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1) Growth was on track to accelerate further by 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic

significantly impacted the economy and caused a very deep recession. The government
responded quickly to the crisis and took actions to protect lives and to support the
economy. On the fiscal front, the Government announced a help totaling over COP 31
billion, which provided additional resources for the health system, increased transfers to
vulnerable groups, delayed tax collection in selected sectors, reduced tariffs for strategic
health imports, and helped the most affected businesses to pay the wage their employees.

These measures are expected to mitigate the impact on the economy of COVID-19. However, the
economy is projected to contract by 7.2% in 2020 and growth is expected to rebound by 2021-
2022, always the pandemic is short-lived. Beyond the medium term, the outlook depends on the
duration and severity of the crisis, the manner and speed at which the fiscal deficit will be
reduced, and the country's ability to address existing structural bottlenecks.

2) I think that all the online sector and commerce are doing well, because of the pandemic
they´re having more sales and requests, the people that preferred to buy in stores and in
generally “physical” have started to buy online. My family is an example, my mom didn´t
like to buy anything online, but due to the pandemic, she has started to buy several
products online.
And the food sector was very deeply harmed because all the stores and the restaurants
had to close for a while, but in this moment they are re-opening and recovering of the
damage caused by the pandemic.
3) My forecast is that the economy will recover, but only if the people keep the insurance
measures, because if they not it will be necessary another preventive confinement, even if
the economy doesn´t hold up, because if the infected grown up more people will die if we
don’t make the confinement.
4) As I said before, I think that all the online commerce are gonna make profits, and, as a
consequence of that, the service delivery of foods or any type of product will make profits
too. Like servientrega and services like that.
5) I read an article of Forbes that said that construction, agriculture, commerce and industry
will be sectors that will recover the Colombian economy, so I think that this will be good
sectors and business to invest. Also I have to aggregate when the whole pandemic and the
COVID-19 situation pass, the food business will be good to invest, because all the people
will want to eat in the restaurants and return to normal.
6) Unfortunately, a lot of business food went to bankrupt when all the economy had to close
and they couldn´t work and they also couldn´t pay to its employees, so may food business
and restaurants had to close.
7) As I said before I read an article of Forbes that some business and sectors that it could go
up will be construction, agriculture, commerce and industry

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