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information about yourself (hobbies, skills, interest, ...

I have two essential hobbies: soccer and volunteering.

Soccer is my passion because it is a sport where there is a great freedom of

creation. It is the universal sport where we play all over the world. It's the sport
where the best doesn’t always win. It's the sport where you can have your place,
no matter what your morphology is. You can learn a lot from this sport.

For volunteering, I am the one who needs it more than the people I have helped;
in fact, seeing people's smiles is a pleasure that we always need. For
volunteering, I am the one who needs it more than the people I have helped; in
fact, seeing people's smiles is a pleasure that we always need.

For my perseverance I think I am open-minded, optimistic, always very

ambitious and I always want to do what I do in the best way possible.

My Experience with English language

I did my studies in French all along my background but since high school we
studied English and during my university studies we had a lot of time for
English (186 hours).

I am currently taking courses in English to improve my English skills.

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