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The dilemma between creativity and specificity is long faced by human beings . On one hand, the drive to innovate and bring new ideas to solve existing problems challenged the society and on the other hand, the safety net of following regular patterns and walking the trodden path comforted the human society. Our brain is adopted to identifying patterns . It takes information and assimilates it in structures , this is how we are able to do our mundane tasks. It's logical extension is our educational system which has developed tools for handing information, used mathematics for extending it and reasoning for refining it. But related, with this method is the tendency to associate any new information with already set patterns which leads to further rigidity of patterns and this further stifles the creative spirit. The vertical thinking or conventional thinking assumes the correctness of a process by rigidly following the sequential steps not recognizing that the starting point itself was a matter of perception which could be faulty and questioning this very starting point is outside its own domain. This is where lateral thinking comes in which questions the perception and allows for widening the scope of ideas and facilitates the creation process . It is not in conflict but works in conjunction and compliments the vertical thinking. As it develops ideas which are further developed by vertical thinking. It provides the room for creative leap and the breathing space for the germination of new ideas. Unlike creativity and humor which are end results, lateral thinking is a deliberate process which uses certain techniques to produce a specific thinking process. This enables the person to look at any situation from multidimensional manner. It challenges the way the information is stored in patterns and further it

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