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Orange, This fruit is a source of vitamin C, fiber, and folate that are needed by the body.

Vitamin C in
oranges is needed by the body to produce white blood cells and antibodies that can fight infections in
the body. In addition, it also produces antioxidants needed to fight free radicals and tighten the skin
with collagen.

Yogurt contains probiotics that are healthy for intestinal health and the digestive system. In addition,
there are also other ingredients that are very good for the body, namely calcium, vitamin B12,
potassium, phosphorus, and zinc.

Avocados are fruits that are very rich in nutritional fiber, vitamins, minerals, and fats (healthy fats) which
can reduce inflammation in the body. If you consume avocados regularly it can reduce the risk of
diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer that are believed to be reduced.

tubers are usually burned or steamed one is very nutritious for the body, the contents of the yam into
vitamin A which can actively save the eyes, bones, and immunity. In addition, sweet potatoes also
contain vitamins C, B6, potassium, and manganese which are very good for the body.

Eating eggs by boiling or steaming can make the body healthy. Egg yolks can also protect eye health and
protect skin from damage caused by UV exposure.

Water is one of the most vital needs for us. Because if the water intake in the body is low, it will
dehydrate. Dehydration causes various effects such as slowing down the metabolism system, the body
gets tired, various diseases arise, the level of concentration decreases, and various other negative
effects. So that we avoid, we must build healthy habits by drinking water regularly.

Green tea contains antioxidants and can reduce inflammation. If taken regularly after meals or a few
hours before bedtime, green tea can bind excess fat from food, smooth digestion.

Vegetables are simple foods that are very rich in nutrients. Broccoli contains vitamin K which is good for
maintaining healthy bones, A, C, and folate. It also contains sulforaphane which can be accessed through
the body's detoxification enzymes, so as to prevent cancer.

spinach green vegetables are much nourishing for the body. The content of spinach include vitamin A,
vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, high fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Eating spinach and
green vegetables can help you lose weight, reduce your risk of diabetes, fight cancer, and prevent brain

Milk in the middle of food intake becomes very important for nutritional adequacy. Because milk
contains lots of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and enzymes. It is called complete food
because it contains complete nutrition. Therefore drinking milk is recommended for everyone. Newly
given babies, before getting other foods, live only with special breast milk.

Fish is a source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids which are very good for the brain and body. Salmon
is one of the most nutrient-rich fish species. Consuming salmon can get protein, B vitamins, healthy fats,
potassium, and selenium. Salmon can also reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, by losing ideal
weight. Consume salmon 2 to 3 times, so that the required nutrients are still met.

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