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Interviewer: Good morning ......... What is your name?

Applicant: Good morning, I'm ........ and I'm here to interview for the position of legal advisor.

Interviewer: It's a pleasure to meet you, tell me something about yourself

Applicant: Well I am .... I studied law at UTP, I graduated a few years ago and I have been
working in a state entity. I have been working for two years but I have always wanted to work
in a company like this, that is why I would like to be able to work here.

Interviewer: Do you know what this job is about?

Applicant: Yes, I have found out about your company and I know that it is necessary to have
some qualities such as being empathetic, working in a team, working under pressure and being
a very communicative person, skills that I possess and I am willing to use in this job position.

Interviewer: Oh, good, you are very knowledgeable about our company and what we need for
this new hire. Our company is dedicated to provide legal advice to other companies and
recently we have grown a lot so we need more lawyers.

Interviewer: However, we also need your schedule availability. Can you work weekends?

Applicant: Yes, I can work weekends. Do I have to travel?

Interviewer: Yes, the company has many cases out of town and we need people who can travel
constantly throughout Peru.

Interviewer: You would be a great asset to our firm. We will be contacting you soon.

Applicant: Thank you very much, I hope to have good news soon.

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