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Good afternoon, teacher and classmates, today I will talk the topic about the nervous system.

The nervous system

It consists of:

Central Nervous System: Anatomically the central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal
cord, both composed of several million specialized cells called neurons, arranged neatly and
communicated with each other and with the effectors by means of extensions called axons and

Brain: Its function is very complex; Regulates voluntary movements and conscious activity. It is the
generator of ideas, makes connections, files, performs the higher functions, is the center of
intellectual functions and balances the organism with the environment.

Spinal cord: The spinal cord has two fundamental functions: first, it is the center of many reflex
acts. Secondly, the marrow is the communication path between the body and the brain, thanks to
the white cords that allow the passage of sensitive ascending pathways and motor descending

The ascending pathways, before reaching their destination, cross the other side of the body. Thus,
the sensations that come from the receptors on one side of the body go to the opposite area of
the brain.

The descending pathways that come from different structures of the brain involved in the motor
control also cross the opposite side. That is, in general, one side of the brain receives information
from the opposite side of the body and controls its movements and other functions.

Peripheral nervous system: The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the apparatus of the nervous
system formed by nerves and neurons that reside or extend outside the central nervous system
(CNS), towards the limbs and organs. The main function of the PNS is to connect the CNS to the
members and organs.

Nerves: A set of fibers of a particular type that drives impulses between the central nervous
system and different parts of the body. According to their function, there are sensory (transmitting
stimuli of the sense organs), motor (carrying orders of movement to muscles and glands), sensitive
(conducting external excitations to the nerve centers) and mixed (functioning Like motors and

Neurons: They are a type of cells of the nervous system whose main function is the electrical
excitability of its plasma membrane. They are specialized in receiving stimuli and conducting the
nerve impulse (in the form of action potential) between them.

In conclusion the central nervous system is in charge of the actions of the body, in the case of
ideas, these are produced in the brain, while the reflexes come from the spinal cord. In so far as
the peripheral nervous system is in charge of transmitting the external stimuli to the central
nervous system and realizing the movements that it has to execute.

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