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Access your writer’s clarity and confidence to become a published

author and make an impact with your book

To develop your book you need to be very clear about what your goal is, as
well as your investment of budget and time to make it happen, within the
timeframe you set. 

To transition from being a WRITER to being a published AUTHOR, it is

important for you to be very clear about the What, Who, Why and How of
your book. 

Having these answers will provide you with the clarity you need to complete
your book writing with confidence and to progress through the editing and
publishing process to create your very own bestseller.

They will ensure that your commitment, purpose and passion are expressed
and articulated clearly, for the reader to fully understand and engage with.

They will start to provide you with the background information, which you will
need in the future, for engaging a literary agent and creating a publishing
proposal and submission for your book.

Please answer the following six questions and email to Wendy Yorke before
your workshop or author coaching session. Please print your answers and bring
them, together with a sample of your writing or your draft manuscript to the

1. What is your S.M.A.R.T. goal for your book?

S - Specific, significant, stretching

M - Measurable, meaningful, motivational

A - Agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented

R - Realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented

T - Time-based, time-bound, timely, tangible, trackable

Please indicate which five words best describes your book goal?

2. What is the purpose of your book for yourself and for other people?

What will you benefit from publishing your book and what will other people
benefit from reading your book?

3. Who is your book for?

Can you define their demographics? Picture them clearly, specifically and really
drill down into, who they are in as much a detail as you can - gender,
age, habits, aspirations, where they go for holidays, where they live, what their
names are, what their problems are and what they need your book for, what
solutions does your book provide for them, or how does your book take away
their pains, fears and issues?

4. Why do they want to buy your book rather than someone else's?

What is your niche and what will your USP be - your unique message - that is
new, engaging and needed as a new book on the market right now?

What is your special offering?

5. What is your Call to Action for your Readers?

What do you want your readers to do as a result of reading your book? Do you
provide somewhere else for them to go for more information; or your contact

details so they can come to you; or a list of action points that they can follow;
or some website links, book references for their further research and

6. What is the key message of your book?

Does each chapter have a key message that contributes to the entire book
message. Please list these if possible?

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