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Unit 4 Name: __________________________

Pts: 95
Pts ob: _______

A Alice and Jim are talking about surprise birthday parties. Listen and circle True or False for each sentence.
1. Jim’s friend George planned a surprise party for him. True False
2. Jim’s surprise party was at a restaurant. True False
3. Jim’s high school friends came to the party from far away. True False
4. Jim already knew that Alice didn’t like surprises. True False

A _______ /4 points

B These people are taking a friend out to dinner for his birthday tonight, and they are talking about the evening.
Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of be supposed to or was / were going to. (There is more than one
correct answer in some cases.)
Example: Ken I thought we planned to go to a different restaurant.
thought we were supposed to go to a different restaurant. OR
thought we were going to go to a different restaurant.
1. Andrew Do we have to bring birthday presents?

2. Bob I planned to go to that restaurant last night, but I didn’t.


3. Helen They say the food is very good.


4. Mike They say the food isn’t expensive.


5. Janet I said I’d invite Jack, but I forgot.


B _______ /5 points

C Write the expressions from the box that have the same meaning as the underlined words and phrases.
There is one extra expression. (6pts)

get going get home get it get over get the feeling get to know get used to

1. It’s really late. We’d better hurry. ______________

2. I’ve told my brother about my problem, but he just doesn’t understand. ______________
3. It takes a while to become comfortable in a new apartment. ______________
4. My sister broke up with her boyfriend years ago, but she can’t forget about him. ______________
5. Your friends seem really nice. I’d like to become more familiar with them. ______________
6. I think our friends want us to leave. It’s getting late, I guess. ______________

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D Complete the sentences. Put the words in order and use the correct form of the verbs.
1. One of my classmates tried to ______________ (out / of / get / write) his essay.
2. I can’t ______________ (work / off / get) early. I have a meeting at 5:00.
3. It takes me weeks to ______________ (around / get / do / to) my laundry.
4. You can’t ______________ (away / get / wear / with) shorts tonight. It’s a formal dinner party.
5. It’s probably going to be a boring lecture. I hope I can ______________ (it / through / get).

D _______ /5 points

E Check your understanding. Choose the correct question to respond to each comment. Change the questions to
“statement questions.” Use So . . . to start the topic. There is one extra question.

Are you always late? Do you have to get up early tomorrow?

Are you a real party person? Do you want to go out tonight?
Didn’t you enjoy yourself?

1. A I didn’t know anyone at the party. 3. A The party was so much fun!
B ____________________________________ B ____________________________________

2. A I’d rather not be out late tonight. 4. A It’s difficult for me to be on time.
B ____________________________________ B ____________________________________

E _______ /4 points

F Read the article. Then read the statements and circle True or False.

1. In a recent survey, more than half of U.S. teens said they have a cell phone. True False
2. Most U.S. teens spend eight hours a day online. True False
3. Experts agree that the rising use of the Internet is a problem. True False
4. Teens tend to see the advantages of technology. True False

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F _______ /4 points

Unit 5

A Listen to Alan and Debbie talk about shoplifting. Who makes these arguments?
Write A (Alan), D (Debbie), or N (Neither).
1. Shoplifting is similar to bank robbery. _____
2. People would steal expensive things if they could. _____
3. All shoplifters should be sent to prison. _____
4. Kids sometimes just shoplift because they enjoy doing it. _____

A _______ /4 points

B Match the crimes with the definitions. Write the letters. There is one extra definition.
1. jaywalking _____ a. destroying or damaging property
2. burglary _____ b. driving too fast
3. vandalism _____ c. crossing the street in the wrong place
4. speeding _____ d. taking someone captive
e. breaking into someone’s home and stealing something

B _______ /4 points

C Complete the statements. Use the verbs in the box with the get passive or be passive.
More than one answer is possible. There is one extra verb.

arrest enforce fine put sentence stop videotape

1. Many people who commit a crime for the first time shouldn’t go to prison.
Instead, they should ______________ on probation.
2. After criminals are convicted, they ______________ by a judge.
3. Be careful about jaywalking here. You could ______________ $50.
4. Some people think that all laws should ______________ by the police.
5. A lot of stores now have security cameras. Everyone in the store ______________ .
6. People don’t usually ______________ for minor offenses.

C _______ /6 points

D Read the question and answer. Organize the answer. Number the comments in the correct order, and
complete them with expressions such as basically, the thing is, for two reasons, first / second (of all), secondly, and
(number) one / two. (4 pts)
Bill Do you think graffiti is a serious problem?
Lisa _____ It seems to me that we have this problem ______________ .
_____ ______________ , most graffiti artists are unemployed young people.
So, I think we need to find more jobs for young people. That’s really important, too.
_____ Well, yeah. ______________ , I think it’s a very serious problem – in this city, at least. I mean,
it looks really ugly.
_____ ______________ , the people who do graffiti aren’t held responsible.

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We really need to increase the penalties.

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E Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1. They should ban car alarms on city streets.

2. They shouldn’t allow people to walk their dogs without a leash.


3. They have to hire more police officers.


4. They ought to encourage children to stay in school.


5. They could offer free support classes to people who want to quit smoking.
E _______ /5 points

F Read part of an online discussion about joyriding. Then read the statements and circle the four arguments the
participants use. Next to each argument you choose, write the screen name of the person who suggested the

1. Joyriders aren’t the only people who should be held responsible. _________
2. Unfortunately, there are no laws now against joyriding. _________
3. People who joyride don’t have enough support in their communities. _________
4. Joyriders don’t drive recklessly, so joyriding isn’t really a problem. _________
5. Not enough joyriders are sent to prison. _________
6. Taking a car for a joyride is as bad as breaking into someone’s house. _________
7. There are already enough laws to deal with this problem. _________
8. Joyriding is punished too severely already. _________

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F _______ /8 points

Unit 6 Written quiz

A Listen to Greg and Alison talk about superstitions in the U.S. Circle True or False for each sentence.
1. There’s no street between Twelfth and Fourteenth Streets on Greg’s map
because many Americans think 13 is an unlucky number. True False
2. Alison’s old apartment was really on the thirteenth floor. True False
3. In Alison’s old building, the ground floor was called the plaza level. True False
4. Alison agrees with Greg that Americans are superstitious. True False

A _______ /4 points

B Complete the story about a strange coincidence. Use either the simple past or the past perfect.
Sometimes both are possible.
A few weeks ago, my friend Jean moved into a new house across town. I was really happy
when she ______________ (ask) me to come over last week because
I ______________ (not have) the chance to see the place yet. It took me a while to
get there because I ______________ (not go) to her new neighborhood very often and
I ______________ (get) a little lost. But luckily, Jean ______________ (send) me
(4) (5)
careful directions. Anyway, when I finally ______________ (arrive) at the house,
it ______________ (look) so familiar. I was sure I ______________ (be) there
(7) (8)
before. Then I realized that I had! I ______________ (date) someone who
______________ (live) there. I ______________ (be) in the house several times
(10) (11)
before. It was weird. I ______________ (not think) of that guy in twenty years! When I
______________ (tell) Jean about it, she ______________ (not believe) me at first. What a coincidence!
(13) (14)

B _______ /14 points

C Write responses for each statement. Use so or neither to show you are the same.
1. I’m not very superstitious. ____________________________________
2. I have a couple of superstitious friends. ____________________________________
3. I’m afraid of black cats. ____________________________________
4. I didn’t know breaking a mirror was bad luck. ____________________________________
5. I don’t believe seven is a lucky number. ____________________________________
6. The last time I found a coin on the street, I picked it up. ____________________________________
7. I’ve always carried a lucky charm. ____________________________________
8. I’ve never heard of any Chinese superstitions. ____________________________________

C _______ /8 points

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D Match the comments about dreams to make the meanings clear. Write the letters. Then underline the word(s) in
each comment with the same or similar meaning. There is one extra comment.
1. I sometimes have these strange a. I mean, they can be really weird.
dreams. a b. I usually forget them right away.
2. I have these really funny dreams. _____ c. I mean, I frequently dream I’m in the jungle.
3. People can learn a lot from their dreams. _____ d. They’re just hilarious.
4. I can’t remember my dreams. _____ e. They can help you understand yourself.
5. Kids often have scary dreams. _____ f. I never have nightmares.
6. I often dream about wild animals. _____ g. Dreams that can be really frightening.

D _______ /5 points

E Read the article. Add the missing sentences that best fit in the blank. Write the letters. There is one extra

a. You remembered the situation very well.

b. Because it occurred during sleep, this explains why the original experience can’t be remembered properly.
c. It is, literally, all in your head.
d. There are many religions that accept this explanation.
e. In some cases, the original experience may even occur just seconds before the déjà vu event.
f. The location looks familiar because you have already studied it.

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E _______ /5 points

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