la mia ru-i - - stig-gnor la mia Ssh (T'dnev-er met you!How T wish I'd nev (to Leporello) (to Zerlina) Ven - go, ven-go! Re-sta, re -sta! eu - na co - sa— Let’s be go-ing. So, I'll leave you. Do not let this — mol - tg9-ne-sta! facciail no-stroCa-va - lie-re Ca-va - part - ing grieve you. When.his.Lordship woos a maiden She. be - (to Zerlina,) lie a * : cone Mince te, Ca- va - licraan-co-ra te, facciajl no - stroCa - va- y too, If the fair- y- tales are true. When his Lord-ship woos a ten ~~ — M017 cr lie fe Ca. va - lie-Frean-co - ra te, facciacil ne = maid’ én She” “be = come Mi-Ig = dy 100. 4,4, When” his_Lord- ate C8,= 8 eS When his Le a >, to ? Tie - re Ca - va - lie - raanco-ra te Ca - va. Tle > taoo nee maid en She be = comes Mi-la 5 dy too. If "the" fair= yo tales ove Ye Z 2 te, Ca - va - lie - raan-co~ ra te! (Bxit with Leporello,who hurries him into the true, You'll be - come a la - dy too, Tavern.) gf 2 Recit. Don Giovanni. Set» pe ad ef ‘Ai-tin siam li - be-ra- ti, Zerlicnet-tagen-til, daquelscioeeo — ne, che he di -te,mio And we're alone, Zer-li_- na, for the firsttime_alone without that Ke jiot...was it not ver-y eg eerie = —4 (rying to embrace her) Zer{ina.@rawing back.) Don Giovanni. eatapce ei S a 5 iz : 5 ; Tul? _vi parchenn onest ben? sb far pu-lto?" Si. gnorebmiomari-t0' | TE kin! What can heknow of neat, how] dispatched him? But, sir, we're gettingmarricd NO a “2 62 in no - bil Ca-va ~ lier qual io mi van-toy pos - S& sof - -tions, see - ing your Beaty? And how ean i, “who live by _fine_per=cep- tons, S66 — 03 TT -cac-cio Trir che quel vi-set-to do- ro) quel visginzue-che-ra- to dayn Di - fol. rir che quel q w in = tude to grace and sens ing your re-fine-ment, how can I” see_you wasted _in__Ser = vi __Zorlina. ———— zi =a vil sia stra - paz- za-to? Ma Si - gnor. io gli die - di pa - that un-wor - thy bump-kin?! But, my lord, T can hard- ly ge + ee a Don Giovan: : e- te — aol — ye SS ; oof di spo-sar-lo. ‘Tal pa - ro- la non va-leyn ze - ro: voi non back on my prom-ise! It would hard-ly be right to _keepit! Isa =3— —_—=r sie. te fat-ta per es-ser pa-e - sana, Un dl-tra sor-te vi pro- when a promise sa-cred that would enslave a gates! I_dare_not think s0, cu —ranque - glige-chi brie-concel -li, quei lab-bret-ti sibel-li, quel-le di-tue- cia lance more vi-va-cious than Au-ro-ra, _a_Di- a-na’s complexion, lips that the Queen of 8 —~. == 33 =| st et Zerlina. candidegy. = Lae herself must tase par-mi toc-car giun-ca-ta, e fiu - tar ro-se. Ah,nonvor- st_ens envy, are_in them-selves a promise of no - ble for-tune! But I’m a- SSS SS M917 : 63 Don Giovanni. Zerlina. NON Che non vor-re - ste? Al. fi one A = fraid of _for-tune? Not that, sir... ~ Ngan-na ta re. Tm a-fraid of Ges = star. Io sd che ra-ro col-le don - he tire al-tti ca-valie- Ti ste. ceit,__1_hear too of ten how_you no - ble-mentreatus country meidets when your es = £—_—— s, al I ; ne-stigsince - ri Ehyunimpo,-stu ~ ra del-la gen-te ple-be- at th foil. pom cs win_us__Slani=der-ous_rav-ings of the en-vi - ous ‘gy Porn! Amen of SS => ff © 9 2 . — = ta ha di-pin-ta neglipc-chi Yo-ne — sta. birth has _an_hon-es - t ° Or ~ shy “non per- diam yes an honesty native _to his blood! Be” not "a= ration e. =~. == = — =| Zerlina. (pF is i tem-po; in que-stoi-stan - te lo vi vo - glio spo- sar. “Voi? dear-est; sub-mit to _for- tune. __We'll be mat- ed to-day! —_ Sir! SS (Pointing to his castle, 2 te SSS pretty Quel ca-si-netta? mi-o, so-li sa-re-mo. Sir, no longer, Soon, in the book of Heaven, _yourname and my name will =o: = —— piece == =e a SS la, gio ~ jel - 10 oe ci spo-se - Te - mo. al - ways ‘be to - geth- er— Don-na Zer - li - nal ee eo “ No 7. “La ci darem la mano.,, Duettino. Andante. Don Giovanni. Laci da_rem la Here with our hands ma -no, a twins vedi lon tad, par - tiam, beh mio, da— qui 4 Lin-ger-ing here serves no one; Why not ‘walk.on’ with me? tremayn po-eqil eon trem-ble to de - part, ay ma pud burlar-mi_an - €r,— tha pud bur’. lar-mi_an-cor! gStould-T o-bey my— heart, Should 19 - bey my_ heart \ +H E —— Eg Zerlina. et ~ tor Mi lov = er! Must fa_ ple-th_ Ma. set - to! Poor.Ma- set - to_ suf - fer? =a 4917 ae mi di-rai dish Let our de-signs a ~ gree fe- i= eed von sa re fear you may de - ceive me jon Giovanni. To can-gie~ rd Peas-ant you'll be Zerlina, Vor- rei, € Honvor. ly heart is more than Don Giovanni. Vie ~ ni,miobel di- Come to your no-ble_ Tutt Patti Zerlina. 65, sor— te! © Pre - sto non son— pit for-te, non son pil, Fsint= = ly would that Y were strong = er that 1 Patti for ~ te, non son— pit, ME aso oer that T —~ were. |? (Donna Elvin 1e mn ‘main building, ARETE ALPEN of th for - te! strong-er. Vor - 1 Don Giovanni. be Vie- ni! vie - nit Li ci da-rem la Dearest, gent -_ys__ Here withour hands en Yo mano, - twin-ing, rei, e nonvor-re- iy Mi tremaun po - coil fear you may de - ceive me I_trem-ble to de- La mi di-rai di_ si, Why not walk on with me? DP con a pud bur- lar - - milan. fa Should —______I_ 0 - bey ay par-tiam,ben mio, da qui. Let our de-sign’ a - gree: > id Gisengaging => Sor. Mi fa— pie- &— Ma - set - fo; re? Must Ma > set - Lifer? pear 2 Mats nis POPirOtn bert "OSU - fer 6 — Vie - ui ufio bel di - let - to! jo cun-Gie-rd Come to yourno - ble lov — a! Peas - ant you'll be * stonon son pia for-te,non Son piu fore te, non son— piu— for- te! ~ ly I hope I can be strong-er, I can_ be — strong-er, I can_ be_ stronger. sorte. long-er. mS P — herself (throwing into hivaarms) Allegro. siting into his ‘An- diam! An dlamyan-diam, mio be - ne— } Till! “To-geth~ er let us purely Gnsistently) ‘An - diam! ‘An-diam, an-diam, mio be-ne,—~ a love! Be mine! To-geth-er let us purely. In- Allegro. Ti - sto- rar fos ne—— dun In - no. cen- tea - mor! dulge a whim surely Are fault - less to ful - fill. Hl = St0.rar pe-he— dum in - no - cen-tep - mor! sure-ly____ Are fault - less__ to ful - fill. dulge a whim ce ie Gk ali ile el die a el a a a a 67 # — -diam,an-diam,mio be. ne, r no - ble-man and peas-ant, ri - sto-rar = While do-ing what's pf; 26 — dur is pleas-ant_— Can. ‘An- diam, an-diam.mio be - he, a ri .sto-rar For no - ble-man and peas-ant, 1 7 hile do-ing what is pg t@— dur’ is pleas-ant_ Can. ———> (Donna Elvira desconds the stops, and cen - t@a - mor! do - ing ill cen - t@a - mor! ‘An | not be —— do - ing ill, Con » , , , , , ’ , , , , , , , , , > Hp @ , , , » ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) : ) ) ) ; : J - diam! = sent! _—— pizz. posts herself at centre, back) An - diam! My love! ‘An-diam,mio bene, An-dl le pe-nds fi so. rar Well go. with-out delay, Agd cheer-ful-ly at play @ andi i - sto- rary An. diam, mio bené \-diam, le pe- ri- st We'll go withput~de-lay, az snd diver dally at play a. ¢ ro 68 in - ho-cen-tea-mor! in = no-cent-ly still. (@xeunt,arm in arm) in - no-cen-tea-mor! in - no-cent-ly still. > i 4 Recit. Donna Elvira (desperately, intercepting Don Giovanni.) er-tia- ty scel- le - ra-to! il ciel, «mi fe- cen-dir le tue per- Dare to go one stcp fur-ther! Thank God I have ar~ rived in time'to fi - dies 10 so-nga tem. po di sal - var que-sta mi - Se-rdin-no- stop you, ex=pose yourbase -ness, and pre- vent one poor in = no-cent be - Zerlina. © cen - te dal tuo bar - ba- roar - com- ti - glio! Me-schi- na! > . sa 1 cone more tear - ful re - pent-ant! What isthe la - dy —__ > Don Giovanni.(aside.) (softly to Elvira) ON ey ? é sentot | (Amor, glio!) fol mio, non ve-de- te, chiio vo-glio di- ver- apy ins? _(That’s all need-ed!) Do be rea-son-able, dearest. P'm look-ing for a - Oi ver. tir. ti? 8 ve ~ ro! di - ver.tir - ti! io sd, cru. a-muse-ment! For a-muse-ment! A-las I

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