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9 Day Strategic Prayer for Untying Difficult Knots (Angelic ministration for
defeating strongholds, achieving breakthroughs and releasing an all-round
overflow) With Novena to Our...

Book · October 2018

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1 author:

Jude Onyima
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka


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Extraordinary Stations of the Cross Powerful Prayer for Deliverance and Breakthrough (For Personal and Group Ministration) View project

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9 Day Strategic Prayer for Untying Difficult Knots
(Angelic ministration for defeating strongholds, achieving breakthroughs and releasing an all-round overflow)


Novena to Our Lady the untier of Knots and 27 Psalms Prayer for Healing and Restoration

Use these Prayers to:

- Expose and deal with different forms of manipulation

- Break barriers to favour and blessing
- Attract breakthroughs and solutions
- Minister with angels and pray the greatest prayers in the bible

If angels are ministering spirits, it means they are experienced at ministration. Imagine the result
we can achieve when we partner with them!

Jude KC Onyima
Table of content

 Wait here, watch and pray!

 Day 1: Angelic ministration of sanctification and mercy- Angel of Isaiah 6
 Day 2: Exposing the works of darkness- Angel of Act 12
 Day 3: Atonement and healing of generational roots- Angel of Judges 6
 Day 4: Reversal of captivity- Angel of Rev 12
 Day 5: Untying the knots of living in the past and knots of delay- Angel of Luke 1:11
 Day 6: Untying the knots of unfruitfulness and marital/relationship- Angel of Gen 18
 Day 7: Untying the knots of sickness and the knots of struggling without result-Angel of
Tobit 5
 Day 8: Recapturing gates, breaking the knot of delay and releasing the finger of God- Angel
of Gen 32
 Day 9: Marching out of the valley, experiencing overflow and getting direction in life- Angel
of Daniel 10
 Prayer for Renunciation and Release
 Prayer for Liberation
 Prayer for blessing
 We plead the blood of Jesus Prayer
 27 Psalms Prayer for Healing and Restoration
 Devotion and Novena to our Lady the untier of knots
Wait Here, Watch and Pray!

That was Jesus’ comment as he left Peter, James and John at the Garden of Gethsemane “…the
spirit is willing but the flesh is weak…” Despite that they knew the demand of the hour, they all fell
asleep. It’s your turn today. Can you wait and pray or would you fall asleep? Prayer is not a wish;
It’s the most important activity for man. When we pray we become like angels, we exhibit
extraordinary abilities. Prayer is the surest way to deal with manipulations.

There are signs that you are under manipulation: when anything you lays your hand dies, when
you always attract wrong people, wrong timing, wrong place, when people always see you in bad
form, when you see yourself in dream at wilderness, lose your way, poorly dressed, dragging
things with people, or losing valuables. When you miss important opportunities, when you
observed that only when you pray that things improve a bit, when problems eat up your income
anytime it comes and when you always enter into problem after problem.

Prayer is the surest way because when we pray, God provides direction, inspirations and energy to
pull through. However, it is not hit and run prayer that achieves such result you expect. We need
to labour and pray with angels, we need to use the scriptures and give God back his words, we
need to move in the spirit and address the root of the problem. So spend these 9 days in solitude
and in listen as your spirit groans. Offer God brokenness and pray like Hannah and Jacob.

- Spent this nine days with fasting, sacrifice, seed sowing and giving alms
- For Catholics, join the prayer with Novena to our Lady the untier of knots
- It is better to end the prayer with people, also look for Christian elders or priest that will
pray with and for you
- Pray the prayer of renunciation, prayer of liberation and prayer of blessing on the 3 rd, 6th
and 9th day.
- Pray the We plead the blood of Jesus prayer daily
Day 1

Ministration of sanctification and mercy- Angel of Isaiah 6:6 and Angel of Zach 3.2
Build an Altar unto the Lord my Sanctifier with the prayer of Zacharia in Lk1: 66- 74
I have taken away your sins and I will give you a new cloth to wear!

A still small voice

Sin is always a barrier; nothing reveals the horror of sin than the presence of God. Isaiah said
‘There is no hope for me..” and Joshua the High Priest was unable to perform his duties because of
sin. Angels just like the Jewish priests were the first to use the blood of the lamb in Rev 12 and
they are experienced at bringing forgiveness and mercy through the blood. ‘Then one of the angel
flew to me, carrying a burning coal taken from the altar and said “Behold your guilt is gone and
your sins are taken away”. God has been using angel to administer the blood of atonement and
reconciliation. They also defend us when the accuser speaks against our sins. The angel said to
Joshua, “ I have taken away your sins and I will give you a new cloth to wear.

Angels are coming down with the news that you have been forgiven. A police officer in Imo State
who has been praying for promotion for 9years was told by an angel to confess that he used his
younger brothers certificate in getting the police job if he wants God to show mercy. A church
leader who has been barren for 8years was accosted by an angel at the entrance of a church
building in the form of a young man “ Open up to your husband the secrets you kept from him
about your immoral life. God does not forgive a man who keep covering up his sins..” the angel
whispered to the woman as he walked past her.

As we embark on these 9 days journey, uncover your sins and ask the Lamb of God for mercy.
Angels are ready to administer the blood to every contrite heart.

Activities and Meditation

- Which sins must I repent from

- Which sins did I cover up
- Do I believe in the forgiveness of sin?
- Do I believe that sin can stop me if I do not stop it?

Prayer Points
- Depart from me Lord am a sinner (Peter’s prayer of mercy)
- Be merciful to me O Lord because of your constant love (David’s prayer of mercy: Psalm 51)
- Lord we are sorry (Daniel’s prayer of mercy: Daniel 10)

I declare and decree

1. That when I was still a sinner, Jesus died for me, therefore I assign angels to remove my
filthy clothes
2. That His hands are still open to welcome sinner therefore I assign angel to lead me back to
my father
3. That His death on the cross settled it all, therefore I assign angels to free me from the
burdens and yoke of sin
4. That His steadfast love never cease, therefore I assign angels to wash me thoroughly with
the blood of Jesus
5. That God did not spare his only son, therefore I assign angels to confound the accusers and
discharge me from accusations. Amen
Day 2

Ministration of light and exposing the works of darkness- Angel of Act 12 :7

Build an Altar to the Lord my Light and my help with Psalm 118

When the perfect comes, the imperfect will disappear!

A still small voice

Divine presence brings revelations and uncovers hidden secrets. Our God lives in unapproachable
light and his angels are full of light. The enemy does not like light because it exposes his works and
renders them stupid. ‘The angel of the Lord descended and light shone in the cell and at once,
chains fell off Peter’s hands. When angels (Light bearers) minister, hidden issues are exposed and
charms are revealed. Reasons for delay are made known and secrets of the enemy are laid bare.
There is always a cause for every disappointment, for every difficult knot. Anytime root cause of a
problem is known, solution becomes handy. A 44 year old sister was shocked when she realized
that it was her visit to a spiritualist 18years ago that caused her incessant miscarriages. Respite
came to a 42 year old spinster in Abuja the day God revealed that the root of her marital
disappointment was the sex she had with a dog when she was 24 years old. Dickson got his
liberation from marital unfruitfulness on the day an angel revealed to his wife that he should visit
and apologize to a woman he impregnated and denied eight years ago. Listen! that you have
forgotten about an event does not mean that it does not exist.

When we pray fervently, heavenly attendants are released. Their ministration comes with
revelations, dreams, visions and a recall of what happened in the past. Most times, solutions do
not come until we know how the problem started and learn our lessons. As you embark on this
prayer with heavenly angels, expect trance, horrific dreams and visions and a recall of past events.
Take time also and pray for their interpretations. Jesus! Let the healing start from the root, let the
cause of our problems be exposed through the activities of the heavenly light bearers. Angels are
released quicker when there is more than one voice dealing with a particular issue.

Activities and meditation

- Which dream keep coming to your mind? What revelation have you received and how was
it handled?
- Have people seen you in the dream? What did they see you doing in the dream?
- Have you done restitution for people you defrauded, hurt or stole their property?
- What are your little secrets? Is it not time you uncover them and be free?

Prayer Points

- Expose O Lord the root of my problems

- Release angels of visions and revelations
- Give me a dream that will reveal what I never knew about myself
- I welcome the light of God into my difficult knots
- Let chains on my hands or any area of my life fall off
- Let angels lead me out of problems as if in a dream
- Let ancient gates obey this ministration and open on their own accord

I declare and Decree

That I believe in the communion of saints therefore I ask heavenly beings to intercede for
That I have an irreplaceable destiny therefore I assign heavenly angels to thwart the plans
of Herod
That I am baptized into the family of God therefore I assign angels to embark on a rescue
mission for me
That the God of mysteries is my father therefore I assign angels to uncover the roots of
these knots
That the Ancient of the Days is my father therefore I assign angels to paralyze spiritual
guards and force the prison doors open
That the heathen shall not celebrate over me therefore I assign angels to shine their light
and dispel the darkness around me
That I belong to the kingdom of possibilities therefore I assign angels to bring to reality the
liberation I have imagined. Amen
Day 3

Ministration of Atonement and healing of generational roots- Angel of Judges 6: 1 and Angel of
Rev 12: 11

Build an altar to the Lord my Ebenezer with prayer of Daniel in Daniel 9: 4-19

Release me O Lord!

A still small voice

God promised us rest from all enemies. It is not normal to be having problem always. Rest means
peace and prosperity. The chastisement of our peace was laid upon him in Is 53:4. You ought to be
discussing blessings and empowerment and not curses and sorrows. For one to have rest, there is
need to have deliverance first. Angelic visitation inaugurates deliverance and entrance into rest.
Gideon needed angelic ministration in order to fight the enemies of his rest. But he was led to do a
clean-up, a renunciation, a denunciation and a pulling down of altars before the victory over the
Medianites came. It was these inner activities that produced the victory seen in the public.

There was a family whose male children found it difficult getting married. Three of them were
above 50 years and have tried their best to get married but women kept disappointing them
despite that they are good looking and relatively rich. It was after atonement was made to heal
the hurt inflicted by their grandfather who killed the children of his step brother so that his own
children will inherit the land, that the jinx was broken. Sin has a great power. It can keep families
down for years and contribute to waste of potential. Most wasted years and wasted efforts are
attributed to sins that cry to heaven. However, mercy that comes through atonement is greater.
That is why anyone who is indebted to mercy faces judgment. Two daughters of a committed
Christian were raped within one month and their father realized that it was a judgment for the
rape he committed 20 years ago before he repented. A successful banker had been experiencing
untold disappointments with his siblings and during prayer, It was revealed that such event was
caused by the death of an only son whom their father knocked down 14 years ago but refused to
stop. Listen! Mercy can only be shown when we own up to our faults and accept responsibility.
Angels are experienced at ministering atonement and cleansing for generational and ancestral
issues. Brethren it is time to face our family roots with them. Even Job’s friends who gave him bad
advice were required to visit Job and ask for his forgiveness and prayer before they could find

Activities and meditation

- Think/inquire about events that surround your birth, your surname, lives of your parents,
perversions in your linage and how you came to the land you live in.
- Identify trends and pattern in your life and family such as marital delay, school drop-out,
violence etc
- Identify sins/ hurts that were covered up
- Try and make peace, ask people who you hurt to forgive and pray for you
Prayer points

- Ask God for mercy upon each of your siblings, parents, grandparents both maternal and
- Plead the blood of Jesus countless times to heal wounds, hurts, betrayal and death caused
by your family both the living and the dead
- Minister the blood of Jesus to appease God and stop judgment over your family, property,
seeds and inheritance.
- Pray for mercy and healing upon significant events that occurred in the family such as
bloodshed and incest
- Heal the land with the blood of Jesus and word of God. Upturn awaiting judgment on the
Renunciation Prayer
On behalf of my family and linage, I renounce all sexual perversion, witchcraft, demonic
vows, covenants, ungodly thought pattern, disobedience, addictions and ungodly soul ties.
In the name of Jesus, I forgive anyone who hurt, disappointed, abandoned or maltreated
me. I renounce anger, bitterness, revenge, demonic dynasty and spiritual marriages.
I declare and decree
That blood was shed for our linage therefore I assign angels to minister blood of
atonement on our land.
That I belong to family of God therefore I assign angels to heal and reconcile people I hurt
both the living and the dead.
That Jesus is still bleeding for my linage therefore I assign angels to heal our land and
surname of unfruitfulness and death.
That his death is the final sacrifice therefore I assign angels to end judgment, torment and
punishment meant for our family.
That I believed in the sanctifying blood of Jesus therefore I assign angels to sanctify and
free our root/linage from errors
That He took my place and died. I assign angels to free my linage from obligation and
burden attributed to mistakes and sin.
That I believe in the ministry of Elisha. I assign angels to change old label and thought
patterns. Let new altar be raised and let mercy speak.
Day 4

Ministration of reversing captivity- Angel of Rev. 12:7

Build an altar the Lord my barrier breaker with Prayer of Jeremiah in Lamentation 3:31-66

The siege is over!

A still small voice

Michael led the angelic army that defeated the dragon who deceives, enslaves and yokes the
world. The heavenly army is ever ready to help Christians in spiritual warfare, so do not allow
anything to stop you from opening up to your helper. Devil is the master of deception. He masks
his strongholds with a belief system and a thought pattern that is popular so that people will be
unaware that they are under spell. Symptoms of spell include repeating failures, evil animals
appearing in dream always, repeating pattern seen in the linage, series of life threatening events,
praying without answers, addictions, vulnerability to mind control, extreme emotional outburst
and inability to concentrate/ focus on a business or career.

Abigail has had 4 miscarriages and after 14 days prayer, a huge dark man appeared to her in the
dream and flung a ring and a wedding gown to her telling her that whatever that existed between
them has been broken since she did not want him. The worst was that Abigail never knew she had
a spirit husband because she has not been experiencing sex in dream. From that day, miscarriages
both of fetus and business ended. A cultist in Imo State revealed that he uses a perfume and
demonic incense to make girls lust after him. Some ladies have had abortions for him five times
and another had given birth twice for him. They did not see anything wrong in sharing the same
man; they even fight their parents or anyone who tries to advice them. This was because of the
spell he cast on them. The enemy can cast a spell of theft, lesbianism, failure, impotence, working
without results and disappointment on people. Most mental cases are as a result of spell and
enslavement cast by the enemy. If you did not bind the devil, he will bind you. If you fail to break
spells, torment, confusion, sexual perversion and manipulations, you will be enslaved to them. Cry
out to Jesus with outstretched arms like Peter and join the angels on a rescue mission to your life.

Activities and meditation

- Identify repeating pattern in your life; Is any area of your life under spell or manipulation?
- Do I have relatives who are cultic, native doctors or spiritualists?
- Do I have addiction or perversion which has proved difficult to stop in my linage?
Renunciation Prayer
In the name of Jesus I annul all covenants with death, idols, demons, ungodly organizations
and false religion. I break all oaths, pledges and obligations entered by me or my ancestors.
I annul and denounce every soul tie, spiritual marriage and attachment with ancestral
spirit, territorial spirits and demonic powers. I renounce any altar built in my name
including all satanic priesthood. I renounce beliefs, body marks, names, covenant trees,
demonic decrees issued against my life. I break written curses, curses that follow me
around, curses released by satanic agents and time-released curses that activates as I grow
older. I break the power of generational spirits, operating behind the curses. I break all
curses on my marriage, career, ministry and my finance. In the name of Jesus I annul all
blood covenants, dedications, incantations, effects of demonic incense and sacrifice made
in my name. I belong to Jesus, I have been adopted into the family of God, I have been
redeemed by the blood of Jesus and I eat at his table forever and ever.

I declare and decree

- That I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Let angels cast down any satanic altar standing
in my life or linage
- That I am a joint heir with Christ. Let angels destroy satanic priesthood and neutralize
sacrifices and activities there
- That my sins are forgiven. Let angels break the curses of Balaam, curses from those over
me, written and unwritten curses.
- I am a chosen of God. Let angels break the spell of delay, lust, restiveness, disappointment,
poverty, fear and unfruitfulness.
- That I have access to the father. Let angels break every jinx, cults, domination, traditions,
vows, ungodly pledges, manipulations, mind control and condemnation
- That I am a new creature. Let angels break every enslavement, witchcraft, slavery, guilt and
poverty. Let them cast down negative trends and break generational curses and addictions.
- That I reign with Christ. Let angels bind spirits that enforce and energize these spells and
covenants in the name of Jesus. Amen
Day 5

Untying the knots of living in the past and knots of delay- Angel of Luke Chapter 1:11

Build an altar to the Lord my way maker with Psalm 24

You will have a new reason to live!

A still small voice

Do you see yourself in the dream in places you have stayed in the past or doing what you have
overgrown or chatting with people you have left for long. Zachariah the father of John the Baptist
experienced it too. Indeed he was a righteous man, a priest but barrenness plagued him to the
past. Neighbors described him as one with barren wife. Their lives seemed stuck to this knot. They
stopped dreaming and as a result, doubt took over his life despite that he ministers in the holy of
holies. Life lost its flavor for them until the Archangel’s visit. Gabriel brought a news, a ministration
that freed them from the past, giving them a reason to live.

When angels minister, healing multiplies, breakthrough becomes supernatural, long term
bondages broken and negative cycles end. Dominic, who always sees himself wearing old school
uniform after 20 years encountered an angel in a dream who broke a padlock that locked him
inside a hut for 20 years and showed him route to escape. A 23 year old graduate who has not
received any favor from anybody usually sees herself at the home of a woman she served 13 years
ago. It was during ministration that she was instructed to go to the woman and ask her to bless
her that things changed for her. It was during the prayer that the knot of servitude that tied her to
the past was broken. Experience revealed that many people are tied to their past. Past lovers,
teachers, friends, grannies, spouses, past environment. One ancestral spirit shouted at us during a
deliverance session “ not cut the tie that keep them in the village. It’s an oath I had with their
grandfather..’ Before the prayer, this family of eight persons could not live at a place other than
their village for one month. They kept having problem anywhere they go to that make them run
back to the village every time. However, they did not know that it was a demonic rope that keep
pulling them back home.

Angels deliver God’s messages, not their own message. Let us welcome the angels sent to us
because they have a good news that will untie us from the past.

Activities and meditation

- Examine your dreams, do you usually see your self in a particular place you have been
before with particular people? Blame yourself always for the past, wear old uniform or
doing what you have overgrown
- Forgive yourself, forgive past events and people, put an end to the past, stop judging
people based on their past mistakes
- Ask people you served or lived with to pray and bless you. Make peace with your past
- Do a clean up: remove contact objects, pictures, letters that relate with the past you want
to cut from

Prayer Points
- Release yourself from negative events that surround your birth, environment you grew up
in, bitterness of relatives
- Release yourself from bonds created with people and places, partners, false ministers who
laid hands on you
- Forgive yourself from effects of dream, visits to places; cut attachment to people and
places (mention names)
- Heal your mindset, your dream world and your thought pattern
- Release angels to come down with good news

I declare and Decree

- That I believe in revelations and prophecies therefore I assign angels to bring down
revelations, visions and to explain mysteries to me.
- That My eyes have been opened to behold wondrous things Ps 119:18. Therefore I assign
angels to cast away logs in my eyes, thoughts, spiritual blindness, ideologies and anything
that prevent me from seeing what God wants me to know.
- That I am justified by faith, therefore I assign angels to cast away doubt and let any dump
event in my life begin to speak
- That I will not be called Zachariah but John. Therefore I assign angels to break negative
links with past that influence my future
- That my helper shall not slumber or desert me. I assign angels to instruct and raise people
that will speak for me and resist my being tied to the past.
- That the master has instructed that I be untied. Therefore I assign angels to untie me from
past trends, bonds, words, agreements and influences that eat into my future
- That I shall receive when I ask. Therefore I assign angels to appear to me with good news
that the siege is broken. Let them cleanse my life of past neighbors, school mates and
associates that keep me in the past.
Day 6

Untying the knots of unfruitfulness and marital/relationship failures- Angel of Gen: 18:

Build an altar to Yahweh my interceptor with Psalm 121

I shall come back next year and you will be carrying a son!

A still small voice

This is an unusual miracle from an unusual source. God’s promise to Abraham that he would have
a son has been hanging for 25 years until the day Abraham made some angels happy. I am not sure
the time has come for the blessing because the angels were sent to Sodom and not to Abraham.
They were on another mission but the faith and kindness of Abraham intercepted them. Despite
that Abraham speaks with God face to face, he was wise enough to curry this favor from angels.
What circumcision and sacrifice could not make tangible, giving angels food made it possible. And
Abraham stood by them under the tree as they eat (Gen18:8). He ministered with them and for
them. He opened up to them and asked them easier way to get God to do his promise. Sarah
laughed and made jest of the prophecy because she felt that these angels were mere servants. She
failed to realize that they have been conferred authority over situations and nations. Indeed they
control territories, seasons, institutions and affairs. Breaking the knot of unfruitfulness was a token
they dropped for Abraham.

A brother at Asaba that had wanted to annul his marriage proposal when he realized that the girl
had fibroid. He was praying at the chapel one day when he met a man in the church whom he later
realized to be an angel of God. The angel told him that the same woman with fibroid can give him
four twins. It happened just as he had said, she had twins at the first and third pregnancies. A 42
year old woman that was barren for nine years quit leading Sunday school class for children
because another woman insulted her for shouting at her son. A man clothed in white appeared to
her in the dream and told her to avoid events that will hinder her prayers. She resumed her duties
in the church and the same day, her menstrual flow that had disappeared 4 years ago came back.
She gave birth to a son ten months later. Nkoli observed that she rarely prosper in whatever she
does. One night, during a 14 day prayer march, a man in her dream helped her to locate her
missing purse, and suitcase which were hidden in an old hut by dwarfs. From that day, her life
experienced a change. Fruitfulness returned to her life. God has given a command that none of his
people shall be unfruitful. Angels of fertility and fruitfulness are here to execute the command in
your life. Let us partner with the holy warlords to tear down strongholds of unfruitfulness for
ourselves and for those who are dear to us.

Activities and Meditation

- Confess sexual sins; expose the secrets you have been hiding, decide to live right.
- Make restitutions and reconcile with people. Deal with perversions and wickedness.
- Be compassionate especially to children and help people. Let your kindness intercept
- Get a diary and write down prophecies, visions, dreams and revelations you had about
yourself and family

Prayer Points
- Make atonement for idolatry, sexual perversions and other sins in your linage
- Annul covenants, spiritual marriages and dedications
- Tear down altars of unfruitfulness with their strongholds and build an altar for fruitfulness.
- Call on the mercy of God to release healing and restore reproductive abilities
- Claim your babies and your blessings

I Declare and Decree

- That I am fruitful in season and out of season. Therefore I assign heavenly chariots to visit
me with fertility and fruitfulness
- That I flourish like palm tree and like cedars of Lebanon. I welcome angels of good news
into my family
- That I have a divine mandate to increase and multiply. So I assign angels in charge of
heavenly store house to release my own portion of fruitfulness and blessings
- That affliction will not rise the second time in this place. So I assign angels to uproot
barriers against increase in my life
- That my help comes from God who made heaven and earth. So I assign angels to release
seeds into my life
- That the siege is broken. Let Seraphic beings bring my case file before the throne room
- That in blessings I shall be blessed and in multiplication I shall multiply. I ask Archangels to
untie the knots of unfruitfulness
- That I will not suffer the sickness of the Egyptians. Let angels in charge of restoration bring
my productive abilities back
- That I believe in the prophet. Let angelic powers that move with prophets make prophecies
about my life come true.
Day 7

Untying the knots of sickness and struggling without result-Angel of Tobit 5 and Angel of pool of
Bethesda Jh: 5

Build an altar to the Lord my destiny changer with Psalm 118

The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone!

A still small voice

Good health and healthy relationships are parts of God’s package for us because it is difficult to
serve him when we are constantly torn apart. God has made provision for our healing and it is
administered by angels. The pool of Bethesda is one of them. Angels come down to stir the water;
their presence stirs up healing into any situation they come to. A 29 year old sister has been
praying for the mother who has been bed-ridden. She had a trance and she was shown a man
treating a bedridden woman with herbs. The man whom he later realized to be an angel taught
him how to prepare the herbs. She administered the herbs and her mother was healed. Another
pregnant woman whom doctor told that she need surgical operation in order to deliver her baby
was in a dream when she was taken into a clinic and men with wings ministered to her. Labour
started when she woke up in the morning and she delivered even before doctors came.

Nkem had experienced 4 breakups in her marital journey and she cannot explain why they
happened. It was after prayers at a prayer ground that she saw a huge man in her dream telling
her that she cannot quit their marriage. Asmodeus causes disappointments, struggling without
result and marital problems. A banker with Zenith Bank Plc realized that only married and elderly
men found her attractive. It was during a deliverance session that the yoke was broken. For some
people, any man who initiates relationship with them begins to have problems. Others hate
anyone who proposes marriage to them; thinking that they are their problems. Apart from
seducing people and sapping their energy in the dream, make marriage difficult and
breakthroughs impossible. That was the case with Tobias and Sarah until the Archangel came. The
archangel bound the spirit and chased him away to Egypt, he helped Tobias to acquire wealth,
brought healing to the family and restored their joy. The same angel of healing and breakthrough
is ministering today.

Activities and Meditation

- Have you noticed any trend in your health, relationship and career?
- Do you experience near success syndrome?
- Do you have unnatural feelings/attraction?
- Do you experience seduction in dream?
- Have you settled scores you have with people you related intimately with?

Prayer points

- Break bond and attachment you had with your ex, with people you had sexual
relationships with
- Raise a war cry against sprit husbands/wives and enemies of your progress
- Route every spoiler in human and spirit form
- Minister with Archangel Raphael unto your relationship and life
- Pray for healing and restoration

I Declare and Decree

- That mercy defeats judgment. So I assign angels to minster God’s mercy into my health and
- That by his wounds I am healed. I assign angels to minister healing unto every area of my
- That I have victory through the blood. Let angels fight my battle and conquer territories the
enemy took from me
- That God had crushed the head of the Leviathan. Let angels bind spirits of poor finishing
and sickness
- That his mercies never run to an end. Let angels stir the water of Bethesda for me, make
my healing whole
- That since ministering angels are on duty, let them uproot and clear every barrier against
my healing and breakthrough
- That since the blessing of the gentile belong to me, I assign angels to open for me the store
gates of blessing
- That my maker is my husband; I assign angels to beautify me like a new bride.
Day 8

Recapturing gates, breaking the knot of delay and releasing the finger of God-Angel of Gen: 32
and Angel of Daniel:10

Build an altar for the Lord The lifter of my head with psalm 18

Your name is no longer Jacob but Israel

A still small voice

I have stopped blaming people who could not meet up with their mates because I have realized
that many people put in much effort but got frustrated by forces they do not know. Kelvin spent
four years before he got a job in a bank. One day, he mistakenly sent an email meant for his
manager to the MD (Because they had similar name) and that resulted in his sack. Nnanna had a
different case, anytime an opportunity knocks, sickness will strike. On one occasion, a foreign
football scout came to watch him play and for the period the man was around, Nnanna had a
swollen leg and could not play. He knew it was not normal and during a 9 days prayer programme,
he had a dream about a fierce battle with dwarfs during which an angel lent him wings to escape.
A UNIZIK law student was struggling with passing her exams despite that she was brilliant. She had
spent extra year and during the NYSC, she could not serve because her name was omitted. It took
her 9 years to get what others get within 6 years. The enemy used insignificant errors and
mistakes to frustrate and delay her until a man in white appeared to her at Awhum Monastry
directed her on what to do.

That was the case with Jacob until an angel came at night and pushed him to go extra mile. He was
carrying the birthright but there was nothing to show for it. He was upright but his life was a
struggle. People and events easily turn against him. What he plans and expects rarely occur even
though he was a child of covenant. Then that night, he was in an indoor prayer experience. He
wanted a one hour prayer but the angel kept urging him to go on. He was not used to marathon
warfare which was needed to break even but the angel did not give him rest till day break; a man
who used to sleep at God’s presence (Bethel) for the first time in his life did an all night
ministration and the result was clear. His name changed, struggle and delay ended and a prince in
him was born.

You can untie the knot of struggle if you can camp tonight with your own angel; go the extra mile

Activities and Meditation

- If you are owing God, duped people or scandalized them, go and do restitution
- Study your life and understand the pattern and possible causes of the pattern
- Decide on the day you will set apart for God, a day to wrestle like Jacob
- Give and show kindness, let your good works speak for you
Prayer Points

- Attack the forces of delay, laziness and cankerworms

- Cleanse your life of every debris that attract spiritual wasters

- Remove garment of sorrows, debt and delays

- Revoke incantations that keep you stagnated

- Minister with the angels and lose your life from stagnancy

- Pray for anointing power of God to take over your life

I Declare and Decree

- That I am an offspring of Abraham therefore I assign angels to open every ancient gates
and doors in my life. I recapture every territory the enemy stole from me
- That since God is doing a new thing, I assign angels to bring newness into my life. Let fresh
oil be released everything onto anything I lay my hands on
- That what is born of God overcomes the world. I claim victory over difficulties and
problems that surround me. Let dews of revival visit my home
- That there is reversal of captivity. Let angels break bondages and forces of delay
- That those who sow in tears will reap with joy. Let angels revive anything in my life that
has died.
Day 9

Marching out of the valley, experiencing overflow and getting direction in life- Angel of Act

Build an altar to the Lord my Provider with Prayer of David in Psalm 46

Goodness and mercy shall follow me daily
A still small voice

Mephibosheth was the grandson of King Saul. He supposed to be king but he was crippled. His
father’s servant had seven sons and great wealth whereas Mephibosheth was living in
Lodebar, a valley meant for invalids. He kept hoping and praying until God sent an angel to pull
him out of the valley and sit him among princes. David said to him ‘’ You will eat at my table all
the days of your life..” that means an end to sorrows, worries and pain. The miracle started
when God made David to remember Jonathan “…. Is anyone left in the house of Saul whom I
can show mercy”. To march out of the valley and experience an overflow, there should be
remembrance of what was forgotten, an event, a revelation, a person, an event, or a lesson
that was ignored. We welcome the angel of remembrance today. The same angel worked on
Pharaoh’s servant and he remembered Joseph, worked on King Xerxers and he remembered
Modecai, worked on Tobit and he remembered the money he left with Raguel.

Sis. Beneeth prayed ‘Send your angels, Emmanuel’ prayer which a nun gave her, she started
witnessing God’s finger in her life. It seemed as if an extra help/hand was put into anything she
does. She started getting more results, enjoying extra favors and within 4 months started
experiencing overflow of blessings. In fact, a man she never knew gave her N20,000 because
the man said her smiles reminds him of his mother. When God’s angel brings you out of the
valley, the next junction is overflow. Release of God’s finger leads to marching out of difficult
situations and an entrance into overflow. The angel that led Peter out of “valley of death”
accompanied him to a gate that leads to abundance of joy and testimony. Rebecca’s
intercession made Jacob to encounter open heaven at Bethel. He saw angels preparing an
overflow for somebody. Such ladder of angels descending and ascending is still available. Let us
pray earnestly for the release of God’s finger so that Pharaoh and his kingdom will shake.

Activities and Meditation

- Show mercy to people, do chores for them , sow seeds

- Visit your parents with gift, ask them to pray for you and bless you
- Ask elders and committed Christians to pray with you and lay hands on you
- Observe quiet time and listen to God; wait on God
- Decide to be humble, gentle and patient

Prayer Points

- Attack the forces of witchcraft and occult that operate where you live and in your place of
- Ask God to release his angels to lead you out of problem and into God’s direction for your
- Ask for anointing and power to make impossible situations possible
- Pray down new opportunities, direction, ideas, contact, imagination and zeal
- Revive your dream world

I Declare and Decree

- That whoever blesses me is blessed. I assign angels to make people to find favor with me
- That my oil will not run dry. Let the mercy of God launch me into overflow and favor
- That I am co-heir with Christ. I ask angels to bring to manifestation my own share of
heavenly and earthly riches
- That the Holy Spirit is for me and my descendants. Let the excellent spirit of Daniel be
released into my life
- That I believe in God who speaks through the prophets. Let God speak concerning my
situation and direct me on the path I should follow
Prayer for Renunciation and Release

In the name of Jesus I renounce and break off any fellowship with the devil that came through my
lineage, sin, sex, idolatry the flesh or sacrifices

I nullify the power of any sacrifice made to deities, demons in my name, in the name of my kindred
or in the name of where I live

I renounce and nullify any contact with the spirits of the dead, idolatry, ancestral cults and

I break and release myself from all curses and iniquity that is potent in my life till 4 th generation

I release myself from the curses of infirmities, poverty, lack and confusion. I release myself from
the curses of idolatry, self-inflicted curses, written curses and spoken curses from those that have
authority over me.

I release myself from the effect of spoken words made by me and by the people I hurt.

I release myself from every alliance formed with the kingdom of darkness.

I release myself from every deceit and manipulation going on in my linage.

I renounce and release myself from any covenant, oath, vow and promise made to other gods by
me and my ancestors

I reject and I break every spiritual marriage, all demonic dances, names and body marks that links
me to demons

I renounce and free myself from all pledges, dedications and obligations to idols, false religion and
ungodly organizations

I renounce and annul all covenants and decisions made by my ancestors with evil spirits about my
future, my fertility and my existence

I free myself from the influence of charms, incantations, incenses and sacrifices made at altars in
my home and village.

I raise the blood of Jesus over ungodly oaths which gave demons access into my life.

I renounce and I release myself from hereditary spirits of lust, rebellion, perversion and addiction. I
renounce all false beliefs and ideologies of my village that were invented from the past.

I renounce and I separate myself from curses and spirits that influence the water I used the books I
read, the things I wear and the place I live in.

I renounce any curse or spirit that relate to the name I bear

I renounce every initiation, vow, communion and exchange which I and my ancestors had with the
With the blood of Jesus I appeal against any judgment, decision or evil decree passed over my
generation and linage.

I renounce all negative thought patterns, unforgiveness and bitterness against others that were
exhibited by people in my linage

I free myself from the effects of books I read, jewelries I wear, movies and places I have been to.

I renounce and free myself from people I had sexual relations with

I declare that I am free from the curse of the law, poverty and sickness in the name of Jesus.
Extraordinary Prayer of Liberation

Blessed are you God the father of our Lord Jesus who loved and adopted me into his family

Blessed are you Lord Jesus Christ my teacher and deliverer whose blood ransomed me from
destruction and death

Blessed are you Holy Ghost, the energy of God and power for pulling down strongholds

I release warring angels around here and I condoned this territory with God’s fire

I activate the power in the blood of Jesus and plead the blood for my healing, deliverance, victory,
intercession and forgiveness

I acknowledge the supremacy in the name of Jesus and I submit to the victory of the cross.

I therefore expose the tricks/tactics of the enemy, all his subtlety and darkness.

I bring out of hiding all lower and higher ranking demons, all work of darkness their symptoms and

I exhale out of my body, mind and spirit, you spirit of witchcraft, false gifts, errors, bondages,
rejection, lust, bitterness and addiction.

I break all generational curses that opened door for you spirit of poverty, destruction, failure,
infirmity and rejection.

I cast out of my life demons in the form of dogs, serpents, owls, scorpions, bulls, reptiles, flies and

I cough out of my life spirits of hurts, sadness, immorality, mind conflict, roots of bitterness,
disobedience and addiction.

I spit out of my body every spirit operating in my head, eyes, mouth, tongue chest, heart kidney,
my blood and my sexual organ

I beat and cast down any spirit hiding in any part of my body, bones, joints, circulatory system,
muscles, my palm and my feet.

I scream out from my life every spirit of tradition and customs, ancestral spirit, marine spirits,
territorial spirit and powers that bind me to the past.

I destroy any satanic altar that influence my life and I render their sacrifices invalid in the name of

I bind powers that feed me in the dream, have sex with me, suck blood and manipulate me in the

In the name of Jesus I disconnect myself from influences that comes from shrines, deities and
occult chambers
In the name of Jesus I smith down strongholds and altars set up by the enemy to launch attacks
and influence my life

In the name of Jesus I abolish legal claims the enemy has over my life. I disarm all princess of
darkness that imprisoned any area of my life.

In the name of Jesus I abolish any spell cast over my life and my family. I disarm spirits that
influence my life through government, people, different structures and institutions.

In the name of Jesus I frustrate the activities of human agents, household enemies and people in
authority whom the enemy has been using to keep me in bondage and in sorrow.

In the name of Jesus I cleanse my body, soul and mind from pollution, infestation and
manipulation. I close any door you have opened and I breathe you out of my body now.

In the name of Jesus I prevail over you-spirits that operate through covenants, spirits that operate
according to seasons and time, spirits of the graveyard and powers that attack at night.

I chase you out every spirit of slumber in my life, spirits that want to tear my life apart, seducing
spirits and spirits assigned to abort my destiny. I rebuke and bind every devil in high places that
influence my life. I destroy any strongman that operates behind the scene in my life.

In the name of Jesus I bind negative energy operating in my life. I seal you up in the name of Jesus.
I close all spiritual and physical doors against demonic rats, spirits that influence my fruitfulness
and finance, and powers that destroy the works of my hand.

In the name of Jesus I upturn every bewitchment and rebellion to the word of God. I uproot
sicknesses, disappointments, demonic priesthood, evil trees and roots of bitterness that exist in
my life.

In the name of Jesus I disconnect myself from every bondage, imprisonment, invisible rope and
evil manipulation. I uproot the seeds planted in my life when I was still a child. I banned spoilers
from entering my life and I break any alliance formed against me.

In the name of Jesus I bind any spirit that torment and oppress my mind and body. I break every
yoke from off my neck and I neutralize every spell and barriers. I pull down any altar erected by
the enemy. I paralyze any sacrifice made against me physically and spiritually.

In the name of Jesus I prevail over desert spirits in my life, every beast of the desert and every
dragon that fight my progress in life. I bind every spirit that attempt to keep me in the valley. I
break and neutralize any programme in the atmosphere that operates against me through the
starts, the moon, the sun, rainfall, thunder and wind.

I accept the freedom God has given me through Christ Jesus. I decree that I and my family are for
signs and wonders in the name of Jesus.
Prayer of Blessing

I declare and decree…………….

That I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus; I share in the
commonwealth of the saints

That chastisement of my peace was laid on him. I am healed by his wounds

That my expectation won’t be cut off. He will open my grave and establish me again

That my portion has fallen in pleasant place. The wealth of the gentiles belongs to me.

That I sowed in tears but I will reap in joy. Upliftment does not come from east or west but from
the Lord

That no divination against Israel and no sorcery against Jacob. In place of shame I shall receive
double portion

That He anointed my head with oil, my cup overflows. Let there be showers of blessing upon me

That I am a seed of Abraham, I receive the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

That I am the apple of his eyes. My maker is my husband. I shall see the goodness of the Lord in
the land of the Living

That the shout of the king and noise of victory shall not depart from my tent all the days of my life.

That my latter rain shall be better and stronger than my former; the affliction will not rise for the
second time.

That I receive the blessings of the gentile; I live in abundance and his grace is sufficient

That the stone the builders rejected shall become the cornerstone. There shall be reversal of

That I drink the cup of the Lord; the excellent spirit if Daniel lives in me

That I am like eagle, I shall run and not faint. I overcome adversities by the blood of the lamb and
by my testimonies

Lord prosper the works of my hand; Let me receive plenty even in famine. My help is in the name
of the Lord, who made heaven and earth

Lord enlarge my coast, let your hand be with me; in the name of all sufficient God I receive
deliverance and enlargement for my life.

Bless me exceedingly, multiply me in wisdom. Let me flourish like palm tree and like cedars of

My maker has made way for me where there was no way. He has gone ahead of me to break my
limitations and barriers
I triumph through Christ. I have access to the mercy seat. Let the blood open for me the gates of
deliverance and rest

You visit me every morning Job 7:18, Release mighty visitation upon me

He has brought down the proud and lifted the humble. He has remembered the promise he made
to our fathers in faith

Send help from Zion Lord. I want to enjoy the liberty of the children of God

I have come to the mountain where God provides. Lord opens your storehouse in heaven and fill
me with favor

Be my defense and refuge. Let your hand establish me in the land you have given me.

Give me a new name and a new song. I believe O lord help my unbelief.

Using the blood of Jesus Effectively

Every child of God should understand how to benefit from the victory of the cross. The key issue in
the sacrifice of the cross is that a different type of blood was shed. This blood makes the sacrifice
costliest, the altar highest, the name Jesus greatest and result the most effective (I Pt 1:18). The
role of the blood and altar in worship and ministry is becoming popular such than even non
Catholics organize communion service. In the holy Catholic Church, the blood and body of Jesus is
the centre of sacrament, worship, ministry and theology. Pastor Benny Hinn who narrated the
inner peace he enjoyed after experiencing the victory in the blood of Jesus affirmed that God
preferred the sacrifice of Abel to that of Cain because Abel offered blood. Apart from stating that
there is life in the blood (Lev 17:11), the bible expanded on the 7 fold ministry of the blood of
Jesus Christ to include

Forgiveness of sin (Heb 9:22)

Reconciliation and purification (Col 1:20)

Healing (Is 53:5)

Deliverance (Zach 9:11)

Protection ( Ex 12:13)

Access to God and His grace (Heb 10:19)

Intercession (Heb 12:24)

These are exactly what every one of us need from God. Therefore do not be ashamed of invoking
the blood of Jesus. Plead the blood countless times so that situations will change. Healing,
deliverance and breakthrough are possible when we activate the power and victory in the blood of

We plead the blood of Jesus! Prayer

We plead the blood of Jesus to activate the Calvary experience in this place this hour

We plead the blood of Jesus for atonement of our sins and mercy

We plead the blood of Jesus for total reconciliation of myself and family unto God

We plead the blood of Jesus for purification and sanctification from guilt and corruption

We plead the blood of Jesus for healing of our mind, body and spirit

We plead the body of Jesus for healing of all those we hurt, betrayed and offended

We plead the blood of Jesus for renewal, strength and empowerment

We plead the blood of Jesus for open heaven and divine partnership in all I do

We plead the blood of Jesus for victory over the works of darkness

We plead the blood of Jesus to intercede for us and protect us

We plead the blood of Jesus to give us access to throne of grace and righteousness

We plead the blood of Jesus upon every impending judgment and punishment

We plead the blood of Jesus upon every spiritual debt and obligation

We plead the blood of Jesus upon errors of our youths and sins of our ancestors

We plead the blood of Jesus upon every covenant, vow, initiation, dedication and bonds

We plead the blood of Jesus upon any spell, bewitchment, manipulation and darkness in our life

We plead the blood of Jesus upon consequences of my mistakes and curses

We plead the blood of Jesus upon roots of sickness and poverty in my life

We plead the blood of Jesus upon demonic altars that are active in our lives

We plead the blood of Jesus upon roots of bondages and captivity

We plead the blood of Jesus upon evil seed and ancient barriers
We plead the blood of Jesus upon every exchange or ungodly communion that exist in our lives

We plead the blood of Jesus upon activities of witches, native doctors and occult men

We plead the blood of Jesus upon voices that influence our lives’ decisions

We plead the blood of Jesus upon our choices, directions and aspirations

We plead the blood of Jesus upon our prayer lives and dream world

We plead the blood of Jesus upon our partners, siblings and parents

We plead the blood of Jesus upon our linage and family roots

We plead the blood of Jesus upon our certificates, career and finances

We plead the blood of Jesus upon roots of setbacks, delays and disappointments

We plead the blood of Jesus upon every work of darkness and destiny spoilers

We plead the blood of Jesus upon every prayer point we have made to the living God. Amen
27 Psalms Prayer for Healing and Restoration

(A 3-day Prayer Programme for Release of Healing and Divine Visitation)

- This prayer is used for seeking divine intervention in the areas of healing, deliverance and
- This prayer uses psalms in the bible, meditation and vocal intercession to attract God’s
- It is done every six hours and can be used in line with other prayers.
- Please spend these three days in fasting and a visit to house of God at least once
- You can use We plead the blood of Jesus prayer, liberation prayer and prayer of blessing in
previous pages

Day 1

Morning Meditation and Prayer

The new covenant, sealed at Golgotha consists of mercy, healing and deliverance and redemption.
Apart from spiritual death, physical infirmity is the next traumatic experience which human beings
face. God has always made provision for our healing. Do you think that Jesus will turn his face
when he hears you groan and cry for healing? Jesus is God’s answer to hurts and sicknesses.
Healing is your bread (Mk 7:27). It is the diet elders should feed the church with. Bread is not a
luxury food but a necessity. In fact God will cease to be called a father if he stops healing his
children. Just like Jesus located the man who has been ill for 38 years at Bethesda, he is searching
for you in order to speak to that condition. Father! The chastisement for my peace has been laid
on you; I am healed by your wounds. Jesus the ancient healer, I wait on you for these 3days. Open
your heaven, release miraculous healing and make me whole.

Assignment: Psalm 51, Psalm 121 and Psalm 80

Afternoon Meditation and Prayer

Angels are carriers of healing. Apart from having the knowledge of how to deal with every ailment,
they are clothed with healing unction. The divine presence that radiate through them can destroy
diseases. A woman who slept for 18 hours nonstop recalled that she was moving to homes and
hospitals in her dream, administering healings to the sick in company with angels. A Charismatic
Sister who took in after 11 years of marriage was having complications during childbirth. In what
looked like a trance, an angel descended into the labour room and held her waist. The women
received extraordinary energy and intervention. She delivered triplet with ease as if she was
passing urine. In our time Lord send healing angels to me with unction and good news. Heal the
emptiness in my life. Do in our time Lord what you did in Capernaum and Nain. Answer me O
shepherd of Israel!

Assignment: Psalm 22, Psalm 68 and Psalm 18

Night Meditation and Prayer

Bethesda is not just a pool but anywhere angels can descend. The water in the sanctuary contains
supernatural power for healing and restoration. Make out time today and call on the Living God to
release his healing angels. A 64 year old principal was diagnosed of spinal cord disease that made
it difficult for him to walk or stand. Medical experts from UNTH and LUTH confined him to a
wheelchair telling him that the sickness is terminal and can only be managed, not cured. He has
been on the wheel chair for 4 months and on the 5th Month; he started reading books and articles
on Eucharistic and miraculous healing while doing novena to St Michael. Nothing instantaneous
happened but he started feeling young and agile as if there was return of youthful energy. After
one week, he stopped using the wheel chair and he was healed. Restore my strength and my
youth; I want to be fertile and productive. Jesus work on my body and my mind, work on my
faculties and competencies. Fill me with the strength and smartness of eagles Lord for I believe in

Assignment: Psalm 25, Psalm 136 and Psalm 144

Day 2

Morning Meditation and Prayer

Peace of mind, spirit and body is your right. God promised us rest from all our enemies. Rest is not
just peace and prosperity, it includes abundance, restoration, abundance and joy. Remember that
the chastisement of our peace has been placed on him (Isaiah 53:5). You are not yet an over
comer until your body begins to experience peace. God’s mercy is revealed through healing. To
heal is to show compassionate, to love deeply, to bring to safety, to make whole and to restore to
a better state. Whether you need deliverance, cleansing, opening of your eyes or getting raised
from death, the package you should desire is healing and deliverance. Deliverance destroys what
the enemy has done and edifies what the spirit of God has done. The Children’s bread mentioned
in the bible is simply deliverance and healing. My heart is troubled Living God and I long for
attention. Send me help from Zion so that my friends will see me restored. I need your finger in my
life, I need healing and deliverance. Do not pass me by O Lord in this moment of visitation.

Assignment: Psalm 32, Psalm 143 and Psalm 74

Afternoon Meditation and Prayer

If you have listened to sermons and teachings but not satisfies, then what you need is the bread.
Malnutrition results to openness to diseases and infections. Proper diet includes anointed
preaching, teaching, prophetic ministry and deliverance. The enemy wants to see you depressed,
rejected and to feel unloved by God and people. Rise up and tell him No. Let you prayer for healing
and deliverance touch your emotional life, mental faculty, physical infirmities, speech problems,
religious errors and sexual addictions. Deliverance smoothens crooked places, eliminates obstacles
to progress, increases joy, liberty, peace and success. What stopped you from opening up to
people that can help you? I think it is time you meet people you trust because God’s help come
through people. Father! free me from the fear of trusting people, of difficulty in finishing what I
started and heaviness of the body. Come Lord and influence my appetite, emotions, thinking and
decisions. I need you Lord, I need your touch and your company. Come to my aid without delay.

Assignment: Psalm 60, Psalm 44 and Psalm 71

Night Meditation and Prayer

Father, I welcome you into my life for clean up and for routing of demonic influences. In the name
of Jesus I free myself from spirits that seek to kill, steal and destroy my body and mind. I free
myself from bondages against my health, marriage, career and spiritual life. Let healing multiply O
Lord. Cleans my life of pollution and help me to arrest spirits that do not want me to recognize
them. In the name of Jesus I exhale you out of my body , I cough you out of my body, I spit you out
of my body, I scream you out of my body and I cast you out of my body every spirit of infirmity,
manipulation and captivity. I tear down all your ideologies that limit my progress and I reverse
whatever you have done in the name of Jesus.

Assignment: Psalm 63, Psalm 85 and Psalm 91

Day 3

Morning Meditation and Prayer

History of men and nations are determined by war. Your own cannot be different. Use your
authority, your knowledge of the word of God, your faith and your mouth to get what you need.
Demons recognize power and authority. The more you exercise them, the more you develop
them. Also, get people to pray with you. Prophetic utterances rout the dwellings of evil spirits.
Anointing is needed to remove stubborn spirits. Remember that all weeds are not the same.
Believe what you pray and pray what you believe. Expect miracle as you wait on God. Let the
shout of victory arise from your tent. Lord Jesus I pray that you route Leviathan, the spirit that
destroy and pollute the waters of my life. Correct my fantasies O Lord and heal me of
procrastination and indecision. Break the curse of wandering placed on me and restore me
physically, mentally and spiritually.

Assignment: Psalm 103, Psalm 126 and Psalm 24

Afternoon Meditation and Prayer

Fasting makes room for the oppressed to go free (Mahatma Ghandhi). It weakens the oppressors’
yoke and loses the grip of the captor. If your prayer is not giving you the result you need, add
fasting to it. Fasting cannot be done with amusement or with maltreatment of others. It must
come with repentance and compassion. Effective fasting not only makes prayer powerful; it
breaks the power of pride, releases divine guidance and restores the shekina glory. Merciful Jesus!
Free me from torment, release me from embarrassment and manipulation. In your name Lord I
end all abnormality going on in my head, heart, stomach, organs and systems. Turn to me with
mercy and show your deep love for me. Restore me Lord as in the water courses and in the Negev.
Father I want to be healthy, holy and prosperous. Let your face shine on me with healing rays.
With unwavering faith Father! I accept your healing and restoration.

Assignment: Psalm 42, Psalm 91 and Psalm 8

Night Meditation and Prayer

Spirits enjoy songs but Satan hates anointed music. Offer God uncorrupt praise and worship.
Praise releases God’s judgment, activates God’s covenant and strengthens his influences. It opens
the seal (Rev 5: 1-13). Fill your heart and mouth with praises and put on anointed music when you
pray. Follow anointed music videos as you worship. Give God these different types of praise and

Barak: Kneel and salute

Halel: make noise, shout Alleluia, run around

Sheback: Loud shout of praise

Tehillah: Singing new songs and high praise such that the heathen will hear it

Towdah: Offer thanks to God for what he is going to do.

Yadah: To confess with outstretched hands, to adore God with waving of hands and lifted hands

Zamar: to use musical instruments and clapping in praise

Give God high praise, the one who releases punishment and vengeance. Give thundering praise
and prophetic worship that flows from the heart to God our healer. Praise the Lord O my soul for
his love and mercy never ends.

Assignment: Psalms 135, Psalm 20 and Psalm 118.

Greatest devotion of our time for solutions to marital and family problems

This devotion, whose circulation is attributed to Pope Francis has recorded innumerable miracles
and testimonies in recent times. Apart from attracting the angel of the book of Tobit, it has proved
to be very potent at solving problems which defied solutions. Ask the great Lady through this
prayer to restore reproductive abilities, deal with addictions, solve cases of disappointments,
soften the heart of dear ones and for healing. She understands the problems and difficulties of a
family. She has untied many knots in Argentina, Rome, France and now it is your turn. With sincere
hearts, let pray “ Dear Lady, I raise to you the ribbons of my career, my life, my relationships, my
finance, marriage and family; untie all the knots and make them smooth”

Novena to Our Lady the Untier of Knots

The ‘knots’ Mary can untie, are problems and struggles we face for which we do not see any
solution: knots of discord in our family, lack of understanding between parents and children,
disrespect, violence, the knots of deep hurts between husband and wife, the absence of peace and
joy at home, poverty, sickness and pains. They are also the knots of anguish and despair of
separated couples, the dissolution of the family, the knots of a drug addict son or daughter, sick or
separated from home or God, knots of alcoholism, lonlines, depression, unemployment, fear and
In the painting of our Lady the Untier of Knot, She is dressed resplendently in crimson, and a deep
blue mantle representing her glory as Queen of the Universe. A crown of twelve stars adorning
her head signifies her Queenship of the Apostles. Her feet crush the head of the serpent indicating
her part in the victory over Satan. She is surrounded by angels, signifying her position as Queen of
the Angels and Queen of Heaven. In her hands is a knotted white ribbon, which she is serenely
untying. Assisting her at the task are two angels: one presents the knots of our lives to her, while
another angel presents the ribbon, freed from knots, to us.

To show us the mission granted to the Virgin Mary by Her Son, an artist Johann Melchior Georg
Schmittdner painted Mary Untier of Knots with great grace. Since 1700, his painting has been
venerated in the Church of St. Peter in Perlack, Augsburg, Germany. It was originally inspired by a
meditation of Saint Irenaeus (Bishop of Lyon and martyred in 202) based on the parallel made by
Saint Paul between Adam and Christ. Saint Irenaeus, in turn, made a comparison between Eve and
Mary, saying: “Eve, by her disobedience, tied the knot of disgrace for the human race; whereas
Mary, by her obedience, undid it.

Day after day, more and more Christians kneel to pray through Her as soon as they meet the
Mother of the Fair Love. Many families have become reconciled! Many diseases have been healed!
Many spouses have returned to the Church! Many jobs have been given! Many conversions have
taken place! Many Catholics have been on their knees praying and giving thanks for graces
received from our sweet Mother. For that reason, Mary Who undoes the knots, Who was chosen
by God to crush the evil with Her feet, comes to us to reveal Herself.
She comes to provide jobs, good health, to reconcile families, because She wants to undo the
knots of our sins which dominate our lives, so that as sons of the King we can receive the promises
reserved for us from eternity. She comes with promises of victory, peace, blessings and

Then, free from our knots – filled with happiness, we can be a testimony of the Divine Power in
this world, like pieces of God’s heart or small bottles of perfume exhaling mercy and love to our
neighbor. Like ambassador of Jesus Christ and the Virgin of the fair love. The Novena has the
Cardinal ecclesiastical approval, receiving the NIHIL OBSTAT and IMPRIMATUR.

How to do the novena

1.Begin each day of the Novena to Mary, Untier of Knots, with the Sign of the Cross.

2.Make an Act of Contrition. Oh my God I am heartily sorry for having offended you. I detest
all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell. But most of all, because I
offended you, oh my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the
help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.

3.Pray the first three decades of the rosary, with the appropriate mysteries for the day: Joyful,
Sorrowful, Glorious.
4.Make the meditation of the day
5.Pray the last two decades of the rosary, with the appropriate mysteries for the day
6.Pray the Prayer to Mary, Untier of Knots.
7. Also pray the prayer of Cardinal Bergoglio to Mary the Untier of Knots (Optional)

Meditation for the First Day of the Novena

Dearest Holy Mother, Most Holy Mary, you undid the knots that suffocate your children. Extend
your merciful hands to me. I entrust to You today this knot [Mention your request here] and all the
negative consequences that it provokes in my life. I give you this knot that torments me and makes
me unhappy and so impedes me from uniting myself to You and Your Son Jesus, my Savior. I run to
You, Mary, Undoer of Knots,because I trust you and I know that you never despise a sinning child
who comes to ask you for help. I believe that you can undo this knot because Jesus grants you
everything. I believe that you want to undo this knot because you are my Mother. I believe that
You will do this because you love me with eternal love. Thank you, Dear Mother. Mary, Undoer of
Knots,pray for me.
Meditation for the Second Day of the Novena

Mary, Beloved Mother, channel of all graces, I return to You today with my heart, recognizing that
I am a sinner in need of your help. Many times I lose the graces you granted me because of my sins
of egoism, pride, rancor and my lack of generosity and humility. I turn to You today, Mary, Undoer
of Knots,for You to ask your Son Jesus to grant me a pure, divested, humble and trusting heart. I
will live today practicing these virtues and offering you this as a sign of my love for You. I entrust
into Your hands this knot [Mention your request here] which keeps me from reflecting the glory of
God. Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me.

Meditation for the Third Day of the Novena

Mediating Mother, Queen of heaven, in whose hands the treasures of the King are found, turn
your merciful eyes upon me today. I entrust into your holy hands this knot in my life [Mention
your request here] and all the rancor and resentment it has caused in me. I ask Your forgiveness,
God the Father, for my sin. Help me now to forgive all the persons who consciously or
unconsciously provoked this knot. Give me, also, the grace to forgive myself for having provoked
this knot. Only in this way can You undo it. Before You, dearest Mother, and in the name of Your
Son Jesus, my Savior, who has suffered so many offenses, having been granted forgiveness, I now
forgive these persons [mention their names here] and myself, forever. Thank you, Mary, Undoer of
Knots for undoing the knot of rancor in my heart and the knot which I now present to you. Amen.
Mary, Undoer of Knots,pray for me.

Meditation for the Fourth Day of the Novena to Mary, Untier of Knots

Dearest Holy Mother, you are generous with all who seek you, have mercy on me. I entrust into
your hands this knot which robs the peace of my heart, paralyzes my soul and keeps me from
going to my Lord and serving Him with my life. Undo this knot in my love [Mention your request
here], O Mother, and ask Jesus to heal my paralytic faith, which gets downhearted with the stones
on the road. Along with you, dearest Mother, may I see these stones as friends. Not murmuring
against them anymore but giving endless thanks for them, may I smile trustingly in your power.
Mary, Untier of Knots, pray for me.

Meditation for the Fifth Day of the Novena

Mother, Undoer of Knots, generous and compassionate, I come to You today to once again entrust
this knot [Mention your request here]in my life to you and to ask the divine wisdom to undo,
under the light of the Holy Spirit, this snarl of problems. No one ever saw you angry; to the
contrary, your words were so charged with sweetness that the Holy Spirit was manifested on your
lips. Take away from me the bitterness, anger, and hatred which this knot has caused me. Give me,
O dearest Mother, some of the sweetness and wisdom that is all silently reflected in your heart.
And just as you were present at Pentecost, ask Jesus to send me a new presence of the Holy Spirit
at this moment in my life. Holy Spirit, come upon me! Mary, Untier of Knots, pray for me.
Meditation for the Sixth Day of the Novena

Mary, Undoer of Knots, Queen of Mercy, I entrust to you this knot in my life [Mention your
request here]and I ask you to give me a heart that is patient until you undo it. Teach me to
persevere in the living word of Jesus, in the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Confession; stay with me
and prepare my heart to celebrate with the angels the grace that will be granted to me. Amen!
Alleluia! Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me.

Meditation for the Seventh Day of the Novena

Mother Most Pure, I come to You today to beg you to undo this knot in my life [Mention your
request here] and free me from the snares of evil. God has granted you great power over all the
demons. I renounce all of them today, every connection I have had with them, and I proclaim Jesus
as my one and only Lord and Savior. Mary, Undoer of Knots, crush the Evil One’s head and destroy
the traps he has set for me by this knot. Thank you, dearest Mother.Most Precious Blood of Jesus,
free me! Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me.

Meditation for the Eighth Day of the Novena

Virgin Mother of God, overflowing with mercy, have mercy on your child and undo this knot
[Mention your request here] in my life. I need your visit to my life, like you visited Elizabeth. Bring
me Jesus, bring me the Holy Spirit. Teach me to practice the virtues of courage, joyfulness,
humility, and faith, and, like Elizabeth, to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Make me joyfully rest on
your bosom, Mary. I consecrate you as my mother, queen, and friend. I give you my heart and
everything I have— my home and family, my material and spiritual goods. I am yours forever. Put
your heart in me so that I can do everything Jesus tells me. Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me.

Meditation for the Ninth Day of the Novena

Most Holy Mary, our Advocate, Undoer of Knots, I come today to thank you for undoing this knot
in my life. You know very well the suffering it has caused me. Thank you for coming, Mother, with
your long fingers of mercy to dry the tears in my eyes; you receive me in your arms and make it
possible for me to receive once again the divine grace. Mary, Undoer of Knots, dearest Mother, I
thank you for undoing the knots in my life. Wrap me in your mantle of love, keep me under your
protection, enlighten me with your peace! Amen. Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me.

Prayers to our Lady the Untier of Knots

Virgin Mary mother of fair love. Mother who has never abandoned a child who cries for help.
Mother whose hands work without ceasing for her children so beloved, because they are impelled
by Divine love and by infinite mercy that issue from your heart. Turn to me your gaze of
compassion. Look at the many knots of my life. You know my desperation and my pain. You know
how these knots paralyze me, Mary. Mother charged by God with untying the knots of the lives of
your children, I place the ribbon of my life in your hands. In your hands there is no knot that may
not be untied. Mighty mother, with your grace and power of intercession, with your son Jesus, my
savior receive today this knot (Name different life issues you need solutions to).

For the glory of God, I ask you to untie it and untie it always. I hope in you. You are the only
consoler that God has given me. You are the strength of my precarious powers and richness of my
miseries, the liberation of all that prevent me from being with Christ. Accept my plea, preserve
me, protect me, be my refuge. Mary untier of knots, Pray for me.

Mary, new Eve, mother of Christ and the mother of the church. You who crush the head of the
ancient serpent. You who at the proclamation of the angel welcomed in your womb the savior.You
who in Bethlehem gave birth to the creator. You who preserved in your heart that which you could
not understand. You who in Cana in Galilee asked for us the wine of joy. You who in silence adored
Christ on the cross. You who received the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room, untie the knots of our
human misery. Untie the knots of our sins, of our pride, arrogance, greed, indulgence, envy and

Teach us to love your son as you loved him. Intercede for us who are sinners now and at the hour
of our death Amen.

Prayer of Cardinal Bergoglio to Mary the Untier of Knots

Holy Mary, full of the presence of God. During the days of your earthly life you accepted in all
humility the will of the Father and the evil one was never able to ensnare you with his confusions.
Already together with your son you interceded for our difficulties and with all simplicity and
patience you gave us the example of how to disentangle the tangle of our lives. And remaining
always as our Mother you arranged and revealed to us the bonds that unite us with the Lord. Holy
Mary, mother of God and our Mother you who with a maternal heart untie the knots that constrict
our lives. We ask you to receive into your hands (Name some problems you wish to obtain relief
from) and free us from the bonds and confusions with which our enemy torments us. By your
grace, by your intercession, and with your example, free us from all evil Our Lady and untie the
knots that prevent us from being united with God so that free from all confusion and error, we
may encounter him in all things, rest our hearts in Him and serve him always in our brothers.

About the Author

Dr. Kc Onyima is a university lecturer and a lay preacher. He is involved in writing, teaching and
prayer ministry. You can share your experiences, prayer points and questions/ testimonies with
him on (234)08067798206 or

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