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English: Grade 1, Semester 1

English: Grade 1, Semester 2

English: Grade 2, Semester 1
English: Grade 2, Semester 2
English: Grade 3, Semester 1
English: Grade 3, Semester 2

Printed on October 15, 2015

English: Grade 1, Semester 1
Matter Form and Function
Big Idea: English is like a living organism in that it evolves in that words changes new words emerge and
others disappear.

EN.1.01 - Interact orally to start, maintain and close a conversation on topics of interest and familiar matters,
primarily concrete in nature (everyday life, travel, school life), using simple, but primarily spontaneous
language. (Week 01 - Week 01)

Essential Questions: Interact orally to start, maintain and close a conversation on topics of interest and
familiar matters, primarily concrete in nature (everyday life, travel, school life), using simple, but primarily
spontaneous language. [ENS.1.01]
STEM education is an inquiry-based learning.
What makes the STEM graduates different? What are the 21st century skills? What are
the grand challenges of Egypt?
The ministry decrees.
Texts & References: SPEAKING - Ask questions to know more about the curricular, the assessment
system, the capstone projects, the URT exam and the scholarships.
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact
Grand Challenge Connections: Classroom discussion. Classroom rules (group norms) on a

EN.1.02 - Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting or typing. (Week
01 - Week 01)

Essential Questions: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting or
typing. [ENW.1.01]
Writing helps you move easily among facts, inferences, and opinions without getting confused—and without
confusing your reader.
How do I fit in with the STEM school?
The PPT of the writing process.
Texts & References: WRITING - Reflection
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: Paragraph describing self: background, ambitions, interests. Fill in a form

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of personal details.

EN.1.03 - Develop a personal vocabulary dictionary of the STEM subjects to clarify the meaning of unknown
words. (Week 02 - Week 02)

Essential Questions: Develop a personal vocabulary dictionary of the STEM subjects to clarify the meaning
of unknown words. [ENV.1.02]
The availability of resources promote students' autonomous learning.
How may modern technology affect the acquisition of a foreign language?
Paperback and online dictionaries, thesaurus, wikis, encyclopedia.....etc.
Texts & References: STRUCTURE AND VOCABULARY - Use appropriate dictionaries for a variety of
purposes, definitions, parts of speech
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact
Grand Challenge Connections: - Quiz on utilizing dictionaries

EN.1.04 - Use appropriate dictionaries for a variety of purposes, definitions, parts of speech (Week 02 -
Week 02)

Essential Questions: Use appropriate dictionaries for a variety of purposes, definitions, parts of speech
Technology promotes students' autonomy.
What enhances second language acquisition
Paperback and online dictionaries, thesaurus, wikis, encyclopedia.....etc.
Texts & References: STRUCTURE AND VOCABULARY - Use appropriate dictionaries for a variety of
purposes, definitions, parts of speech
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact
Grand Challenge Connections: A dictionary quiz

EN.1.05 - Produce clear and organized piece of writing, using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
(Week 02 - Week 02)

Essential Questions: Produce clear and organized piece of writing, using correct grammar, spelling and

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Team work is an essential part in any successful experience.
Being ambitious and conscientious to reach our far-fetched dreams
How have Nobel laureates changed the face of the world?
What other international contests can you name?
The internet
Hello Famous Egyptians
Texts & References: WRITING - Researching the achievements of some famous people worldwide.
Taking notes.
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: A group presentation of the notes (name, nationality, job, achievement,

EN.1.06 - Demonstrate the ability to gather data relevant to the essential question, issue, and/or problem.
(Week 02 - Week 02)

Essential Questions: Demonstrate the ability to gather data relevant to the essential question, issue, and/or
problem. [ENC.1.02]
Learning other languages gives you access to a greater range of information about your subject and enables
you to communicate with students and researchers from other countries.
How have famous Egyptians changed the nation and the world? What successful people can give
back to society?
The internet
Hello Famous Egyptians
Texts & References: CRITICAL THINKING - Oral presentation following a rubric.
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: In groups, students write and present a biography of some Nobel
( in groups)
Aung San Suu Kyi, Martin Luther King, Albert Eistein, Nelson Mandela, Marie Curie, Mahatma Gandhi
(H.W. Research on Dickens & the Industrial Revolution) (using flipped classroom strategy)

EN.1.07 - Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions,
demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (Week 03 - Week 03)

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Essential Questions: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused
questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. [ENH.1.01]
Prolific writers are witnesses of their ages.
Revolutions have an obvious impact on societies
Why are Dickens' masterpieces highly appreciated?
What impact did revolutionary movements have on the European society?
The ministry text. A video of the Industrial Revolution.Oliver Twist Intro
Texts & References: RESEARCH - Writing a biography
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact, Work to eradicate public health
Grand Challenge Connections: Oral presentation of Dickens biography & the British society during the

EN.1.08 - Read, comprehend and appreciate the values, beliefs and practices of both national and target
cultures. (Week 03 - Week 03)

Essential Questions: Read, comprehend and appreciate the values, beliefs and practices of both national
and target cultures. [ENR.1.04]
Miserable childhood influences personal traits.
What are the responsibilities of the individual in regard to issues of social justice?
The ministry text. Oliver Twist Chapter 1
Texts & References: READING - Compare and contrast the life of orphans in the Novel & Egypt.
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Reduce
urban congestion and its impact, Increase efficient use of our land through improved use of arid areas
Grand Challenge Connections: Writing a summary of the chapter.(following certain tips) Draw
the summing up star Find the three connections (text to self, to text, to the world)

EN.1.09 - Extract and summarize salient points in text. (Week 03 - Week 03)

Essential Questions: Extract and summarize salient points in text. [ENR.1.11]

Writing anticipates the readers’ needs. It also demonstrates one's intellectual flexibility and maturity.
How does literature influence the way we think, act, and perceive the world?

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Hello Unit 2 Charles Dickens
Texts & References: READING - Determine the author's intentions based on reading the text.
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact, Work to eradicate public health
Grand Challenge Connections: A quiz using critical thinking questions (H.W. URLs to decide their multiple
intelligence & learning styles)

EN.1.10 - Participate effectively in class discussions and debates (pairs, small groups, and whole class) by
asking questions, stating ideas and opinions. (Week 04 - Week 04)

Essential Questions: Participate effectively in class discussions and debates (pairs, small groups, and
whole class) by asking questions, stating ideas and opinions.
- The human brain is constructed to function synchronizingly.
- Senses enhance our human experience and our communications.
Why are our senses important to us?
What do you suppose would happen if you had a super sense (e.g. owl vision, dog's sense of hearing,
sharks' sense of smell)
Hello Unit 3 The Power of the Mind
Texts & References: SPEAKING - Debating
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact, Increase efficient use of our land through
improved use of arid areas, Reduce pollution fouling our air water and grounds
Grand Challenge Connections: • Debate nature vs. nurture
• Quiz on past tenses & vocab.

EN.1.11 - Listen attentively to get pieces of information to complete comprehension tasks, and Identify gist
and main ideas (Week 04 - Week 04)

Essential Questions: Listen attentively to get pieces of information to complete comprehension tasks, and
Identify gist and main ideas [ENL.1.01]
Architecture reflects the culture and lifestyle of any nation.
What are the purposes of building houses? How nature may affect the design of houses.
Upstream B2 Unit 1 My Home is my castle (p.6 & 7)
Texts & References: LISTENING - Evaluate multiple perspectives on the issue of housing.
Capstone Connection: Work to eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Answer comprehension questions.

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EN.1.12 - Use appropriate vocabulary to describe people, places, events and experience. (Week 04 - Week

Essential Questions: Use appropriate vocabulary to describe people, places, events and experience.

Egypt's grand challenges.
Sustainable building materials.
● Why there are many different architecture models of houses.
● Why people built castles in the past.
Upstream B2 My Home is my Castle (p.8, 9 & 10)
Texts & References: STRUCTURE AND VOCABULARY - Develop conclusions based on evidence and
Identify and describe suitable areas for housing.
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Reduce
urban congestion and its impact, Increase efficient use of our land through improved use of arid areas
Grand Challenge Connections: Vocabulary and structure quiz.
Write an essay describing the different designs of building. Chapter 2 (Distributing u. 5
Hello to be prepared for presentation, jigsaw strategy)

EN.1.13 - Making predictions about upcoming information in different literary genres (Week 05 - Week 05)

Essential Questions: Making predictions about upcoming information in different literary genres [ENR.1.07]
Nobody is born with criminality or evil spirit but it is developed from the environment and external influences
including poverty, bad company and other people's humiliation.
How does the story reveal the weaknesses of the society at that time? What makes the characters
How can stories from other places and times relate to our current lives?
Oliver Twist text book and the internet Oliver Twist Ch.2
Texts & References: READING - Connect the main events with real life situations.
Capstone Connection: Work to eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Writing a summary.
Drawing the summing up star

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EN.1.14 - Use technology to produce and publish writing and interact with each other, this includes the basic
keyboarding skills. (Week 05 - Week 05)

Essential Questions: Use technology to produce and publish writing and interact with each other, this
includes the basic keyboarding skills. [ENW.1.03]
The importance of morals, stamina, strength and determination.
To what extent can sport represent the culture of any society?
Hello Unit 4 People and their lives
Texts & References: WRITING - Skimming
Rereading to check meaning and information
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Work to
eradicate public health issues/disease, Increase efficient use of our land through improved use of arid areas
Grand Challenge Connections: Create a Facebook profile for their role model.

EN.1.15 - Deliver short factual presentations that clearly introduce the theme and purpose of presentation,
provide evidence to support each main idea, present a clear conclusion, and encourage audience questions
and discussion. (Week 05 - Week 05)

Essential Questions: Deliver short factual presentations that clearly introduce the theme and purpose of
presentation, provide evidence to support each main idea, present a clear conclusion, and encourage
audience questions and discussion. [ENP.1.02]
Reading literature of cultural traditions and values fosters tolerance, reduce prejudice and increases
appreciation of cultural diversity.
What kinds of problems do people have, and how does literature help us cope with them? What are the
elements that build a strong friendship?
Hello Unit 5 Ernest Hemingway
Texts & References: PRESENTATION - Analysing the main character and themes of a piece of literature.
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact, Increase efficient use of our land through
improved use of arid areas, Reduce pollution fouling our air water and grounds
Grand Challenge Connections: Drawing an infograph of the story.

EN.1.16 - Identify and correctly use idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and affixes (Week 06 - Week 06)

Essential Questions: Identify and correctly use idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and affixes [ENV.1.03]

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Idioms and idiomatic
expressions are words and phrases
that cannot be translated literally
from one language to another.
How does our understanding and use of
idiomatic expressions enhance and enrich
our ability to communicate?
Upstream B2 Unit 1 My Home is my castle (p.11, 12, 13)
Texts & References: STRUCTURE AND VOCABULARY - Draw pictures of the given idioms.
Capstone Connection: Work to eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Replace the given words with the appropriate phrasal verb.

EN.1.17 - Identify and discriminate sound, stress and intonation patterns. (Week 06 - Week 06)

Essential Questions: Identify and discriminate sound, stress and intonation patterns. [ENL.1.02]
Active listening is a multi-task process that involves receiving, understanding, evaluating, remembering and
What are some strategies for effective communication for oral presentations?
Upstream B2 Unit 1 My Home is my castle (p. 14, 15)
Texts & References: LISTENING - Giving feedback on what the speaker has actually said.
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: A listening quiz

EN.1.18 - Use strategies before, during and post reading /skimming and scanning. (Week 06 - Week 06)

Essential Questions: Use strategies before, during and post reading /skimming and scanning. [ENR.1.03]
Reading about history reveals continuity and change over time.
What do castle symbolize?
Upstream B2 Unit 1 My Home is my castle (p. 16, 17)
Texts & References: READING - Annotate the reading texts to answer relevant questions.
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact, Increase efficient use of our land through
improved use of arid areas, Reduce pollution fouling our air water and grounds
Grand Challenge Connections: the semester's writing project

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EN.1.19 - Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and
accuracy of each source and integrate information while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format
for citation. (Week 07 - Week 07)

Essential Questions: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the
credibility and accuracy of each source and integrate information while avoiding plagiarism and following a
standard format for citation. [ENH.1.02]
People rely on a variety of resources
to obtain information. New information may result in a new
idea or a change of stance.
Why is information organized in different ways?
Hello Unit 6 Tomorrow's world
Texts & References: RESEARCH - Demonstrate undersdtanding of the subject under investigation.
Capstone Connection: Work to eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Group presentations covering the following points: 1.
development of the car. 2. Interior & exterior parts of the car. 3. car accidents.
4. kinds of fuels (past, present & future) 5. Cars & pollution. 6.How to drive safely.

EN.1.20 - Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text. (Week 07 - Week 07)

Essential Questions: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text. [ENR.1.02]
Guessing meaning from context is an important technique that will improve the reading technique.
1- What are the most stressful life events for you? Why? 2- Why do you think people have
various kinds of ceremonies around the world?
Upstream B2 Unit 2 While there is life, there is hope (p. 20 & 21)
Texts & References: READING - Use contexts to understand the meaning of the new vocabulary.
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt, Work to eradicate
public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections:

EN.1.21 - Identify and explain the function of essential short story or novel elements, characters, setting,
conflict, plot, climax, resolution, theme and tone. (Week 07 - Week 07)

Essential Questions: Identify and explain the function of essential short story or novel elements,
characters, setting, conflict, plot, climax, resolution, theme and tone. [ENR.1.08]

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Going through a series of unfortunate events and hardships never justifes our evil deeds.

Forgiveness is the gentlest answer to cruelty

How does where we live influence how we live?
The ministry version.
Texts & References: READING - Relect on how Oliver's misfortune deprived him of happiness.
Capstone Connection: Work to eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Use the three connection strategy (text to self, to text and to the world)

EN.1.22 - Verbally summarize a text, lecture or listening passage by stating the main topic, main ideas and
significant details, using simple structures and a range of vocabulary appropriate to the topic. (Week 08 -
Week 08)

Essential Questions: Verbally summarize a text, lecture or listening passage by stating the main topic,
main ideas and significant details, using simple structures and a range of vocabulary appropriate to the topic.
literature can serve as a vehicle for social change.
What are the responsibilities of the individual in regard to issues of social justice?
The ministry version.Oliver Twist Ch. 4
Texts & References: SPEAKING - Analyze the causes and effects of a problem and solve it.
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact, Increase efficient use of our land through
improved use of arid areas, Reduce pollution fouling our air water and grounds
Grand Challenge Connections: Practicing the RAFT strategy.

EN.1.23 - Differentiate between facts and opinions. (Week 08 - Week 08)

Essential Questions: Differentiate between facts and opinions. [ENR.1.05]

The breakthrough in science might not provide radical solutions to epidemics.
1- Why is cleanliness important?
2- Do you think there is a relation between overpopulated areas and infectious diseases?
Hello Unit 7 Health & Safety
Texts & References: READING - Present scientific information.
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt, Work to

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eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Group presentations covering the following points: 1. Kinds of bacteria
and sterilization. 2. Louis Pasteur 3. Bird Flu 4. The Egyptian's most serious diseases.
5. Hygiene and sanitation. 6. Quiz

EN.1.24 - Demonstrate respect for diverse experiences and cultures. (Week 08 - Week 08)

Essential Questions: Demonstrate respect for diverse experiences and cultures. [ENS.1.04]
Different cultures shape the definitions of good and evil.
What factors shape our values and beliefs?
Hello Unit 8 William Sakespeare Youtube King Lear video
Texts & References: SPEAKING - Criticize a literary text.
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt,
Grand Challenge Connections: A court trial for Lear's daughters for their filial ingratitude.

EN.1.25 - Use technology resources to check pronunciation, spelling (Week 09 - Week 09)

Essential Questions: Use technology resources to check pronunciation, spelling [ENV.1.05]

Technology is a tool for helping language learners to use the target language in a cultural appropriate ways
to accomplish authentic tasks.
What are the advantages of using technology in language acquisition?
Upstream B2 Unit 2 While there's life, there's hope (p.22 & 23)
Texts & References: STRUCTURE AND VOCABULARY - Describe physical features and feelings.
Capstone Connection: Increase industrial base for Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: A gussing game to recognize the identity of their colleagues.

EN.1.26 - Identify and correctly use idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and affixes. (Week 09 - Week 09)

Essential Questions: Identify and correctly use idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and affixes. [ENV.1.03]
Idioms and idiomatic
expressions are words and phrases
that cannot be translated literally
from one language to another.

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How can we use and interpret idiomatic expressions so that they communicate the intended message?
Upstream B2 Unit 2 While there's life, there's hope (p.24: 27)
Texts & References: STRUCTURE AND VOCABULARY - Draw pictures of the given idioms.
Capstone Connection: Work to eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Replace the given words with the appropriate phrasal verb.

EN.1.27 - Listen to comprehend and demonstrate appreciation for the values, beliefs and practices of both
national and target cultures. (Week 09 - Week 09)

Essential Questions: Listen to comprehend and demonstrate appreciation for the values, beliefs and
practices of both national and target cultures. [ENL.1.05]
understanding the cultural context of language enhance our ability to communicate?
How can understanding a language enhance our understanding of the culture it represents?
Upstream B2 Unit 2 While there's life, there's hope (p.28: 29) (Listening & speaking)
Texts & References: LISTENING - Listening actively (taking notes, asking questions and commenting)
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact, Increase efficient use of our land through
improved use of arid areas, Reduce pollution fouling our air water and grounds
Grand Challenge Connections: Role play to speak about themselves.

EN.1.28 - Read, analyze and deduce meaning from a variety of texts. (Week 10 - Week 10)

Essential Questions: Read, analyze and deduce meaning from a variety of texts. [ENR.1.06]
The values, norms, and perspectives of a culture are reflected in the language used within that culture.
How can learning another language enhance our ability to navigate the global culture?
Upstream B2 Unit 2 While there's life, there's hope (p.30: 31) (literature corner, Jack & Jill)
Texts & References: READING - Analyse the text.
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Work to
eradicate public health issues/disease, Increase efficient use of our land through improved use of arid areas
Grand Challenge Connections: Choose your favorite scene from the text and draw it.

EN.1.29 - Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences. (Week 10 - Week 10)

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Essential Questions: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences. [ENW.1.04]
Language is the medium through which we acquire and share information, ideas, thoughts, beliefs,
perspectives, emotions, and feelings.
How do we present
information, concepts and ideas in another language?
Upstream B2 Unit 2 While there's life, there's hope (p.32: 33) (writing a story)
Texts & References: WRITING - Use technology to publish their stories.
Capstone Connection: Work to eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Write a story (a comedy, a thriller, an adventure, a detective, a fairy tale
and/or a spy story)

EN.1.30 - Develop and strengthen clarity of presentation by planning, organizing notes and visuals, and
practicing without reading prior to formal delivery. (Week 10 - Week 10)

Essential Questions: Develop and strengthen clarity of presentation by planning, organizing notes and
visuals, and practicing without reading prior to formal delivery. [ENP.1.04]
Exploring the perspectives,
practices, products, and languages
of different cultures provides insight
into one's own culture, and
contributes to one's understanding
of the diversity of other cultures in a global society.
What are some effective ways to practice presentation?/
Hello Unit 9 It's a small world
Texts & References: PRESENTATION - Design an oral presentation with a written script.
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt,
Grand Challenge Connections: Individual presentations about tourist attraction indifferent countries.

EN.1.31 - Demonstrate awareness of the ethical use of ICT, including citing resources and copyrights.
(Week 11 - Week 11)

Essential Questions: Demonstrate awareness of the ethical use of ICT, including citing resources and
copyrights. [ENW.1.09]
Writing helps you move easily among facts, inferences, and opinions without getting confused—and without
confusing your reader

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Technology helps create a
global community where information
is exchanged in multiple languages
through varied media.
Texts & References: WRITING - Tracking cause and effect.
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact, Increase efficient use of our land through
improved use of arid areas, Reduce pollution fouling our air water and grounds
Grand Challenge Connections: The semester's writing project.

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English: Grade 1, Semester 2
Energy, Force and Power
Big Idea:

EN.1.32 - Students will be able to distinguish among facts and speculation in a text. [EN.1.04] (Week 01 -
Week 01)

EN.1.33 - Students will be able to identify gist and main ideas. [EN.1.02] (Week 01 - Week 01)

Texts & References: Life Unit 12 Nature

EN.1.34 - Students will be able to reflect on ideas [EN.1.03] (Week 01 - Week 01)

EN.1.35 - Students will be able to use technology to produce, publish and update individual or shared writing
products. [EN.1.05] (Week 02 - Week 03)

• Oral presentation (Description, classification, habitat, life cycle, adaptation, youngsters, the animal in the
media, why you have chosen it)
• Descriptive writing ( 150 to 200 words)
• Assignment: Grammar way 3: unit 15 questions)
Texts & References: Unit 10 Hello Animals in the wild

EN.1.36 - Students will be able to produce clear and coherent writing, in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience. [EN.1.06] (Week 02 - Week 03)


EN.1.37 - Students will be able to interpret a work of literature and relate the information to contemporary.
[EN.1.08] (Week 03 - Week 03)

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EN.1.38 - Students will be able to read, comprehend and appreciate the values, beliefs and practices of both
national and target cultures. [EN.1.07] (Week 03 - Week 03)

• Listening
• Key vocabulary
• Reading
• Modals (grammar way U 5)
• Communication skills
• Critical thinking (class discussion on living on a desert island)
Summary, summing up
Texts & References: U. 11 Daniel Defoe
Oliver Twist Chapter 5 & 6

EN.1.39 - Students will be able to participate effectively in discussions and debates (one-on-one, in groups,
and teacher-led) with diverse topics and issues. [EN.1.09] (Week 04 - Week 04)

• Writing a summary of chapter 1
• Draw the summing up star
• Find the three connections
Texts & References: U. 12 People at work
Upstream Unit 2

EN.1.40 - Students will be able to determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text.
[EN.1.10] (Week 04 - Week 04)

EN.1.41 - Students will be able to identify and correctly use idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and affixes.
[EN.1.11] (Week 05 - Week 05)

• Listening & speaking
• Reading:
• Listening

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• Key vocabulary
• Reading
• Articles (grammar way U 12 )
• Communication skills
• Critical thinking
Texts & References: U.13 Modern Wonders

EN.1.42 - Students will be able to use appropriate vocabulary to describe people, places, events and
experiments. [EN.1.12] (Week 05 - Week 05)

EN.1.43 - Students will be able to write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences and well-
structured sequences. [EN.1.13] (Week 06 - Week 06)

• Listening
• Listening
• Key vocabulary
• Reading
• Articles (grammar way U 9 )
• Communication skills
• Critical thinking
Writing a narrative/ descriptive essays
(Write about a turning point in your life)
Texts & References: U.14 Jules Verne
Upstream workbook

EN.1.44 - Students will be able to recognize universal themes in literature [EN.1.14] (Week 07 - Week 07)

• Listening
• Key vocabulary
• Reading
• Modals (grammar way U 5 )
• Communication skills
• Critical thinking

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Texts & References: U.15 Phobias
Oliver Twist Chapter 7 & 8

EN.1.45 - Students will be able to differentiate between facts and opinions. [EN.1.15] (Week 08 - Week 08)

• Listening
• Key vocabulary
• Reading
• Questions (grammar way U 15 )
• Communication skills
• Critical thinking
• Write a creative dialogue
• Practice self, peer and group editing to improve writing, e.g. word choice, spelling, tenses and punctuation
Texts & References: U.16 The Global Village

EN.1.46 - Students will be able to use technology resources to check pronunciation, spelling. [EN.1.17]
(Week 09 - Week 09)

EN.1.47 - Students will be able to listen to summarize, make judgments, complete comprehension tasks,
respond to open-ended/reflective questions and take notes. [EN.1.16] (Week 09 - Week 09)

• Listening
• Key vocabulary
• Reading
• Passive (grammar way U 6 )
• Communication skills
• Critical thinking
Texts & References: U.17 Sherlock Holmes

EN.1.48 - Students will be able to apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in
different contexts to make effective choices for meaning or style. [EN.1.18] (Week 10 - Week 12)

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• Listening
• Key vocabulary
• Reading
• Reported Speech (grammar way U 10 )
• Communication skills
• Critical thinking
Texts & References: U.18 Holidays with a difference

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English: Grade 2, Semester 1
Change, Equilibrium and Cycles

Big Idea: Language is a system. Language systems are deeply affected by team work & collaboration. Modern
tech & different forms of social media help improve and perfect systems. The main aim of the course is that
students can develop their language skills and be able to use English effectively in their other STEM subjects
through a project based learning approach.

EN.2.01 - 1. Deliver factual presentations that present information, findings and supporting evidence clearly,
concisely and logically so that audience can follow the line of reasoning with little difficulty., (Week 01 - Week

Essential Questions: 1. Deliver factual presentations that present information, findings and supporting
evidence clearly, concisely and logically so that audience can follow the line of reasoning with little difficulty.,
1. Project based learning is the core of STEM education.
What makes the STEM graduates different?
The school handbook.
Texts & References: PRESENTATION - Develop their verbal presentation skills
Think critically about the difference between STEM education and the general one in Egypt.
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact
Grand Challenge Connections: 1. Oral presentation.

EN.2.02 - Produce clear and coherent writing, in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose and audience. (Week 01 - Week 01)

Essential Questions: Produce clear and coherent writing, in which the development, organization, and style
are appropriate to task, purpose and audience. [ENW.2.02]
1. Problem solving.
To what extent did the previous year support you with new experience?
The school handbook.
Texts & References: WRITING - Reading, Vocab & Critical Thinking;
Grammar, Listening & Speaking
Grand Challenge Connections: Writing a paragraph

Printed on October 15, 2015

EN.2.03 - 1.Evaluate another speaker’s point of view or attitude using evidence of language used, and
respond appropriately. (Week 02 - Week 02)

Essential Questions: 1.Evaluate another speaker’s point of view or attitude using evidence of language
used, and respond appropriately.
1-the principles of teamwork
2- recognizing the advantages and disadvantages of collaborative teamwok
What is the importance of teamwork?
How does teamwork lead to success?
Textbook, the internet & google drive
Texts & References: SPEAKING - Speaking& debating skills
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: Quiz& Discussion

EN.2.04 - 1. Verbally summarize an academic text, lecture or news/television broadcast with reasonable
accuracy. (Week 02 - Week 02)

Essential Questions: 1. Verbally summarize an academic text, lecture or news/television broadcast with
reasonable accuracy. [ENS.2.02]
what are the benefits of teamwork?
Textbook, the internet
Texts & References: SPEAKING - Reading, Vocab & Critical Thinking;
Grammar, Listening & Speaking
Grand Challenge Connections: Students must give a speech, based on reading and Internet research that
analyzes the benefits of cooperation & tolerance

EN.2.05 - 1. Use the writing process to develop and evaluate their own writing according to established
criteria and rubrics. (Week 03 - Week 03)

Essential Questions: 1. Use the writing process to develop and evaluate their own writing according to
established criteria and rubrics. [ENW.2.02 ]
The qualities and traits of successful people.
The importance of work.

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1- What are the characteristics and traits of successful people?
2- How can we provide more job opportunities?
textbooks, the internet & google drive
Texts & References: WRITING - Writing skills
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Increase
industrial base for Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: writing a CV

EN.2.06 - 1.Read, analyze and identify the line of argument and writer’s tone in clearly signaled academic
texts. (Week 04 - Week 04)

Essential Questions: 1.Read, analyze and identify the line of argument and writer’s tone in clearly signaled
academic texts.
recognizing the ideas of satire and irony
1- How did Jonathon Swift make fun of the politics of his day?
2- To what extent did Swift ambition affect Gulliver's life?
textbook, the internet
Texts & References: READING - skimming and scanning skills
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: presentation & acting
writing character analysis

EN.2.07 - 1. Interact orally to start, maintain and close a conversation on familiar academic topics using a
range of simple and complex structures, and a range of vocabulary appropriate to the topic. (Week 05 -
Week 05)

Essential Questions: 1. Interact orally to start, maintain and close a conversation on familiar academic
topics using a range of simple and complex structures, and a range of vocabulary appropriate to the topic.
Different reasons for crossing barriers
Culture exchange
search for work
What do you think about the meaning of the title?
How do people cross barriers?

Printed on October 15, 2015

the internet, textbook & google drive
Texts & References: #N/A
Capstone Connection: Reduce urban congestion and its impact, Increase opportunities for Egyptians to
stay and work in Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: debate & presentation

EN.2.08 - Demonstrate the ability to interpret appropriate data effectively. (Week 06 - Week 06)

Essential Questions: Demonstrate the ability to interpret appropriate data effectively. [ENC.2.01]
The internet, textbook & google drive Global Issues Hello ( 18)/ Upstream 9
Texts & References: CRITICAL THINKING - Reading, Vocab & Critical Thinking;
Grammar, Listening & Speaking

EN.2.09 - 1.Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences, using precise details, sensory
language to convey a vivid picture of the topic. (Week 06 - Week 06)

Essential Questions: 1.Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences, using precise details,
sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the topic.
Extracting the morals of stories
1- How does sport affect our life?
2- How can we use sea water to solve our grand challenges?
textbook, the internet & google drive Hello ( 9 & 11 ) The Olympics & Moby Dick
Texts & References: #N/A
Capstone Connection: Improve Sources of Clean Water
Grand Challenge Connections: Quiz
Writing a paragraph

EN.2.10 - 1.Demonstrate the ability to draw logical conclusions/ solutions. (Week 07 - Week 07)

Essential Questions: 1.Demonstrate the ability to draw logical conclusions/ solutions. [ENC.2.02]
Genetic engineering

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Genetically modified food
1-What is the difference between organic and non-organic food?
2- How can we solve the problem of food shortage?
textbook, the internet & google drive Where today's food comes from? Hello ( 10 )
Texts & References: CRITICAL THINKING - debate & presentation skills
Capstone Connection: Increase efficient use of our land through improved use of arid areas, Improve
Sources of Clean Water, Increase industrial base for Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: writing an argumentative essay

EN.2.11 - 1. Determine the meaning of words, phrases, technical terms and idioms. (Week 08 - Week 08)

Essential Questions: 1. Determine the meaning of words, phrases, technical terms and idioms. [ENR.2.02]
the importance of phrasal verbs.
How do prepositions affect the meanings of verbs?
textbook, the internet, dictionaries & google drive
Texts & References: READING - using phrasal verbs and idioms correctly
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: Quiz

EN.2.12 - 1. Demonstrate awareness that different purposes and audiences will influence verbal
communication choices such as vocabulary, rate of speech and tone during discussion. (Week 09 - Week

Essential Questions: 1. Demonstrate awareness that different purposes and audiences will influence verbal
communication choices such as vocabulary, rate of speech and tone during discussion. [ENS.2.04]
1- solving problems related to lack of energy.
2- practicing critical thinking regarding global issues and the available alternative resources.
1- How can we overcome the problem of the lack of energy?
2- Why should we resort to renewable sources of energy?
Textbook, the internet& google drive Upstream ( 9 ) Planet Issues
Texts & References: SPEAKING - Speaking, writing & presentations skills
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Improve
Sources of Clean Water, Reduce pollution fouling our air water and grounds
Grand Challenge Connections: Oral discussion on global issues

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EN.2.13 - 1. Critique a text and evaluate the content. (Week 10 - Week 10)

Essential Questions: 1. Critique a text and evaluate the content. [ENR.2.10]

recognizing the ideas of satire and irony
1- How can Gulliver overcome his grand challenges?
2- If you were Gulliver, would you like to stay in Lilliput or Blefuscu? Why?
textbook, the internet
Texts & References: READING - skimming and scanning skills
Capstone Connection: Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt
Grand Challenge Connections: presentation & acting
writing character analysis

Printed on October 15, 2015

English: Grade 2, Semester 2
Change, Equilibrium and Cycles

Big Idea: Language is a system. Language systems are deeply affected by team work & collaboration. Modern
tech & different forms of social media help improve and perfect systems. The main aim of the course is that
students can develop their language skills and be able to use English effectively in their other STEM subjects
through a project based learning approach.

EN.2.14 - Distinguish among fact and speculation in a text. [EN.2.16] (Week 01 - Week 01)

EN.2.15 - Students will be able to reflect on ideas. [EN.2.15] (Week 01 - Week 01)

EN.2.16 - Students will be able to identify gist and main ideas. [EN.2.14] (Week 01 - Week 01)

Expressing and asking for opinions
Demanding and giving explanations
Asking for and giging advice
Phrasal Verbs
1. Quis: Upstream Unit 3
2. Quiz
Texts & References: Reading:
Great British Jobs
Why dont you get a proper job?

EN.2.17 - Students will be able to produce different types of writing including descriptive and expository.
EN.2.17] (Week 02 - Week 02)

Writing a report
Formal Writing: application letters, reports
ing form and infinitive
reported speech

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Write a reportabout the percentage of unemployment in Egypt

EN.2.18 - Read, comprehend and appreciate the values, beliefs and practices. [EN.2.19] (Week 03 - Week


EN.2.19 - Interpret a work of literature and relate information to contemporary information. [EN.2.18] (Week
03 - Week 03)

Give feedback on SS summmaries
Main Characters and Themes
1. Vocabulary quiz
2. Write an essay about the demerits of mobile phones.
Texts & References: Novel: Chapter 5 & 6
Hello! Unit 5 & 13

EN.2.20 - Read, comprehend and appreciate the values, beliefs and practices. [EN.2.19] (Week 04 - Week

EN.2.21 - Interpret a work of literature and relate information to contemporary information. [EN.2.18] (Week
04 - Week 04)

Internet Activities
Student Presentation
Reading Quiz

EN.2.22 - Develop a personal vocabulary dictionary. [EN.2.20] (Week 05 - Week 05)

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Relative pronouns
1. Grammar Quiz
2. AWL sub list 2
Texts & References: Hello! Unit 7

EN.2.23 - Read, comprehend and appreciate the values, beliefs and practices [EN.2.19] (Week 06 - Week

EN.2.24 - Interpret a work of literature and relate information to contemporary information. [EN.2.18] (Week
06 - Week 06)

Main Characters and Themes
1. Summary
2. Summing up star
Texts & References: Novel Chapter 7 & 8

EN.2.25 - Draw conclusions about contexts, events, characters and setting from written texts. [EN.2.21]
(Week 07 - Week 07)

Passive voice
1. Grammar quiz
Vocabulary Quiz
Texts & References: Hello! 17
Jurassic Park

EN.2.26 - Critique a text and evaluate the content [EN.2.22] (Week 07 - Week 07)

EN.2.27 - Differentiate between fact and opinion. [EN.2.23] (Week 08 - Week 08)

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Write an essay about your favorite place
Texts & References: Guilt-free Holiday
Upstream Unit 6
Extract from The Moon and Sixpence

EN.2.28 - Read analyze and deduce meaning from a variety of texts. [EN.2.24] (Week 08 - Week 08)

EN.2.29 - Students will be able to identify gist and main ideas. [EN.2.14] (Week 09 - Week 09)

Modal Verb
Quiz: Upstream Unit 6
Module 3

EN.2.30 - Express opinions clearly and persuasively. [EN.2.26] (Week 10 - Week 12)

EN.2.31 - Participate effectively in discussions and debate. [EN.2.25] (Week 10 - Week 12)

Make up a dialogue
Texts & References: Hello! 15
Hello! 16

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English: Grade 3, Semester 1
Big Idea:

EN.3.01 - Maintain neatly organized writing portfolios for use in tracking their growth as maturing writers.
(Week 01 - Week 01)

Essential Questions: Maintain neatly organized writing portfolios for use in tracking their growth as
maturing writers. [ENW.3.01]
Violating rules break down systems
● Why is following rules important for any society?
● How would be a STEM school graduate affect your future?
Google Drive for e-porfoliosand upload the learning materials of the year.
Texts & References: WRITING - Write a self-reflection
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Work to
eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Write a poster of the classroom rules the students have decided on

Writing high-quality compliment to each other.

EN.3.02 - Listen to reflect on ideas, make inferences. (Week 02 - Week 02)

Essential Questions: Listen to reflect on ideas, make inferences. [ENL.3.01]

Making predictions affects our future decision.
What are the merits and demirts of technology? Why are some people against space exploration?
Hello year 3, unit 1
Texts & References: LISTENING - Identify facts and opinions.
Express opinion Making predictions
Capstone Connection: Improve the use of alternative energies to reduce our reliance on extracted fuel
sources, Reduce pollution fouling our air water and grounds
Grand Challenge Connections: - Debate on modern technology

EN.3.03 - Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text, in which the rhetoric is used. (Week 03 -
Week 03)

Printed on October 15, 2015

Essential Questions: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text, in which the rhetoric is used.
People change when they live within different circumstances.
1. What are the reasons behind Anthony Hope's popularity?
Hello unit 2 +(Hope's biography + synopothesis+ themes) the internet websites for authors
Texts & References: READING - Analyse the main points of a biography
Discussing the main themes of the story
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Work to
eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: A graphic organizer for the story (ReaderResponse Graphic Organiser

EN.3.04 - Assess their written production formally, following certain rubrics. (Week 03 - Week 03)

Essential Questions: Assess their written production formally, following certain rubrics. [ENW.3.07]
How punctuation is the key element in understanding English.
Following rules leads to more organized work and guarantees success.
● Why is punctuation important for English learners?/ Why does punctuation matter?
● How does punctuation affect meaning?
The Blue Book
Part 1 only (till page 55)
Texts & References: WRITING - Using punctuation marks properly.
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Work to
eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: • Punctuation activities

EN.3.05 - Interpret a work of literature and relate the information to contemporary experiences. (Week 04 -
Week 04)

Essential Questions: Interpret a work of literature and relate the information to contemporary experiences.

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The importance of honor, duty and loyalty for the stability of any country.
Travel broadens our mind, increases our knowledge and experience and reveals our real potentials. It
enables us understand the true nature of the human beings as well as their cultures
1. What kind of a novel is the Prisoner of Zenda: adventure, thrilling, horror or detective?
2. Why do you think the author used fictional characters and unknown country in this novel?
3. How was the social class structure in Europe in the 19th century different?
The ministry copy, a video of the novel & the original copy (youtuube about central Europe) cards of names
& places. Inro + Chapter 1
Texts & References: READING - - Understand the writer's outstanding skill of using fiction and imagination
to make the readers have great fun.
- Acquiring knowledge necessary for the assessment of human strengths and weaknesses and how
Humans' narrow-mindedness could lead to war and havoc and don't judge people by mere appearances.
- Connect the novel incidents to our real life
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Improve the
use of alternative energies to reduce our reliance on extracted fuel sources
Grand Challenge Connections: A Frayer model for each character of chapter 1.

EN.3.06 - In discussion, distinguish what is directly stated and what can be inferred, and demonstrate ability
to double check meaning/comprehension. (Week 05 - Week 05)

Essential Questions: In discussion, distinguish what is directly stated and what can be inferred, and
demonstrate ability to double check meaning/comprehension. [ENS.3.06]
People have different reasons for joy, failure and success.
To what extent does a culture / society / subculture shape an individual’s understanding or concept of
Upstream C1 Unit 1 Upstream: Something to shout about (Lead in, speaking, reading p7,8,9)
Texts & References: SPEAKING - Match extracts with text types and relate them to the main theme.
Capstone Connection: Recycle and retain garbage for recycling
Grand Challenge Connections: Graphic organizers for the new vocabulary.

EN.3.07 - Read, comprehend and appreciate the values, beliefs and practices of both national and target
cultures. (Week 06 - Week 06)

Essential Questions: Read, comprehend and appreciate the values, beliefs and practices of both national
and target cultures. [ENR.3.04]
Using renewable sources of energy affects the sustainability of life on earth.

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Why do we bother to study/examine the sources of energy?
Hello Unit 3: Energy
Texts & References: READING - Ccomparing & contrasting sources of energy.
Capstone Connection: Improve the use of alternative energies to reduce our reliance on extracted fuel
sources, Reduce pollution fouling our air water and grounds
Grand Challenge Connections: An essay about promoting energy-saving habits.

EN.3.08 - Identify and correctly use idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and affixes. In their oral and products
(discussions, journals, academic essays, portfolios and posters) using self-editing. (Week 06 - Week 06)

Essential Questions: Identify and correctly use idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and affixes. In their oral
and products (discussions, journals, academic essays, portfolios and posters) using self-editing. [ENV.3.03]
Failure is not the opposite of success, it is just a step forward., i.e. fail fast, fail often, fail forward.
10. In a culture where we are bombarded with other people trying to define us, how do we make decisions
for ourselves?
Upstream C1 Unit1 Upstream Something to shout about (Language Focus p. 10, 11, 12 & 13)
Texts & References: STRUCTURE AND VOCABULARY - Discuss the factors of career success
(background, personal qualities)
Capstone Connection: Work to eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Match the verbs with the particles to form phrasal verbs and use them to
complete senetences. Rewrite senetences using one of the given idioms.

EN.3.09 - Interpret and critique an author’s tone, message and attitudes. (Week 07 - Week 07)

Essential Questions: Interpret and critique an author’s tone, message and attitudes. [ENR.3.10]
Reading literature improves education, reinforce students' experiences, introduces them to other cultures
and helps them to be more tolerant and empathic.
14. How does the study of fiction and nonfiction texts help individuals construct their understanding of
Hello Unit 4: Writers and stories
Texts & References: READING - Debate how far a writer's career shape his writing style.
Capstone Connection: Work to eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Write a review of their favorite story.

Printed on October 15, 2015

EN.3.10 - In discussion, distinguish what is directly stated and what can be inferred, and demonstrate ability
to double check meaning/comprehension. (Week 07 - Week 07)

Essential Questions: In discussion, distinguish what is directly stated and what can be inferred, and
demonstrate ability to double check meaning/comprehension. [ENS.3.06]
Good citizens realize the true meaning of patriotism that is reflected in their behavior.
How do beliefs, ethics, or values influence different people’s behavior?
Hello Unit 5: Christie: N or M?
Texts & References: SPEAKING - Giving advice to solve problems.
Capstone Connection: Recycle and retain garbage for recycling
Grand Challenge Connections: A vocabulray & grammar quiz.

EN.3.11 - Apply the critical thinking standards to their thinking process to engage in the process of
application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation in order to make effective decisions. (Week 08 - Week 08)

Essential Questions: Apply the critical thinking standards to their thinking process to engage in the process
of application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation in order to make effective decisions. [ENC.3.03]
Each individual should have their own role in society to accomplish certain tasks.
Responsible rulers should care about their people.
What is the turning point in the life of Rassendyll?
The ministry copy, a video of the novel & the original copy. The Prisoner of Zenda (Chapters 2 & 3)
Texts & References: CRITICAL THINKING - Defending solutions.
Identify the cause & effect of the incidents of the chapters.
Capstone Connection: Increase efficient use of our land through improved use of arid areas
Grand Challenge Connections: Writing a summary of certain parts
Drawing the summing up star

EN.3.12 - Interact orally to start, sustain and close a conversation on familiar academic topics, and
contemporary issues found in books, internet, newspapers and magazines, using a range of vocabulary,
cohesive devices, and appropriate mix of simple and complex sentences. (Week 09 - Week 09)

Essential Questions: Interact orally to start, sustain and close a conversation on familiar academic topics,
and contemporary issues found in books, internet, newspapers and magazines, using a range of vocabulary,
cohesive devices, and appropriate mix of simple and complex sentences. [ENS.3.01]

Printed on October 15, 2015

Trees affect the sustainability of life on earth.
What are the responsibilities of the individual / society / superpowers in regard to the health of the
environment? (local, regional, national or international context can be used)
Hello Unit 6: The importance of trees (covering the conditionals of unit 9 also)+C88
Texts & References: SPEAKING - Writing a process/ giving instructions to operate a machine.
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Work to
eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Write a recipe of your favorite dish.

EN.3.13 - Identify the differences between formal and informal English and between facts and opinions and
major concepts and ideas in speeches, discussions, audio and video presentations. (Week 09 - Week 09)

Essential Questions: Identify the differences between formal and informal English and between facts and
opinions and major concepts and ideas in speeches, discussions, audio and video presentations. [ENL.3.02]
Advancement of technology features the mentality of humans and their beliefs.
How far has technology affected people's life style?
Upstream C1 Unit 1 Something to shout about (listening & speaking, p. 13, 14, 15)
Texts & References: LISTENING - Listening tto check prediction.
Capstone Connection: Recycle and retain garbage for recycling
Grand Challenge Connections: Compare and speculate while listening to the news.

EN.3.14 - Analyze how complex characters develop over the novel (their conflicting motivations and
interactions with other characters) (Week 09 - Week 09)

Essential Questions: Analyze how complex characters develop over the novel (their conflicting motivations
and interactions with other characters) [ENR3.08]
Loyalty and nobility are key elements in the character of distinguished leaders.
1. Discuss some of the moral values embedded in the novel. 2. What message or lesson is
the author trying to convey in the novel? 3. Based on the novel, write about the underlying
themes. Give evidence to support your answer
The ministry copy, a video of the novel & the original copy. The Prisoner of Zenda (Chapter 4)
Texts & References: #N/A
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Work to
eradicate public health issues/disease

Printed on October 15, 2015

Grand Challenge Connections: Using the illustrations (pictures) to summarize the main incidents of the
first four chapters.

EN.3.15 - Deliver complex, clear and coherent factual oral presentations using information, sources,
visuals/media and explanations suitable for the purpose and audience. Encourage and effectively respond to
audience questions and comments. (Week 09 - Week 09)

Essential Questions: Deliver complex, clear and coherent factual oral presentations using information,
sources, visuals/media and explanations suitable for the purpose and audience. Encourage and effectively
respond to audience questions and comments. [ENP.3.02]
Architecture reflects the culture of any nation. Historical monuments are
endangered by man and nature.
How are belief systems represented and reproduced through history, literature, art, and music?
Hello Unit 7: Building and Egineering
Texts & References: PRESENTATION - Problem-solving
Capstone Connection: Increase efficient use of our land through improved use of arid areas
Grand Challenge Connections: Write an article about either the first iron bridge, England, 1779, the Suez
Canal, 1869, Table Mountain Cable Car, South Africa, 1929, or the Trans-Syberian Railway, Russia, 1891-
1916, focussing on the problems & difficulties of building them.

EN.3.16 - Annotate a reading passage to determine the thesis statement and relations between paragraphs.
(Week 10 - Week 10)

Essential Questions: Annotate a reading passage to determine the thesis statement and relations between
paragraphs. [ENR.3.03]
Miserable people often lead a life full of worries, responsibilities and materialistic dreams.
What is happiness, and what is the degree of importance in one’s life?
Upstream C1 Unit 1 Something to shout about (Reading, p.16 &17) (H.W. Use of English, p.18:21)
Texts & References: READING - Annotating the reading passage
Capstone Connection: Recycle and retain garbage for recycling
Grand Challenge Connections: Fill in gap sentences with the correct form of the verb (gerund & infinitive)

EN.3.17 - Recognize universal themes in literature. (Week 10 - Week 10)

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Essential Questions: Recognize universal themes in literature. [ENR.3.07]
Psychological theories never agree on whether the human nature has two confilicting sides; good and evil.
How can a person’s decisions and actions change his/her life?
Hello Unit 8 Stevenson: DR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE
Texts & References: READING - Differentiating between facts & opinions.
Capstone Connection: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the impact, Work to
eradicate public health issues/disease
Grand Challenge Connections: Write a list of real life situations that illustrate the good and evil ideas.

EN.3.18 - Interpret and evaluate efficacy of texts addressing academic topics. (Week 11 - Week 11)

Essential Questions: Interpret and evaluate efficacy of texts addressing academic topics. [ENR.3.11]
Despite being part of nature, man can not stand against its powers.
What is the importance of nature and what factors support or destroy its structure?
Hello Unit 9 The power of nature
Texts & References: READING - Giving scientic explanation of some natural phenomena.
Capstone Connection: Increase efficient use of our land through improved use of arid areas
Grand Challenge Connections: A fivee minute presentation of a natural disaster that has actually
happened(flood lightening/electrical storms, forest fire drought, earthquake, tornado heat waves and total

EN.3.19 - Produce clear and coherent writing, in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose and audience. (Week 11 - Week 11)

Essential Questions: Produce clear and coherent writing, in which the development, organization, and style
are appropriate to task, purpose and audience. [ENW.3.02]
People switch their language codes according to the setting, the purpose and the audience.
How can we switch between different codes?
Upstream C1 Unit 1 Something to shout about
Texts & References: WRITING - Using a rubric to improve their writing.
Capstone Connection: Recycle and retain garbage for recycling
Grand Challenge Connections: write an informal letter

Printed on October 15, 2015

Printed on October 15, 2015
English: Grade 3, Semester 2
Big Idea:

EN.3.20 - Students will be able to produce clear and coherent writing, in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience. [EN.3.10] (Week 01 - Week 01)

Listening: Space travel
Grammar: Future forms
Function: agreeing & disagreeing
Reading: Space Holidays
Critical thinking: Space exploration.
An essay about the importance of space science
Texts & References: Hello! Unit 1 Reach for the stars

EN.3.21 - Students will be able to listen for specific information and for detail. [EN.3.09] (Week 01 - Week

Debate on modern technology
Texts & References: Unit 2 Upstream
Lead in: Forms of Escapism
Presentation list of Hello

EN.3.22 - Students will be able to respond to various types of comprehension questions. [EN.3.12] (Week 02
- Week 02)

Summary, summing up star, the three connections
Texts & References: The prisoner of Zenda Chapter 5
Chapter 6

EN.3.23 - Students will be able to determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text.
[EN.3.11] (Week 02 - Week 02)

Frayer model for the new vocab

Printed on October 15, 2015

Texts & References: Unit 2 Upstream
Reading: The book of the Century

EN.3.24 - Students will be able to use appropriate vocabulary to describe people, places, events and
experiments. [EN.3.13] (Week 03 - Week 03)

Language focus Expressing feelings & preferences
Collocations with book, do, have, take
Build up your word power, using adj. to increase intensity & adv. to make the adj. more emphatic.
Debate: The nuclear power
Texts & References: Unit 2 Upstream

EN.3.25 - Students will be able to use technology resources to check pronunciation, spelling. [EN.3.14]
(Week 03 - Week 03)

Grammar: Present simple: active & passive and the prefixes
Function: asking ques.
Reading: forms of energy
Critical thinking: Saving energy
Home Assignment: Hello Workbook: Units 1, 2, 3 + Review A
Texts & References: Unit 3 Energy

EN.3.26 - Students will be able to apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in
different contexts to make effective choices for meaning or style. [EN.3.16] (Week 04 - Week 04)

Grammar: conditionals Listening: facts about trees
Reading: why do we need trees
Critical thinking: Logging & the importance of the natural world
Language functions: giving instructions
Home Assignment
Hello Workbook: Units 4, 5, 6 + Review B
Texts & References: Unit 6 The importance of trees

Printed on October 15, 2015

EN.3.27 - Students will be able to identify and correctly use idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and affixes.
[EN.3.15] (Week 04 - Week 04)

Language focus: collocations, idioms & phrasal verbs.
Texts & References: Unit 2 Upstream

EN.3.28 - Students will be able to respond in discussions and writing, using personal literal interpretative and
evaluative stances, to works of fiction and/or non-fiction. [EN.3.17] (Week 05 - Week 05)

Communication: suggestions & interrupting
Listening: short talk about a family oriented hotel chain + people talk about their holidays
Texts & References: Unit 2 Upstream

EN.3.29 - Students will be able to interpret a work of literature and relate the information to contemporary
experiences. [EN.3.18] (Week 05 - Week 05)

Grammar (Deduction) Modal verbs: must have, can't have, might have
Listening: Cairo metro
Reading: Great Engineering
Communication: Deducing information about famous building (Suez Canal, 1st iron bridge in England, Table
Mountain Cable Car in South Car)
Write a formal letter to the counselor suggesting some modifications to the incidents of the story, based on
their personal perspective. (incidents, characters, ending)
Texts & References: The Prisoner of Zenda
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

EN.3.30 - Students will be able to read, analyze and deduce meaning from a variety of texts. [EN.3.19]
(Week 06 - Week 06)

Vocab Practice

Printed on October 15, 2015

Text analysis
Design a book page about fatal engineering mistakes.
Texts & References: Unit 2 Upstream
Reading part 2: Lonely enough for you?

EN.3.31 - Students will be able to express their opinion clearly and persuasively. [EN.3.20] (Week 06 - Week

"Grammar (Deduction) Modal verbs: must have, can't have, might have
Listening: Cairo metro
Reading: Great Engineering
Communication: Deducing information about famous building (Suez Canal, 1st iron bridge in England, Table
Mountain Cable Car in South Car)
Texts & References: Unit 7 Building & Engineering

EN.3.32 - Students will be able to practice higher level thinking skills: reflect on ideas, make inferences.
[EN.3.22] (Week 07 - )

Grammar: Conditionals
Reading: Unusual weather
Listening: The power of nature
Lang. Functions: Ask for explanations
Critical thinking: Extreme weather
Home Assignment
Workbook: Units 7, 8, 9 + Review C
Texts & References: Unit 9 The power of nature

EN.3.33 - Students will be able to differentiate between facts and opinions. [EN.3.21] (Week 07 - Week 07)

Error correction strategy
• Write a creative dialogue
• Practice self, peer and group editing to improve writing, e.g. word choice, spelling, tenses and punctuation

Printed on October 15, 2015

Texts & References: Unit 2 Upstream

EN.3.34 - Students will be able to use strategies to generate ideas for writing (discussions, semantic maps
and mind maps). [EN.3.23] (Week 08 - Week 08)

Grammar: Sentences with wish & unreal past.
Reading: Food from the air
Critical thinking: Why more scientists will be needed?
Home Assignment
Hello Workbook: Units
10, 11, 12 + Review D
Design an infograph mentioning at least 5 scientists, their achievements, their importance.
Texts & References: Unit 2 Upstream
Reading: Read a text & fill in the gaps (Escape into the future & holidays for all workers)
Writing: write a review

Unit 10 Science & Scientists

EN.3.35 - Students will be able to critique a text and evaluate the content. [EN.3.25] (Week 09 - Week 09)

Grammar :Future passive
Listening : e-books
Reading : An article about the history of books
Critical thinking : importance of using books in education
Texts & References: Unit 15 The Future of Books

EN.3.36 - Students will be able to participate effectively in discussions and debates (one-on-one, in groups,
and teacher-led) with diverse topics and issues. [EN.3.24] (Week 09 - Week 09)

• Writing a summary of chapter 1
• Draw the summing up star
• Find the three connections
Texts & References: Upstream
Self-Assessment module 1based on units 1 & 2

Printed on October 15, 2015

EN.3.37 - Students will be able to use appropriate vocabulary to describe people, places, events and
experiments. [EN.3.27] (Week 10 - Week 10)

Grammar Reported Questions
Listening: Finding work
Reading: C.V.
Critical thinking: What makes a successful job interview?
Upstream test 1
Texts & References: Unit 16 Finding Work

EN.3.38 - Students will be able to write for a variety of audiences, purposes and in various forms to
communicate meanings, ideas and emotions. [EN.3.26] (Week 10 - Week 10)

Dos & Don'ts in a job interview (gallery walk)
Texts & References: Upstream
Test Booklet: Test 1

EN.3.39 - Students will be able to listen to summarize, make judgments, complete comprehension tasks,
respond to open-ended/reflective questions and take notes. [EN.3.28] (Week 11 - Week 12)

Grammar: Modal verbs
Listening: Lifelong learning
Reading: Lifelong learning
Critical thinking: The benefits of studying later in life
Texts & References: Upstream
Test Booklet: Test 2
Unit 18 Lifelong learning

Printed on October 15, 2015

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