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Ingles III

Actividad 6
Estrategias de comprension

Sthefany Yara Tapiero ID: 706791

Yannet Pilar Carrillo Carrillo

NRC: 1177

Corporación universitaria Minuto de Dios

Administración en Salud Ocupacional


 To understand English more, we as students must watch a video of teachers who

give lessons on each subject and thus learn a little more about the language.

 Take English courses to reinforce knowledge.

 Listen to music and movies in English in order to assimilate the words, listen to

how they sound and see how they are written.

 Repeat vocabulary a lot and memorize the most used words.

 Read about what you like the most and spend the necessary time on grammar.

 Commitment to dedicate yourself to studying.

 Listen to audios in English in special podcasts designed for students who are

learning a language.

 Reading as well as listening allows to acquire the language in an unconscious way.

Try to read texts of your interest.

 Watch videos and programs in English with English subtitles.

 Speak english with a person who is also interested in learning the language.

Caminos de éxito. (2017). 5 estrategias para aprender ingles más efectivamente -Cómo
aprender inglés. Recuperado de:

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