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[26/10 10.

07] Nanda Dkep: First, in the nursing department, the number of SKS for courses is far
more than in other majors, so it makes lecture hours more congested.

Second, there are many final exams and the like, for example there is OSCE, this exam is a kind of
practical exam for health children to see if our skills are able to take actions that have been
explained by the lecturer or not.

But on the bad side, it must go hand in hand with the good things you will get, for example:

First, I have many friends whose solidarity is fairly high because I have heard stories from my friends
since they were in college, it seems like each person has more of his own business so there is a lack
of friendship ties.

Second, I am also more grateful for the health blessings that God has given and have much more
respect for the surrounding environment and other creatures. For example, here when I raise a cat I
pay much more attention to the cleanliness of cats, their food and so on, even though I used to be
somewhat indifferent to other creatures, but that feeling suddenly appeared when I entered a
nursing student

[26/10 10.07] Nanda Dkep: That's enough, my experience as a student of STIKES Jenderal Ahmad
Yani Cimahi D3- Nursing class 2b. Thank you...

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

[26/10 10.07] Nanda Dkep: bismillahirahmanurahim.

assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

My name is Nanda Juandana I am from class 2b D3- Nursing and now I am Alhamdulillah already in
semester 3. Here I will write down my experience as a student of STIKES General Ahmad Yani Cimahi.

My first experience as a student, I was both happy and scared. Why are you afraid? I am afraid
because of the introduction of new students or what is often called PKJMB. I am afraid because I
must be angry - but even though I personally like to know each other because I know so many
people, and finally we are all friends, there are one study program, there are also different study
programs, even one class exists.

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