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My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Aspiriation.

To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Greed.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of Greed

Love into the Gift of Aspiriation.
The highest expression of my heart is Transparency.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Humanity.

Prosperity I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Turbulence.
I thrive best as an entrepreneur.

A journey of self illumination


My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 57

If you learn to trust your intuition, all will become clear to you. You will find the right people, the right job, the
right place to live, and all in the right timing. Along with this great intuitive gift of yours goes a very strong fear
— the fear that your decision might be wrong. This is a perfectly natural fear to have, and it must be
absorbed and accepted every time you feel doubt. It manifests because your intuition will always lead you
away from the status quo. Life wants to display its uniqueness through you, not its conformity. Every time
you trust your intuition, it will become stronger. Just as important, every time you do not trust it, the obvious
mistakes you make will also make your intuition stronger. Your intuition must become the central focus of
your inner life. Everything else will flow from it, and it will always take you forward to clarity.

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 51

Your evolution is in many ways the foil of your intuition. What this means is that if you are not trusting and
following your inner voice, you will always feel agitated. Not only will you feel agitated, but you will open
yourself to experiences that can and will undermine who you are. You are a warrior of the world, and no
matter how hard it seems for you, you are equipped with the strength of will and courage to follow your own
unique destiny. By following your intuition without hesitation, you protect yourself from misunderstanding
and confusion. You need to be careful that you don't kid yourself into thinking you are making the decisions
that are right for you, when in fact you may be shirking away from what really excites you. If you are excited
and a little afraid at the same time, then you know you are dead on track! Your life was never meant to be a
quiet out-of-the-way existence. You are a trailblazer rather than a follower. All you have to do is keep trusting
your heart.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 53

You are someone whose life needs to reflect the universal tendency to go on expanding. It is therefore in
your nature to create a physical environment around you that reflects this. You always need to be involved in
projects that bring you this sense of expansion, whether that be improving or extending your home and
garden, or your business, or your lifestyle in general. You will go through regular cycles where you literally
need to reinvent yourself and your life. Instead of starting all over again, which is not good for you, you need
to keep developing and evolving your life in a single unified direction, around a single vision. In this way, you
can go on expanding without losing what you have already built. You are driven by the need for freedom, but
again, this freedom is not about burning your own bridges. You are here to create many things that all

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 54

Your purpose is to keep ascending and succeeding in whatever you do and at whatever level. It all begins for
you with the material realm. Once you have mastered matter and learned how to prosper financially, you can
transcend this and move onto more spiritual things, or you can blend the two approaches. Your life will
follow a natural evolution in this way, and you will be given leg-ups by those higher in the hierarchy along
your path. However, you must be patient. The unravelling of your life path takes time, and there will be
moments when you wonder whether you are getting anywhere. The key for you is not to worry about your
goals so much as to get down to the business of moving towards them. At whatever level of frequency you
are working, your aspiration itself will always ensure that you receive the right help in moving upwards. You
cannot control or speed up this natural process of transformation and transcendence.

© Gene Keys Publishing 2021 My Hologenetic Profile Page 2


Clarity Brand Birth City:Hunedoara, Hunedoara, Romania

Unease Birth Date: 11 Oct 1986
Line 4 - Heart (feelings) 57.4
Birth Time: 22:22

Pearl Inquiry
63.4 Line 4 - Charity

Ascension Culture Compassion

Aspiriation Humanity
Line 2 - Marketing (value) 54.2 36.1 Turbulence
Line 1 - Individual

The Siddhi - my essence Genius

The Gift - my creativity
The Shadow - my challenge


is an amazing journey of self discovery
into your Genius, Love and Prosperity

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