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Homework: Don't forget to look for 15 new words in English

1. Appointment: la cita(reunión)

2. Guess: adivinar(intentar dar con la respuesta)

3. Tight: apretado (no flojo)

4. Crowd: la multitud (masa de personas)

5. Quickly: rápidamente (con rapidez)

6. Awkward: torpe (patoso)

Richard is so awkward. He's always tripping over his own feet.

Richard es muy torpe; siempre anda tropezándose.

7. Feature: la característica (peculiaridad)

8. Narrow: estrecho (no ancho)

This road is very narrow.

9. Sweat: sudar (exhalar sudor)

10. Lively: animado (alegre)

The event was very lively. We had a great time!

11. Swollen: hinchado (inflado)

My mouth is swollen because last night I got into a fist fight.

12. Dump: el vertedero (depósito para desperdicios)

It's forbidden to throw away old furniture at the dump.Está prohibido tirar
muebles viejos al vertedero.

Impolite: descortés (persona)

My father refused to tip the impolite waiter.

13. Windshield: el parabrisas (en general) (Estados Unidos)

He threw a rock at my car and cracked the windshield.

14. Goal:
. (anotación)

a. el gol (m)

Pumas beat Chivas by a score of three goals to one.

2. (propósito)

a. la meta (f)

What's your main goal this semester?

15. Speech: el discurso (exposición oral)

The speaker gave a moving speech at the graduation ceremony.

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