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Mrs. Julia: Good morning, James. How are you?

James: Fine, Mrs. Julia. Thanks! How does John feel?

Mrs. Julia: Well, He’s sick. You can to see him at his bedroom.

James: Really? I would like.

Mrs. Julia: Of course. Come in.

James: It´s ok.

John: Mom! Who is out?

Mrs. Julia: I have got you a surprise.

James: It’s me.

John. Oh, James! Welcome.

James: Hi, John! What’s the matter?

John: I don’t know. My mom called the doctor. He comes at few minutes.

Mrs. Julia: I think that he’s already here.

Dr. Julian: Good morning, Mrs. Julia. Let us see the guy. You have a fever, John.

James: It’s COVID-19?

Dr. Julian: No! Don’t worry! It looks a cold. He must take a medicine and drink
lemon tea.

John: Oh, please. I hate the tea.

Mrs. Julia: Thanks for your help, doc.

Dr. Julian: You’re welcome. Bye, guys!

James: I’m going to my house right now. I also don’t like tea.

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