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Long ago, a group of people lived on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean.

At first, the people were very organized and cooperative, in their free time,
they created big stone statues.

The forest gave them food and water, it also provided materials to construct
houses, canoes to go fishing in and tools to transport the big statues to the

As time passed, there were more and more people living on the island. they
divided into two groups and started to compete for the resource on the island.

The people cut down all the trees and the island lost its ecological balance.
without trees, there was soil erosion, the lakes dried and the animals died.

6. 1 for people living in your city, an important value is:

a. respect - (V)
b. cooperation - (Q)
c. responsibility - (Q)
d. creativity - (N)

2. in your city, a bad environmental practice is:

a. destroying forest for industrial purposes - (V)
b. polluting water for industrial purposes - (V)
c. throwing away rubbish - (V)
d. killing animals for food - (Q)

3. a good environmental practice in your city is:

a. recycling - (V)
b. conserving the green areas - (V)
c. restoring forest - (V)
d. saving water and energy - (Q)

4. in your city, it’s necessary to improve:

a. air quality - (Q)
b. access to water - (V)
c. transportation - (V
d. waste management - (V)
A. thinks respect is the most important eco-value
 Piensa que el respeto es el valor ecológico más importante
 Yes, because it is about respecting the habitat of animals, plants etc. To
provide a good and healthy environment for future generations

B. strongly believes it’s wrong to kill animals for food

 Cree firmemente que está mal matar animales para comer.
 I do not believe that it is wrong to kill animals, since some have always
been a source of food for human beings, what is wrong is to kill animals
for sport or those that are in danger of extinction.

C. is sure that restoring forest is the best environmental practice.

 Está seguro de que restaurar el bosque es la mejor práctica ambiental.
 Yes, restoring the forest is undoubtedly the best environmental practice,
since it is the habitat of animals, plants and a producer of oxygen,
absorbs pollutants and controls excess CO2.

D. agrees with the need to stop using private cars.

 Está de acuerdo con la necesidad de dejar de utilizar coches privados.
 I do not agree to stop using private cars, because it has become
indispensable, since public transport does not have the capacity for
good mobility and security is very bad.

Vives en una ciudad costera. La pesca es una actividad económica muy

importante, pero en los últimos años la cantidad de peces ha disminuido. Esto
ha tenido un impacto negativo. Una empresa extranjera está interesada en
construir un puerto para exportar carbón por barco. Se ha ofrecido a comprar
una parte de la playa para este proyecto. El pueblo tiene que decidir qué hacer.
My family and I share the same opinion in that option C is more viable since it
offers opportunities for better development and at the same time ensuring the
care of the beach so that there is no contamination.

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