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萬 億 科 技 有 限 公 司


(MOA Ref : BM 010-2020)

協 議
(協議編號:BM 010-2020)

This MOA is made on this day 1st of April 2020, between :-

經雙方同意協定,建立於 2020 年 4 月 1 日;

Taiwan Westin Power Co., Ltd Taichung City, Taiwan. as “ The Supplier”

本協議由 : 萬億科技有限公司 (以下稱 : 供應商)


PT Slag Berkat Utama, Indonesia as “The Receiver”

印尼 PT Slag Berkat Utama (以下稱 : 收貨商)

1) Chao Li Technology Co Ltd agree to supply the following :-

a) Commodity Iron Slag
b) HS Code 2618.00.00
c) Quantity 150,000MT +/- monthly
d) Delivery On board main Port,
All the charges within Taiwan are to supplier account

1) Chao Li Technology Co Ltd 同意提供以下貨物 :-

a) 貨物名稱 鐵礦渣
b) 海關編碼 2618.00.00
c) 數量 每月約 150,000MT +/-
d) 裝運 供應商負責將貨物在台灣港裝上貨輪,在台灣境內一切費用
2) PT Slag Berkat Utama agree to receive the Iron Slag :-
a) Help the supplier to dispose the iron slap to Indonesia
b) The import has legal import permit.
c) The receiver responsible to arrange/charter the vessel (50,000mt) as their
own cost to sail to Taiwan main port to pick up the Iron slag and ship to

2) PT Slag Berkat Utama 同意接收鐵礦渣 :-

a) 協助供應商處置鐵礦渣
b) 收貨商必須出具合法進口許可證
c) 收貨商負責安排運輸(50000 MT 貨輪)將鐵礦渣由台灣主要港裝運往印尼, 海

Upon confirmation and the supplier have to inform the receiver when the cargo is ready, and
the receiver must also inform the supplier the shipment date in 7/5/3 days in advance.

確認後,供應商必須在貨物準備好時通知收貨人,收貨人還必須提前 7/5/3 天通知供應


The Receiver The Supplier

PT SLAG BERKAT UTAMA Taiwan Westin Power Co.,

Director : Achmad Zaini Genal Director: Frank Lin

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