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My daily routine

My daily routine is almost always the same, I start a day at 7 am, I take a shower,

make my bed and have breakfast. After that I'm ready to begin my classes. Every day I

have normal classes from 8 to 12, In that time I need to pay attention to catch on

everything because my teachers don’t record the classes. Also in my school we do a lot

of activities in groups, so I have to I have to count on my group almost every day in the

activities because everybody has to work and I don’t know if they are good on having

responsibilities. Then I have Media tecnica, from 12 to 4, Lately I need to study more to

catch up my classmates, I'm not so good at marketing, but I'll clear up all my questions

with my mother because she knows a lot of it. After Media I need to take care of my

dogs with my brother, we have to give them their food and to go out so they can do their

stuff. After that if I'm not in a bad mood I study Korean, but If I feel bad I play

something with my brother to cheer myself up for English class. I have my English

class and then I can call it a day and go to sleep.

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