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A lady is one who never shows her underwear unintentionally.

-- Lillian Day
...difference of opinion is advantageious in religion. The several sects
perform the office of a common censor morum over each other. Is uniformity
attainable? Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the
introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned;
yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity.
-- Thomas Jefferson, "Notes on Virginia"
Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My
opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a bestseller
that could have been prevented by a good teacher.
-- Flannery O'Connor
"my biggest problem with RH (and especially RH contrib packages) is that
they DON'T have anything like our policy. That's one of the main reasons
why their packages are so crappy and broken. Debian has the teamwork
side of building a distribution down to a fine art."
Campus sidewalks never exist as the straightest line between two points.
-- M. M. Johnston
Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a
lamp-post how it feels about dogs.
-- Christopher Hampton
If you ever want to have a lot of fun, I recommend that you go off and program
an imbedded system. The salient characteristic of an imbedded system is that
it cannot be allowed to get into a state from which only direct intervention
will suffice to remove it. An imbedded system can't permanently trust anything
it hears from the outside world. It must sniff around, adapt, consider, sniff
around, and adapt again. I'm not talking about ordinary modular programming
carefulness here. No. Programming an imbedded system calls for undiluted
raging maniacal paranoia. For example, our ethernet front ends need to know
what network number they are on so that they can address and route PUPs
properly. How do you find out what your network number is? Easy, you ask a
gateway. Gateways are required by definition to know their correct network
numbers. Once you've got your network number, you start using it and before
you can blink you've got it wired into fifteen different sockets spread all
over creation. Now what happens when the panic-stricken operator realizes he
was running the wrong version of the gateway which was giving out the wrong
network number? Never supposed to happen. Tough. Supposing that your
software discovers that the gateway is now giving out a different network
number than before, what's it supposed to do about it? This is not discussed
in the protocol document. Never supposed to happen. Tough. I think you
get my drift.
User n.:
A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.
Take your work seriously but never take yourself seriously; and do not
take what happens either to yourself or your work seriously.
-- Booth Tarkington
"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code."
-- an anonymous programmer
Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle.
-- Michelangelo
"Yes, I am a real piece of work. One thing we learn at ULowell is
how to flame useless hacking non-EE's like you. I am superior to you in
every way by training and expertise in the technical field. Anyone can learn
how to hack, but Engineering doesn't come nearly as easily. Actually, I'm
not trying to offend all you CS majors out there, but I think EE is one of the
hardest majors/grad majors to pass. Fortunately, I am making it."
-- "Warrior Diagnostics" (wardiag@sky.COM)
"Being both an EE and an asshole at the same time must be a terrible burden
for you. This isn't really a flame, just a casual observation. Makes me
glad I was a CS major, life is really pleasant for me. Have fun with your
chosen mode of existence!"
-- Jim Morrison (
He is now rising from affluence to poverty.
-- Mark Twain
Show me a man who is a good loser and I'll show you a man who is playing
golf with his boss.
As to house maintenance, does it involve problem solfing? If so,
your hacker can safely be left to deall with the panning (for the
musement value, if nothering ese).
-- Telsa Gwynne
The universe is ruled by letting things take their course. It cannot be
ruled by interfering.
-- Chinese proverb
"Never make any mistaeks."
(Anonymous, in a mail discussion about to a kernel bug report.)
My polyvinyl cowboy wallet was made in Hong Kong by Montgomery Clift!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo.
About the only thing on a farm that has an easy time is the dog.
Bierman's Laws of Contracts:
(1) In any given document, you can't cover all the "what if's".
(2) Lawyers stay in business resolving all the unresolved "what if's".
(3) Every resolved "what if" creates two unresolved "what if's".
Cutler Webster's Law:
There are two sides to every argument, unless a person
is personally involved, in which case there is only one.
The state without slavery is unthinkable -- and this is why we are the enemies of
the state.
----+- Mikhail Bakunin -+----
Another dream that failed. There's nothing sadder.
-- Kirk, "This side of Paradise", stardate 3417.3
The only problem with seeing too much is that it makes you insane.
-- Phaedrus
Rudin's Law:
If there is a wrong way to do something, most people will
do it every time.

Rudin's Second Law:

In a crisis that forces a choice to be made among alternative
courses of action, people tend to choose the worst possible
I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.
-- Mae West
Consultants are mystical people who ask a company for a number and then
give it back to them.
"Force is but might," the teacher said--
"That definition's just."
The boy said naught but thought instead,
Remembering his pounded head:
"Force is not might but must!"
Fine day to work off excess energy. Steal something heavy.
The three biggest software lies:
(1) *Of course* we'll give you a copy of the source.
(2) *Of course* the third party vendor we bought that from
will fix the microcode.
(3) Beta test site? No, *of course* you're not a beta test site.
God shows his contempt for wealth by the kind of person he selects to
receive it.
-- Austin O'Malley
I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
What no spouse of a writer can ever understand is that a writer is working
when he's staring out the window.
Engram, n.:
1. The physical manifestation of human memory -- "the engram."
2. A particular memory in physical form. [Usage note: this term is no longer
in common use. Prior to Wilson and Magruder's historic discovery, the nature
of the engram was a topic of intense speculation among neuroscientists,
psychologists, and even computer scientists. In 1994 Professors M. R. Wilson
and W. V. Magruder, both of Mount St. Coax University in Palo Alto, proved
conclusively that the mammalian brain is hardwired to interpret a set of
thirty seven genetically transmitted cooperating TECO macros. Human memory
was shown to reside in 1 million Q-registers as Huffman coded uppercase-only
ASCII strings. Interest in the engram has declined substantially since that
-- New Century Unabridged English Dictionary,
3rd edition, 2007 A.D.
Order and simplification are the first steps toward mastery of a subject
-- the actual enemy is the unknown.
-- Thomas Mann
And in the heartbreak years that lie ahead,
Be true to yourself and the Grateful Dead.
-- Joan Baez
Post no bills.
Exhilaration is that feeling you get just after a great idea hits you,
and just before you realize what is wrong with it.
The pitcher wound up and he flang the ball at the batter. The batter
swang and missed. The pitcher flang the ball again and this time the
batter connected. He hit a high fly right to the center fielder. The
center fielder was all set to catch the ball, but at the last minute his
eyes were blound by the sun and he dropped it.
-- Dizzy Dean
Cleanse area thoroughly before applying.
The trouble with superheros is what to do between phone booths.
-- Ken Kesey
<stu> you should be afraid to use KDE because RMS might come to your
house and cleave your monitor with an axe or something :)
Avoid cliches like the plague. They're a dime a dozen.
"The pyramid is opening!"
"Which one?"
"The one with the ever-widening hole in it!"
-- Firesign Theater, "How Can You Be In Two Places At
Once When You're Not Anywhere At All"
I think that's easier to read. Pardon me. Less difficult to read.
-- Larry Wall in <>
But you who live on dreams, you are better pleased with the sophistical
reasoning and frauds of talkers about great and uncertain matters than
those who speak of certain and natural matters, not of such lofty nature.
-- Leonardo Da Vinci, "The Codex on the Flight of Birds"
You will soon meet a person who will play an important role in your life.
You're using a keyboard! How quaint!
There is only one word for aid that is genuinely without strings,
and that word is blackmail.
-- Colm Brogan
After a time, you may find that "having" is not so pleasing a thing,
after all, as "wanting." It is not logical, but it is often true.
-- Spock, "Amok Time", stardate 3372.7
Howe's Law:
Everyone has a scheme that will not work.
Due to a shortage of devoted followers, the production of great leaders
has been discontinued.
This report is filled with omissions.
Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the
incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.
-- G. B. Shaw
He is considered a most graceful speaker who can say nothing in the most words.
Alright, you!! Imitate a WOUNDED SEAL pleading for a PARKING SPACE!!
Adopted kids are such a pain -- you have to teach them how to look like you ...
-- Gilda Radner
Pure drivel tends to drive ordinary drivel off the TV screen.
Ummm, well, OK. The network's the network, the computer's the computer.
Sorry for the confusion.
-- Sun Microsystems
Periphrasis is the putting of things in a round-about way. "The cost may be
upwards of a figure rather below 10m#." is a periphrasis for The cost may be
nearly 10m#. "In Paris there reigns a complete absence of really reliable
news" is a periphrasis for There is no reliable news in Paris. "Rarely does
the 'Little Summer' linger until November, but at times its stay has been
prolonged until quite late in the year's penultimate month" contains a
periphrasis for November, and another for lingers. "The answer is in the
negative" is a periphrasis for No. "Was made the recipient of" is a
periphrasis for Was presented with. The periphrasis style is hardly possible
on any considerable scale without much use of abstract nouns such as "basis,
case, character, connexion, dearth, description, duration, framework, lack,
nature, reference, regard, respect". The existence of abstract nouns is a
proof that abstract thought has occurred; abstract thought is a mark of
civilized man; and so it has come about that periphrasis and civilization are
by many held to be inseparable. These good people feel that there is an almost
indecent nakedness, a reversion to barbarism, in saying No news is good news
instead of "The absence of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory
-- Fowler's English Usage
If you think before you speak the other guy gets his joke in first.
I don't want to live on in my work, I want to live on in my apartment.
-- Woody Allen
In English, every word can be verbed. Would that it were so in our
programming languages.
One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible.
Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought,
a rivalry of aim. -- Henry Brook Adams
As the poet said, "Only God can make a tree" -- probably because it's
so hard to figure out how to get the bark on.
-- Woody Allen
In spite of everything, I still believe that people are good at heart.
-- Anne Frank
Hey, if pi == 3, and three == 0, does that make pi == 0? :-)
-- Larry Wall in <>
I waited and waited and when no message came I knew it must be from you.
This week only, all our fiber-fill jackets are marked down!
As long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth.
----+- Mikhail Bakunin -+----
<Flimsy> Anyone here knowledgable in matters of water fowl? If you
walk through a park, and a goose starts following you... and
ends up following you more than half a mile until you reach
your car... at 11pm. Is the goose rabid or something?
Mystics always hope that science will some day overtake them.
-- Booth Tarkington
Sometimes I simply feel that the whole world is a cigarette and I'm the
only ashtray.
You are magnetic in your bearing.
The following two statements are usually both true:

There's not enough documentation.

There's too much documentation.

-- Larry Wall in <>
Fear of men.
<Overfiend_> Intel. Bringing you the cutting-edge technology of 1979
for 22 years now.
Don't feed the bats tonight.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is ignorant. Teach him.
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool. Shun him.
He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep. Wake him.
Anarchists know that a long period of education must precede any great fundamental
change in society, hence they do not believe in vote begging, nor political
campaigns, but rather in the development of self-thinking individuals.
----+- Lucy Parsons -+----
The plot was designed in a light vein that somehow became varicose.
-- David Lardner
Fred noticed his roommate had a black eye upon returning from a dance.
"What happened?"
"I was struck by the beauty of the place."
The things that interest people most are usually none of their business.
Oh, by the way, which one's Pink?
-- Pink Floyd
The Great Movie Posters:


-- Squirm (1976)

Most Movies Live Less Than Two Hours.

This Is One of Everlasting Torment!
-- The New House on the Left (1977)


-- Zombie (1980)

It's not human and it's got an axe.

-- The Prey (1981)
We the unwilling, led by the ungrateful, are doing the impossible.
We've done so much, for so long, with so little,
that we are now qualified to do something with nothing.
Our sires' age was worse that our grandsires'.
We their sons are more worthless than they:
so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt.
-- Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace)
YOU!! Give me the CUTEST, PINKEST, most charming little VICTORIAN
DOLLHOUSE you can find!! An make it SNAPPY!!
You can do very well in speculation where land or anything to do with dirt
is concerned.
To be is to do.
-- I. Kant
To do is to be.
-- A. Sartre
Do be a Do Bee!
-- Miss Connie, Romper Room
Do be do be do!
-- F. Sinatra
-- F. Flintstone
One evening he spoke. Sitting at her feet, his face raised to her,
he allowed his soul to be heard. "My darling, anything you wish, anything
I am, anything I can ever be... That's what I want to offer you -- not the
things I'll get for you, but the thing in me that will make me able to get
them. That thing -- a man can't renounce it -- but I want to renounce it -- so
that it will be yours -- so that it will be in your service -- only for you."
The girl smiled and asked: "Do you think I'm prettier than Maggie
He got up. He said nothing and walked out of the house. He never
saw that girl again. Gail Wynand, who prided himself on never needing a
lesson twice, did not fall in love again in the years that followed.
-- Ayn Rand, "The Fountainhead"
"I'd love to go out with you, but I've been scheduled for a karma transplant."
A witty saying proves nothing, but saying something pointless gets
people's attention.
The devil finds work for idle glands.
Know what I hate most? Rhetorical questions.
-- Henry N. Camp
Is that really YOU that is reading this?
Two percent of zero is almost nothing.
In any problem, if you find yourself doing an infinite amount of work,
the answer may be obtained by inspection.
Q: What is the difference between Texas and yogurt?
A: Yogurt has culture.
linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste
( put this on Tshirts in '93)
Satire is tragedy plus time.
-- Lenny Bruce
I was in Vegas last week. I was at the roulette table, having a lengthy
argument about what I considered an Odd number.
-- Steven Wright
TAPPING? You POLITICIANS! Don't you realize that the END of the "Wash
Cycle" is a TREASURED MOMENT for most people?!
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.
-- Anatole France
Princeton's taste is sweet like a strawberry tart. Harvard's is a subtle
taste, like whiskey, coffee, or tobacco. It may even be a bad habit, for
all I know.
-- Prof. J. H. Finley '25
The life of a repo man is always intense.
Udall's Fourth Law:
Any change or reform you make is going to have consequences you
don't like.
Q: Would you like to see the WINE list?
A: What's on it, anything expensive?
Q: No, just Solitaire and MineSweeper for now, but the WINE is free.
-- Kevin M. Bealer, about the WINdows Emulator
Wheresoever it be, there will exist the power of certain men over others, and there
will not be freedom, but there will be the oppression of one portion of mankind by
another. Therefore power must be abolished.
----+- Leo Tolstoy -+----
Acting is not very hard. The most important things are to be able to laugh
and cry. If I have to cry, I think of my sex life. And if I have to laugh,
well, I think of my sex life.
-- Glenda Jackson
A gossip is one who talks to you about others, a bore is one who talks to
you about himself; and a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to
you about yourself.
-- Lisa Kirk
Too much is not enough.
Oh Dad! We're ALL Devo!
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster
than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.
It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle: when the sun comes
up, you'd better be running.
incentive program, n.:
The system of long and short-term rewards that a corporation uses
to motivate its people. Still, despite all the experimentation with
profit sharing, stock options, and the like, the most effective
incentive program to date seems to be "Do a good job and you get to
keep it."
I'm RELIGIOUS!! I love a man with a HAIRPIECE!! Equip me with MISSILES!!
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
What do I, a proletarian, care for the tranquility and security of the rich? I care
as little for public order as for the proprietor's safety. I ask to live a laborer;
otherwise I will die a warrior.
----+- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon -+----
Conscious is when you are aware of something and conscience is when you
wish you weren't.
I love children. Especially when they cry -- for then someone takes them away.
-- Nancy Mitford
Life is the childhood of our immortality.
-- Goethe
People who push both buttons should get their wish.
"I'll rob that rich person and give it to some poor deserving slob.
That will *prove* I'm Robin Hood."
-- Daffy Duck, Looney Tunes, _Robin Hood Daffy_
Food for thought is no substitute for the real thing.
-- Walt Kelly, "Potluck Pogo"
For myself, I can only say that I am astonished and somewhat terrified at
the results of this evening's experiments. Astonished at the wonderful
power you have developed, and terrified at the thought that so much hideous
and bad music may be put on record forever.
-- Sir Arthur Sullivan, message to Edison, 1888
"Old age and treachery will beat youth and skill every time."
-- a coffee cup
Too ripped. Gotta go.
fortune: cannot execute. Out of cookies.
Must be getting close to town -- we're hitting more people.
We make our mailing list available to selected organizations.
What they said:
What they meant:

"You will be fortunate if you can get him to work for you."
(We certainly never succeeded.)
There is no other employee with whom I can adequately compare him.
(Well, our rats aren't really employees...)
"Success will never spoil him."
(Well, at least not MUCH more.)
"One usually comes away from him with a good feeling."
(And such a sigh of relief.)
"His dissertation is the sort of work you don't expect to see these days;
in it he has definitely demonstrated his complete capabilities."
(And his IQ, as well.)
"He should go far."
(The farther the better.)
"He will take full advantage of his staff."
(He even has one of them mowing his lawn after work.)
You may easily play a joke on a man who likes to argue -- agree with him.
-- Ed Howe
What this country needs is a good five dollar plasma weapon.
Hypochrondria derived from not having medical insurance.
-- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
Style may not be the answer, but at least it's a workable alternative.
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Q: What do monsters eat?
A: Things.

Q: What do monsters drink?

A: Coke. (Because Things go better with Coke.)
A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.
Therefore, a man without a woman is like a bicycle without a fish.
Computer programmers do it byte by byte.
You know you're in trouble when...
(1) Your only son tells you he wishes Anita Bryant would mind
her own business.
(2) You put your bra on backwards and it fits better.
(3) You call Suicide Prevention and they put you on hold.
(4) You see a `60 Minutes' news team waiting in your office.
(5) Your birthday cake collapses from the weight of the candles.
(6) Your 4-year old reveals that it's "almost impossible" to
flush a grapefruit down the toilet.
(7) You realize that you've memorized the back of the cereal box.
Two golfers were being held up as the twosome of women in front of them
whiffed shots, hunted for lost balls and stood over putts for what seemed
like hours.
"I'll ask if we can play through," Bill said as he strode toward
the women. Twenty yards from the green, however, he turned on his heel
and went back to where his companion was waiting.
"Can't do it," he explained, sheepishly. "One of them's my wife
and the other's my mistress!"
"I'll ask," said Jim. He started off, only to turn and come back
before reaching the green.
"What's wrong?" Bill asked.
"Small world, isn't it?"
Money doesn't talk, it swears.
-- Bob Dylan
<hop_> i had something that i think was chicken that was coated with a red
paste that seemed to be composed of lye based on how much of my
tounge it burned away.
<hop_> our friend who is Indian said this is why most Indians are thin
and i quote "It doesn't take very much of this food to get you
satisfied enoguh to stop eating."
Don't go to bed with no price on your head.
-- Baretta
The world is coming to an end--save your buffers!
Children are like cats, they can tell when you don't like them. That's
when they come over and violate your body space.
You have a massage (from the Swedish prime minister).
I can't decide which WRONG TURN to make first!! I wonder if BOB
GUCCIONE has these problems!
Blend until smooth.
All I've got left on the list of desirable vocations is heiress to the
throne of any country in Western Europe and Laurie Anderson. "Be
practical", was the choral reply from the dinner table. Well, Laurie
Anderson is already Laurie Anderson, but I read an article in Harpers
that said there were eleven countries, in the world this is I think,
that have queens as sovereign rulers. That's probably my best shot.
I often quote myself; it adds spice to my conversation.
-- G. B. Shaw
The sooner you make your first 5000 mistakes, the sooner you will be
able to correct them.
-- Nicolaides
Engram, n.:
1. The physical manifestation of human memory -- "the engram."
2. A particular memory in physical form. [Usage note: this term is no longer
in common use. Prior to Wilson and Magruder's historic discovery, the nature
of the engram was a topic of intense speculation among neuroscientists,
psychologists, and even computer scientists. In 1994 Professors M. R. Wilson
and W. V. Magruder, both of Mount St. Coax University in Palo Alto, proved
conclusively that the mammalian brain is hardwired to interpret a set of
thirty seven genetically transmitted cooperating TECO macros. Human memory
was shown to reside in 1 million Q-registers as Huffman coded uppercase-only
ASCII strings. Interest in the engram has declined substantially since that
-- New Century Unabridged English Dictionary,
3rd edition, 2007 A.D.
And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, for if you hit a man
with a plowshare, he's going to know he's been hit.
#define SIOCGIFINDEX 0x8933 /* name -> if_index mapping */
#define SIOGIFINDEX SIOCGIFINDEX /* misprint compatibility :-) */

-- /usr/include/bits/ioctls.h
"What do you mean, you had the dog fixed? Just what made you
think he was broken!"
What to do in case of an alien attack:

1) Hide beneath the seat of your plane and look away.

2) Avoid eye contact.
3) If there are no eyes, avoid all contact.
-- The Firesign Theatre, _Everything you know is Wrong_
Reunite Gondwondaland!
<woot> Put *that* in you .sig and smoke it, Knghtbrd.
<Culus> You know he will read this :>
<woot> heheheheh.
He that would govern others, first should be the master of himself.
Laughter is the closest distance between two people.
-- Victor Borge
What economists call over-production is but a production that is above the
purchasing power of the worker, who is reduced to poverty by capital and state.
----+- Peter Kropotkin -+----
Show your affection, which will probably meet with pleasant response.
The Lord prefers common-looking people. That is the reason that He makes
so many of them.
-- Abraham Lincoln
Even the best of friends cannot attend each other's funeral.
-- Kehlog Albran, "The Profit"
In 1962, you could buy a pair of SHARKSKIN SLACKS, with a "Continental
Belt," for $10.99!!
Zippy's brain cells are straining to bridge synapses ...
The Golden Rule is of no use to you whatever unless you realize it
is your move.
-- Frank Crane
If you think last Tuesday was a drag, wait till you see what happens tomorrow!
Go out and tell a lie that will make the whole family proud of you.
-- Cadmus, to Pentheus, in "The Bacchae" by Euripides
When the Universe was not so out of whack as it is today, and all the
stars were lined up in their proper places, you could easily count them
from left to right, or top to bottom, and the larger and bluer ones were
set apart, and the smaller yellowing types pushed off to the corners as
bodies of a lower grade ...
-- Stanislaw Lem, "Cyberiad"
All hope abandon, ye who enter here!
-- Dante Alighieri
My EARS are GONE!!
Bones: "The man's DEAD, Jim!"
Remember thee
Ay, thou poor ghost while memory holds a seat
In this distracted globe. Remember thee!
Yea, from the table of my memory
I'll wipe away all trivial fond records,
All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past,
That youth and observation copied there.
Hamlet, I : v : 95 William Shakespeare
In Oz, never say "krizzle kroo" to a Woozy.
He who laughs, lasts.
You will lose an important tape file.
This was the most unkindest cut of all.
-- William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar"
From Sharp minds come... pointed heads.
-- Bryan Sparrowhawk
98% lean.
You'll feel devilish tonight. Toss dynamite caps under a flamenco dancer's
Many a writer seems to think he is never profound except when he can't
understand his own meaning.
-- George D. Prentice
It is your concern when your neighbor's wall is on fire.
-- Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace)
99 blocks of crud on the disk,
99 blocks of crud!
You patch a bug, and dump it again:
100 blocks of crud on the disk!

100 blocks of crud on the disk,

100 blocks of crud!
You patch a bug, and dump it again:
101 blocks of crud on the disk! ...
Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know.
-- Michel de Montaigne
Eagleson's Law:
Any code of your own that you haven't looked at for six or more
months, might as well have been written by someone else. (Eagleson
is an optimist, the real number is more like three weeks.)
Potahto' Pictures Productions Presents:

THE TATERNATOR: Cyborg spud returns from the future to present-day

McDonald's restaurant to kill the potatoess (girl 'tater) who will give birth
to the world's largest french fry (The Dark Powers of Burger King are clearly
behind this). Most quotable line: "Ah'll be baked..."

A FISTFUL OF FRIES: Western in which our hero, The Spud with No Name,
rides into a town that's deprived of carbohydrates thanks to the evil takeover
of the low-cal Scallopinni Brothers. Plenty of smokeouts, fry-em-ups, and
general butter-melting by all.

FOR A FEW FRIES MORE: Takes up where AFOF left off! Cameo by Walter
Cronkite, as every man's common 'tater!
Today is what happened to yesterday.
Human society - man in a group - rises out of its lethargy to new levels of
productivity only under the stimulus of deeply inspiring and commonly
appreciated goals. A lethargic world serves no cause well; a spirited world
working diligently toward earnestly desired goals provides the means and
the strength toward which many ends can be unparalleled
social accomplishment.
-- Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner, in "The History of Manned Space Flight"
To love is good, love being difficult.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
"Our parents were never our age."
Oh, the Slithery Dee, he crawled out of the sea.
He may catch all the others, but he won't catch me.
No, he won't catch me, stupid ol' Slithery Dee.
He may catch all the others, but AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!
-- The Smothers Brothers
"Let's not be too tough on our own ignorance. It's the thing that makes
America great. If America weren't incomparably ignorant, how could we
have tolerated the last eight years?"
-- Frank Zappa, Feb 1, 1989
I lay my head on the railroad tracks,
Waitin' for the double E.
The railroad don't run no more.
Poor poor pitiful me. [chorus]
Poor poor pitiful me, poor poor pitiful me.
These young girls won't let me be,
Lord have mercy on me!
Woe is me!
Well, I met a girl, West Hollywood,
Well, I ain't naming names.
But she really worked me over good,
She was just like Jesse James.
She really worked me over good,
She was a credit to her gender.
She put me through some changes, boy,
Sort of like a Waring blender. [chorus]

I met a girl at the Rainbow Bar,

She asked me if I'd beat her.
She took me back to the Hyatt House,
I don't want to talk about it. [chorus]
-- Warren Zevon, "Poor Poor Pitiful Me"
Young men want to be faithful and are not; old men want to be faithless and
-- Oscar Wilde
The first myth of management is that it exists. The second myth of
management is that success equals skill.
-- Robert Heller
I guess you guys got BIG MUSCLES from doing too much STUDYING!
Now is the time for all good men to come to.
-- Walt Kelly
Who is John Galt?
All your people must learn before you can reach for the stars.
-- Kirk, "The Gamesters of Triskelion", stardate 3259.2
Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing.
-- Vince Lombardi
What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one's self.
----+- Max Stirner -+----
Pie are not square. Pie are round. Cornbread are square.
My family history begins with me, but yours ends with you.
-- Iphicrates
If only you knew she loved you, you could face the uncertainty of
whether you love her.
Brontosaurus Principle:
Organizations can grow faster than their brains can manage them
in relation to their environment and to their own physiology: when
this occurs, they are an endangered species.
-- Thomas K. Connellan
1.79 x 10^12 furlongs per fortnight -- it's not just a good idea, it's
the law!
If little else, the brain is an educational toy.
-- Tom Robbins
"I honestly believe that the doctrine of hell was born in the glittering eyes
of snakes that run in frightful coils watching for their prey. I believe
it was born with the yelping, howling, growling and snarling of wild beasts...
I despise it, I defy it, and I hate it."
-- Robert G. Ingersoll
Oblivion together does not frighten me, beloved.
-- Thalassa (in Anne Mulhall's body), "Return to Tomorrow",
stardate 4770.3.
Any man can work when every stroke of his hand brings down the fruit
rattling from the tree to the ground; but to labor in season and out of
season, under every discouragement, by the power of truth -- that
requires a heroism which is transcendent.
-- Henry Ward Beecher
"When the going gets tough, the tough get empirical."
-- Jon Carroll
Overdrawn? But I still have checks left!
Q: How many supply-siders does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. The darkness will cause the light bulb to change by itself.
To be who one is, is not to be someone else.
Unix will self-destruct in five seconds... 4... 3... 2... 1...
When you are in it up to your ears, keep your mouth shut.
To one large turkey add one gallon of vermouth and a demijohn of Angostura
bitters. Shake.
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald, recipe for turkey cocktail.
Fun Facts, #63:
The name California was given to the state by Spanish conquistadores.
It was the name of an imaginary island, a paradise on earth, in the
Spanish romance, "Les Serges de Esplandian", written by Montalvo in
Air Force Inertia Axiom:
Consistency is always easier to defend than correctness.
While Europe's eye is fix'd on mighty things,
The fate of empires and the fall of kings;
While quacks of State must each produce his plan,
And even children lisp the Rights of Man;
Amid this mighty fuss just let me mention,
The Rights of Woman merit some attention.
-- Robert Burns, Address on "The Rights of Woman", 26/10 1792
He is now rising from affluence to poverty.
-- Mark Twain
"If you want to travel around the world and be invited to speak at a lot
of different places, just write a Unix operating system."
(By Linus Torvalds)
Each of you hungry tramps who read these lines, avail yourselves of those little
methods of warfare which science has placed in the hands of the poor man, and you
will become a power in this or any other land. Learn the use of explosives!
----+- Lucy Parsons -+----
Three hours a day will produce as much as a man ought to write.
-- Trollope
<Culus> Saens demonstrates no less than 3 tcp/ip bugs in 2.2.3
First off - Quake is simply incredible. It lets you repeatedly kill your
boss in the office without being arrested. :)
-- Signal 11, in a slashdot comment
Rincewind looked down at him and grinned slowly. It was a wide, manic, and
utterly humourless rictus. It was the sort of grin that is normally
accompanied by small riverside birds wandering in and out, picking scraps
out of the teeth.
-- Terry Pratchett, "The Lure of the Wyrm"
The rule on staying alive as a program manager is to give 'em a number or
give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once.
I'm not bald -- I'm "hair challenged".

[I thought that was "differently haired". Ed.]

The whole intent of Perl 5's module system was to encourage the growth
of Perl culture rather than the Perl core.
-- Larry Wall in <>
No good deed goes unpunished.
-- Clare Booth Luce
So many beautiful women and so little time.
-- John Barrymore
"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging
their prejudices."
-- William James
Never drink from your finger bowl -- it contains only water.
How come everyone's going so slow if it's called rush hour?
Because the demand for it is low enough that it would be best handled
as an XSUB, and the demand for it is low enough that nobody has
bothered to write it as an XSUB.
-- Larry Wall on in-place Perl sorting
He laughs at every joke three times... once when it's told, once when
it's explained, and once when he understands it.
Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings
infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can
grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it
possible for each to see each other whole against the sky.
-- Rainer Rilke
Don't smoke the next cigarette. Repeat.
Does it follow that I reject all authority? Far from me such a thought. In the
matter of boots, I refer to the authority of the bootmaker; concerning houses,
canals, or railroads, I consult that of the architect or engineer.
----+- Mikhail Bakunin -+----
He who is intoxicated with wine will be sober again in the course of the
night, but he who is intoxicated by the cupbearer will not recover his
senses until the day of judgement.
-- Saadi
Civilization, as we know it, will end sometime this evening.
See SYSNOTE tomorrow for more information.
The founding fathers tried to set up a judicial system where the accused
received a fair trial, not a system to insure an acquittal on technicalities.
One reason why George Washington
Is held in such veneration:
He never blamed his problems
On the former Administration.
-- George O. Ludcke
"Speed is subsittute fo accurancy."
> The day people think linux would be better served by somebody else (FSF
> being the natural alternative), I'll "abdicate". I don't think that
> it's something people have to worry about right now - I don't see it
> happening in the near future. I enjoy doing linux, even though it does
> mean some work, and I haven't gotten any complaints (some almost timid
> reminders about a patch I have forgotten or ignored, but nothing
> negative so far).
> Don't take the above to mean that I'll stop the day somebody complains:
> I'm thick-skinned (Lasu, who is reading this over my shoulder commented
> that "thick-HEADED is closer to the truth") enough to take some abuse.
> If I weren't, I'd have stopped developing linux the day ast ridiculed me
> on c.o.minix. What I mean is just that while linux has been my baby so
> far, I don't want to stand in the way if people want to make something
> better of it (*).
> Linus
> (*) Hey, maybe I could apply for a saint-hood from the Pope. Does
> somebody know what his email-address is? I'm so nice it makes you puke.
(Taken from Linus's reply to someone worried about the future of Linux)
Once upon a time there was a DOS user who saw Unix, and saw that it was
good. After typing cp on his DOS machine at home, he downloaded GNU's
unix tools ported to DOS and installed them. He rm'd, cp'd, and mv'd
happily for many days, and upon finding elvis, he vi'd and was happy. After
a long day at work (on a Unix box) he came home, started editing a file,
and couldn't figure out why he couldn't suspend vi (w/ ctrl-z) to do
a compile.
(By (Erik Troan)
He who wonders discovers that this in itself is wonder.
-- M. C. Escher
Now let the song begin! Let us sing together
Of sun, star, moon and mist, rain and cloudy weather,
Light on the budding leaf, dew on the feather,
Wind on the open hill, bells on the heather,
Reeds by the shady pool, lilies on the water:
Old Tom Bombadil and the River-daughter!
-- J. R. R. Tolkien
Q: How many Marxists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None: The light bulb contains the seeds of its own revolution.
Fremen add life to spice!
The individualist is like a wolf who prefers the dangers of liberty to the routine
of domestication. Individualists compare themselves to the bird who would prefer to
suffer and struggle on its branch than to die a slow death in the servitude of a
gilded cage.
----+- Andre Lorulot -+----
Q: How many IBM 370's does it take to execute a job?
A: Four, three to hold it down, and one to rip its head off.


Santa Claus, in the off season, follows his heart's desire and
tries to make it big on Broadway. Santa sings and dances his way
into your heart.
Your reasoning is excellent -- it's only your basic assumptions that are wrong.
Perl programming is an *empirical* science!
-- Larry Wall in <10226@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV>
The law is an adroit mixture of customs that are beneficial to society, and could
be followed even if no law existed, and others that are of advantage to a ruling
minority, but harmful to the masses of men, and can be enforced on them only by
----+- Peter Kropotkin -+----
Gates' Law: Every 18 months, the speed of software halves.
Put cats in the coffee and mice in the tea!
Exporting beer from Finnland doesn't seem to be that much of a hassle,
as the Lenigrad Cowboys brought a lot of their brew to the concerts in
-- Otmar Lendl <>
Jones' Second Law:
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone
to blame it on.
Approved for veterans.
Who's on first?
The problem with graduate students, in general, is that they have
to sleep every few days.
Leona, I want to CONFESS things to you ... I want to WRAP you in a SCARLET
ROBE trimmed with POLYVINYL CHLORIDE ... I want to EMPTY your ASHTRAYS ...
Those animals which acquire habits of mutual aid are undoubtedly the fittest.
----+- Peter Kropotkin -+----
A young married couple had their first child. Their original pride
and joy slowly turned to concern however, for after a couple of years the
child had never uttered any form of speech. They hired the best speech
therapists, doctors, psychiatrists, all to no avail. The child simply refused
to speak. One morning when the child was five, while the husband was reading
the paper, and the wife was feeding the dog, the little kid looks up from
his bowl and said, "My cereal's cold."
The couple is stunned. The man, in tears, confronts his son. "Son,
after all these years, why have you waited so long to say something?".
Shrugs the kid, "Everything's been okay 'til now".
Know how to save 5 drowning lawyers?

-- No?

We don't know who it was that discovered water, but we're pretty sure
that it wasn't a fish.
-- Marshall McLuhan
Time to be aggressive. Go after a tattooed Virgo.
If a group of _#N persons implements a COBOL compiler, there will be _#N-1
passes. Someone in the group has to be the manager.
-- T. Cheatham
Coming together is a beginning;
keeping together is progress;
working together is success.
There is hardly a thing in the world that some man can not make a little
worse and sell a little cheaper.
[Astrology is] 100 percent hokum, Ted. As a matter of fact, the first edition
of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, written in 1771 -- 1771! -- said that this
belief system is a subject long ago ridiculed and reviled. We're dealing with
beliefs that go back to the ancient Babylonians. There's nothing there....
It sounds a lot like science, it sounds like astronomy. It's got technical
terms. It's got jargon. It confuses the public....The astrologer is quite
glib, confuses the public, uses terms which come from science, come from
metaphysics, come from a host of fields, but they really mean nothing. The
fact is that astrological beliefs go back at least 2,500 years. Now that
should be a sufficiently long time for astrologers to prove their case. They
have not proved their case....It's just simply gibberish. The fact is, there's
no theory for it, there are no observational data for it. It's been tested
and tested over the centuries. Nobody's ever found any validity to it at
all. It is not even close to a science. A science has to be repeatable, it
has to have a logical foundation, and it has to be potentially vulnerable --
you test it. And in that astrology is really quite something else.
-- Astronomer Richard Berendzen, President, American University, on ABC
News "Nightline," May 3, 1988
Welcome to boggle - do you want instructions?




Enter words:
BYTE editors are people who separate the wheat from the chaff, and then
carefully print the chaff.
Marriage is the waste-paper basket of the emotions.
I like your game but we have to change the rules.
Bore, n.:
A guy who wraps up a two-minute idea in a two-hour vocabulary.
-- Walter Winchell
Oh, that sound of male ego. You travel halfway across the galaxy and
it's still the same song.
-- Eve McHuron, "Mudd's Women", stardate 1330.1
If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we would
all be millionaires.
-- Abigail Van Buren
A boy spent years collecting postage stamps. The girl next door bought
an album too, and started her own collection. "Dad, she buys everything I've
bought, and it's taken all the fun out of it for me. I'm quitting." Don't,
son, remember, 'Imitation is the sincerest form of philately.'"
It's bad enough that life is a rat-race, but why do the rats always have to win?
A good memory does not equal pale ink.
Potahto' Pictures Productions Presents:

THE TATERNATOR: Cyborg spud returns from the future to present-day

McDonald's restaurant to kill the potatoess (girl 'tater) who will give birth
to the world's largest french fry (The Dark Powers of Burger King are clearly
behind this). Most quotable line: "Ah'll be baked..."

A FISTFUL OF FRIES: Western in which our hero, The Spud with No Name,
rides into a town that's deprived of carbohydrates thanks to the evil takeover
of the low-cal Scallopinni Brothers. Plenty of smokeouts, fry-em-ups, and
general butter-melting by all.

FOR A FEW FRIES MORE: Takes up where AFOF left off! Cameo by Walter
Cronkite, as every man's common 'tater!
Real Programmers don't eat quiche. They eat Twinkies and Szechwan food.
"I think they're going to take all this money that we spend now on war
and death --"
"And make them spend it on life."
-- Edith Keeler and Kirk, "The City on the Edge of Forever",
stardate unknown.
<rain_work> note on a dorm fridge ... "To the person who ate the contents
of the container labeled 'James' - warning, it was my biology
The future is a race between education and catastrophe.
-- H. G. Wells
An idea is an eye given by God for the seeing of God. Some of these eyes
we cannot bear to look out of, we blind them as quickly as possible.
-- Russell Hoban, "Pilgermann"
"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and
the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money it values more, it will
lose that, too."
-- W. Somerset Maugham
Real computer scientists like having a computer on their desk, else how
could they read their mail?
I'm not available for comment..
Between 1950 and 1952, a bored weatherman, stationed north of Hudson
Bay, left a monument that neither government nor time can eradicate.
Using a bulldozer abandoned by the Air Force, he spent two years and
great effort pushing boulders into a single word.

It can be seen from 10,000 feet, silhouetted against the snow.

Government officials exchanged memos full of circumlocutions (no Latin
equivalent exists) but failed to word an appropriation bill for the
destruction of this cairn, that wouldn't alert the press and embarrass
both Parliament and Party.

It stands today, a monument to human spirit. If life exists on other

planets, this may be the first message received from us.
-- The Realist, November, 1964.
"The argument that the literal story of Genesis can qualify as science
collapses on three major grounds: the creationists' need to invoke
miracles in order to compress the events of the earth's history into
the biblical span of a few thousand years; their unwillingness to
abandon claims clearly disproved, including the assertion that all
fossils are products of Noah's flood; and their reliance upon distortion,
misquote, half-quote, and citation out of context to characterize the
ideas of their opponents."
-- Stephen Jay Gould, "The Verdict on Creationism",
The Skeptical Inquirer, Winter 87/88, pg. 186
All work and no pay makes a housewife.
<woot> Man, i wish knghtbrd were here to grab that for his sig list.
[...several hours later...]
<Knghtbrd> woot don't know me vewy well, do he?
<Knghtbrd> muahahahaha
When oxygen Tech played Hydrogen U.
The Game had just begun, when Hydrogen scored two fast points
And Oxygen still had none
Then Oxygen scored a single goal
And thus it did remain, At Hydrogen 2 and Oxygen 1
Called because of rain.
Support your local Search and Rescue unit -- get lost.
Your CHEEKS sit like twin NECTARINES above a MOUTH that knows no BOUNDS --
I looked out my window, and saw Kyle Pettys' car upside down,
then I thought 'One of us is in real trouble'.
-- Davey Allison, on a 150 m.p.h. crash
My godda bless, never I see sucha people.
-- Signor Piozzi, quoted by Cecilia Thrale
I can live without
Someone I love
But not without
Someone I need.
-- "Safety"
laser, n.:
Failed death ray.
In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, delve deep into the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In work, be competent.
In action, be careful of your timing.
-- Lao Tsu
People will buy anything that's one to a customer.
Sorry. Nice try.
diplomacy, n:
Lying in state.
Isn't it strange that the same people that laugh at gypsy fortune
tellers take economists seriously?
The man she had was kind and clean
And well enough for every day,
But oh, dear friends, you should have seen
The one that got away.
-- Dorothy Parker, "The Fisherwoman"
Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't make eight cats pull a sled through
the snow.
I am a traffic light, and Alan Ginzberg kidnapped my laundry in 1927!
Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be recalled.
-- Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace)
"The Avis WIZARD decides if you get to drive a car. Your head won't touch the
pillow of a Sheraton unless their computer says it's okay."
-- Arthur Miller
The day will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you
strangle today.
----+- August Spies -+----
A pain in the ass of major dimensions.
-- C. A. Desoer, on the solution of non-linear circuits
If some day we are defeated, well, war has its fortunes, good and bad.
-- Commander Kor, "Errand of Mercy", stardate 3201.7
Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.
For three years, the young attorney had been taking his brief
vacations at this country inn. The last time he'd finally managed an
affair with the innkeeper's daughter. Looking forward to an exciting
few days, he dragged his suitcase up the stairs of the inn, then stopped
short. There sat his lover with an infant on her lap!
"Helen, why didn't you write when you learned you were pregnant?"
he cried. "I would have rushed up here, we could have gotten married,
and the baby would have my name!"
"Well," she said, "when my folks found out about my condition,
we sat up all night talkin' and talkin' and finally decided it would be
better to have a bastard in the family than a lawyer."
senility, n.:
The state of mind of elderly persons with whom one happens to disagree.
You will be awarded some great honor.
The assertion that "all men are created equal" was of no practical use
in effecting our separation from Great Britain and it was placed in the
Declaration not for that, but for future use.
-- Abraham Lincoln
Eugene d'Albert, a noted German composer, was married six times.
At an evening reception which he attended with his fifth wife shortly
after their wedding, he presented the lady to a friend who said politely,
"Congratulations, Herr d'Albert; you have rarely introduced me to so
charming a wife."
The cable TV sex channels don't expand our horizons, don't make us better
people, and don't come in clearly enough.
-- Bill Maher
Novinson's Revolutionary Discovery:
When comes the revolution, things will be different --
not better, just different.
When you jump for joy, beware that no-one moves the ground from beneath
your feet.
-- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, "Unkempt Thoughts"
Indeed, in many cases, maliciousness and stupidity will put many obstacles in the
road of the new idea. That is the reason why hard struggles must be fought for
unconditional mutual tolerance, until it is finally achieved. Only from then on
will everything proceed automatically, science will bloom and advance, because the
necessary foundation for every progress, namely experimental freedom and free
research have been achieved.
----+- Max Nettlau -+----
"Once he had one leg in the White House and the nation trembled under his
roars. Now he is a tinpot pope in the Coca-Cola belt and a brother to the
forlorn pastors who belabor halfwits in galvanized iron tabernacles behind
the railroad yards."
- H. L. Mencken, writing of William Jennings Bryan, counsel for the supporters
of Tennessee's anti-evolution law at the Scopes "Monkey Trial" in 1925.
A superfluous element of a source program included so the
programmer can remember what the hell it was he was doing
six months later. Only the weak-minded need them, according
to those who think they aren't.
Once upon a time there was a DOS user who saw Unix, and saw that it was
good. After typing cp on his DOS machine at home, he downloaded GNU's
unix tools ported to DOS and installed them. He rm'd, cp'd, and mv'd
happily for many days, and upon finding elvis, he vi'd and was happy. After
a long day at work (on a Unix box) he came home, started editing a file,
and couldn't figure out why he couldn't suspend vi (w/ ctrl-z) to do
a compile.
-- Erik Troan,
It looks like it's up to me to save our skins. Get into that garbage chute,
-- Princess Leia Organa
Kath: Can he be present at the birth of his child?
Ed: It's all any reasonable child can expect if the dad is present
at the conception.
-- Joe Orton, "Entertaining Mr. Sloane"
There are always alternatives.
-- Spock, "The Galileo Seven", stardate 2822.3
A new supply of round tuits has arrived and are available from Mary.
Anyone who has been putting off work until they got a round tuit now
has no excuse for further procrastination.
Unprovided with original learning, unformed in the habits of thinking,
unskilled in the arts of composition, I resolved to write a book.
-- Edward Gibbon
The realisation of the usefulness of cooperation, which should have led to the
triumph of solidarity in all human relations, instead gave rise to private property
and government, that is to the exploitation of the labor of the whole community by
a privileged minority.
----+- Errico Malatesta -+----
Power has become invincible, and rests no longer on the higher national foundations
of anointed right, election, or representation, but on violence alone.
----+- Leo Tolstoy -+----
<FrikaC> I should probably reboot...
<FrikaC> ok brb
<FrikaC> So, what apart form avoiding virii, memory leaks, and rampant
crashing does Linux reallhy offer :)
<LordHavoc> reliable multitasking?
"It's not just a computer -- it's your ass."
-- Cal Keegan
I see a good deal of talk from Washington about lowering taxes. I hope
they do get 'em lowered down enough so people can afford to pay 'em.
-- The Best of Will Rogers
Record additional transactions on back of previous stub.
<tausq> Q. What's the difference between Batman and Bill Gates?
<tausq> A. When Batman fought the Penguin, he won.
Entreprenuer, n.:
A high-rolling risk taker who would rather
be a spectacular failure than a dismal success.

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