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Course : English for Sharia Bussiness

Group :4

Class : HES 2H

Members :

1. Nisa Nur Iswandari (202111269)

2. Hafizh Hilmi Tamam (202111280)
3. Chesa Luhur Nurcahyani (202111286)
4. Elawati (202111291)
5. Noricka Andreas Marchell K (202111293)
6. Anggi Bulan Rikita Dewi (202111304)


Definition of crypto trading

Understanding crypto trading is a way for an investor or entrepreneur to get profit from
crypto trading itself. Crypto trading does not require us to have background knowledge about
finance and investment, because crypto trading is done in the same way as doing forex,
commodities, stocks etc. The price can change from time to time, influenced by external factors
that surround it. Crypto trading is not carried out in a regulated market but can be traded

In crypto trading, there are 3 major countries that trade it, namely the United States,
Russia and the UK. The uniqueness of using a cryptocurrency exchange is the difference in price
between each exchange. This is due to differences in the level of liquidity between exchanges
and the geographic location of the exchanges.
Steps to do crypto trading

Steps to do crypto trading through a Trusted broker :

1. The first thing to do is download the crypto application, either via mobile phone or
2. Then open an account in the currency being traded and send funds as a deposit according
to the currency concerned.
3. Then through CFD select the cryptocurrency to be bought or sold.
4. Then find the charts and cryptocurrency prices that display professionally.
5. The next step is to open a long (buy) or short (sell) position and start monitoring to
predict price movements.
6. The final step is to close your position within 24 hours and withdraw your funds.

The key to successful crypto trading

The key to successful crypto trading is risk management and good trading psychology.

Here is the explanation:

1. Risk management

In crypto trading, there are some specific tips to better manage risk management,

 Do not overtrade, because it will spend more funds to open each trading position. The
best crypto strategy for every trader is making a profit.
 Determining the level of risk, this will help find the right point to close trading positions.
 Use stop and limit orders as needed.
 Calculate the risk / profit ratio, the rule that is usually used must be at least 1: 2, namely 1
risk to 2 profit / profit, if it is less then it cannot increase profitability in the long run.
2. Emotions trading

 Eliminate greed

In trading, greed can provoke a trader to increase trading positions without a clear
basis for analysis, deviate from the system and rules, as well as neglect risk management.

 Take control of fear

Fear makes it difficult to make sensible decisions. In other cases, worry can also
paralyze a trader from making decisions that are actually very profitable.

Here are ways to control trading emotions:

a. Self-discipline, traders who have strong self-discipline always follow the trading
plan in every position
b. Trading plan
c. Risk management system, traders must calculate all the risks and benefits that
may arise in trading.
d. Stay in shape, traders who are exhausted or not mentally fit will have less chance
of being successful will make more mistakes.
e. Stay patient while trading, this is one of the key factors for a trader to succeed.


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