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Russia: Land of the Czars

1. After the death of Alexander I, which Czar took power on December 14, 1825?
Tzar Nicholas l
2. Who were the Decemberists? What did they want?
Russain military officers and Noblement, they wanted to overthrow the Tzar
3. How did the Czar react to this group? What happened to the Decembrists?
They were exiled and killed
4. Why did Russia move away from constitutionalism whereas the rest of the world was moving
toward it?
Politics were practically illegal
5. Who was Alexander Pushkin? What happened to him?
A Russian Poet who made a lot of stories and someone who openly self-expressed, he was
then died at a duel with an officer
6. What ideas came along with industrialization in Western Europe?
Nationalism, Socialism, and Democracy
7. What role did Russia play in the revolutions of 1848 in Europe?
They helped in other revolutions
8. What caused the Crimean War? Which countries were involved? What resulted from this
A war against Turkey and the Balkans, after which they were defeated and showed how weak
Russia was
9. How did Czar Nicholas die? Whom did the crown pass to in 1855?
He died from Pneumonia, it was passed to Alexander ll
10. What changes did Czar Alexander II make to Russia?
He conceded defeat and called back troops from the Crimean war, and he pardoned the
decemberists, abolished corporal punishment, instituted trial by jury, relaxed censorship,
charged new industries, and commisioned a railway to the black sea, and liberated the Serfs
11. How did the nobles react to Czar Alexander II’s freeing of the serfs? How does Alexander II
Nobles were unhappy because the economy would collapse, but Alexander insisted on it
12. What were the realities of emancipation for the serfs?
They would have to pay for their lands at high prices, putting peasants into debt.
13. Which group begins to turn against the Czar? What were the two views?
“The People’s Will”, they wanted to overthrow the Tzar.
14. Describe the attempts this group made on the Czar Alexander II’s life:
Launched a campaign to assassinate the Tzar, they bombed the Tzar’s carriage, Bombed the
WInter palace dining room,
15. Despite the attempts on his life, what changes did the Czar propose to Russia’s
Share his power
16. What happens to Czar Alexander II before he can make the changes?
He was killed, by a grenade
17. Who replaced Czar Alexander II? What policies does he begin pursuing in 1881?
Alexander lll, He rejected the policy to share power, he made over 300 miles of railway,
Russia: Land of the Czars

18. What event inspired Vladimir Lenin to devote his life to overthrowing the Russian
His brother’s execution
19. What trends were taking place in Russia by the turn of the century?
A revolutionary “mood” was starting?
20. After 13 years of repression, Alexander III died leaving the throne to which unprepared
Nicholas ll
21. Why did the Russian people dislike Czarina Alexandra?
She was a German Princess, and was seen as an arrogant, uninterested German
22. Describe the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5:
Russia and Japan competed for an area of land in Asia around China, and Russians were
23. Describe the Czar’s children: What was wrong with Tsarevich Alexei? Why is his condition
kept secret?
Alexei was Nicholas ll and Alexandra’s 5th child, only son, and heir to the throne, and his
condition was kept secret to maintain morale
25. Why did Father Gapon lead a march on the Winter Palace in 1905? What did they carry
with them?
They marched to present a list of demands for the Tzar, carrying icons.
26. How did the palace guards respond to the peaceful marchers?
Open fire
27. How many people died in “Bloody Sunday?” What was the impact of this event?
About 1,000, sparked a rebellion
28. How does Czar Nicholas II react to the wave of revolutions that are sweeping across his
He accepted a constitution and a Duma being made
29. Who was Rasputin? What was his relationship to the royal family? Why was he so
Rasputin was the only doctor for Alexei’s condition, and people thought he was having an affair
with Alexandra
30. How does World War I change Russia forever?
It sparked more revolutions after showing how incompetent Nicholas ll was at leading Russia

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