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Where c is constant; u,v and w are differentiable functions of x; n is a constant exponent

I. Derivative of a constant: (c) = 0

II. Derivative of a variable with respect to itself: (x) = 1

III. Derivative of the product of a constant and a function: (c ∙ v) = c ∙

IV. Derivative of the algebraic sum of several functions: (u + v - w) = + –

V. Derivative of a variable raised to a constant exponent: (xn) = nxn-1

VI. Derivative of a function raised to a constant exponent: (un) = nun-1 ∙

VII. Derivative of a product of two functions: (u ∙ v) = (u ∙ ) + (v ∙

VIII. Derivative of a product of three functions: (u ∙ v ∙ w) = u∙v ∙ + v∙w ∙ + w∙u ∙

IX. Derivative of the quotient of two functions: ( )= (v ∙ ) – (u ∙ )

Derivative of a ratio of a constant to a function: ( ) = -c ∙

Derivative of the square root of a function: (√ ) =


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