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My reasons for choosing the path that I choose were very simple.

Ever since my childhood I was

always involved in art, I found amusement in drawing, and painting pictures of cars, homes, and
cartoons. I always imagined myself to become an animator, or a painter, but I got really interested
in construction in a very odd way. When I was 10, my parent’s house was demolished, and so my
father was looking for a designer to plan out our new house. One day I overheard the conversation
between my father and the designer, and I curiously went over the table to see what they were
discussing, as I approached the table, there were many white sheets of blank paper with sketches
on them, they were simply beautiful, I was so amazed with the sketches and drawing that I started
coping them every time I had a piece of paper in front of me. When they were finished I asked my
father who he was, and he replied architect. The definition of architect was simple and clear to me,
that I decided to become an architect in a simple state of mind. I later came to understand that
Architects ...
Bioclimatic architecture or environmentally conscious, is not so much the result of an application
of particular technologies, and of sustaining logic, directed towards adaptation and positive use of
the environmental conditions, maintained during the process of the project, the work, and the
life of the building and the method by its inhabitants; without losing, not at all, none of the rest of
the implications: constructive, functional, aesthetic, etc., present in the recognized how good
architecture; creating a new hierarchy in the determinants of the constructed solutions.The need
to create new alternatives to the usual current modes of production of buildings is determined by
the evident and growing weighting of the environmental problems that are generated in the field
of accommodation and its direct…show more content…
The different climates, the variety of materials that nature has in each area, different
geographical conditions, different cultures living, mark orientations toward particular solutions
that will be necessary to study and develop for each option concrete.If there is something definite
like conclusion in the field of integrated architectures, it is its specificity for each case, for each
place, for each environment. They can be used methodologies for analysis and proposals of
previous or similar experiences that allow systematizing the basis of departure and discover
critical factors to keep in mind, although the balance and the hierarchy of decision-making varies
then individually for each

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