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Mid-term Examination Card of first Semester of 2017/2018

FAK/JUR/PROG – Faculty/Study Program : KIP/Pend. Bhs. Inggris

NIM – Student Registration Number : A320160054
Kode Mata Kuliah No. Kursi Hari Tanggal Jam Pengampu Paraf Personal
Code Course Room, Day Date Session Lecturer Signature Code
Syahara Dina
1. PBI31632 Critical Reading I0404,7 Senin 23/10/2017 4 6E
2. KIP30422 Philosophy of Education C0207B,10 Rabu 25/10/2017 4 Maryadi VG
3. PBI32032 English Materials Development C0207B,12 Sabtu 28/10/2017 1 Djoko Srijono QN
4. PBI31932 TEFL I (Methods of ELT) C0207B,10 Senin 30/10/2017 2 Endang Fauziati KD
Wahdan Najib
5. UMS40712 Islam and Science and Technology I0403,12 Senin 30/10/2017 4 Q7
6. PBI31832 Clause Developing C0207A,33 Selasa 31/10/2017 2 GY
Siti Zuhriyah
7. PBI31732 Essay Writing I0404,8 Rabu 01/11/2017 2 8U
8. KIP40522 Guidance and Counseling C0207B,14 Kamis 02/11/2017 1 Darsinah HK
9. PBI31432 Academic Listening C0207B,10 Jumat 03/11/2017 1 Sigit Hariyanto WM
10. PBI31532 Argumentative Speaking I0404,7 Jumat 03/11/2017 4 Fitri Kurniawan G3

Surakarta, 23/10/2017.
Catatan – Notes:
- NOMOR UJIAN sesuai nomor presensi, TEMPAT DUDUK menyesuaikan NOMOR KURSI
(The EXAM NUMBER follows the number shown in the list of Exam Participants, the SEAT follows the CHAIR NUMBER)
- Jika ada mata kuliah yang dicoret atau jika pada kolom selain kolom MATA KULIAH ada tanda ’X’,
berarti presensi kehadiran Anda kurang dari 75% dan tidak diizinkan mengikuti Ujian Akhir pada mata
kuliah tersebut
(If there is a Course blocked or if there is a sign ‘X’ in the Columns outside Column ‘Course’, means that your lecture
attendance is less than 75%, and you are not allowed to have final exam for the corresponding Course)
- Pembayaran SPP Cicilan I/III menjadi syarat pengambilan KRS, pembayaran SPP Cicilan II/IV menjadi Keterangan Jam (session)
syarat bisa mengikuti Ujian Akhir Semester • Jam 1 = 08:00-09:30 WIB
(Payment I/III of Tuition Fee becomes requirement for taking KRS, Payment II/IV of Tuition Fee becomes requirement • Jam 2 = 10:00-11:30 WIB
for having final exam) • Jam 3 = 12:30-14:00 WIB
• Jam 4 = 14:15-15:45 WIB
- Jika ada perbedaan data antara Kartu Ujian dengan Presensi Ujian, yang dianggap benar adalah
Presensi Ujian Hari Jumat
(If different data appear in the Exam Card and List of Exam Participants, the valid one is as shown in the List of Exam • Jam 1 = 08:00-09:30 WIB
Participants) • Jam 2 = 10:00-11:30 WIB
- Khusus mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris/TOEP, peserta membawa peralatan tes sendiri (pensil 2B, rautan, • Jam 3 = 13:00-14:30 WIB
dan penghapus) • Jam 4 = 14:45-16:15 WIB
(For English/TOEP subject, test takers are required to bring pencil 2B, sharpener, and rubber)
Remidi TOEP
- Khusus mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris/TOEP, peserta harap hadir 15 menit sebelum jam mulai • Jam 1 = 08:00-10:00 WIB
(For English/TOEP subject, test takers are required to present 15 minutes before test start) • Jam 2 = 10:30-12:30 WIB
• Jam 3 = 13:30-15:30 WIB
• TULIS = 08:00-10:30 WIB
• LISAN = 10:30-12:00 WIB

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