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Coraline saw a big, black door and was really curious as to what was behind it.

She walked to
every step on the stairs with a thumping heart and sweaty hands and the rats followed her. As she
reached the door, she grabbed the doorknob and slowly opening the door. But what she saw was
nothing; she saw an empty dark room.

Coraline stepped further into the room, just as she entered the room completely, the door
closed. She looked behind her and was shocked to see her other mother standing behind the door with
her buttoned eyes and sharp, red nails. She got very nervous, out of a sudden someone grabbed her and
let her sit in a red chair and she was tied to that chair. She saw her other father doing those things to

She cried and screamed, her other parents were just laughing. Her other mother said, “no one
can hear you here” as she continued laughing devilishly “we want you here with us forever dear
coralline” said her other father.

She calmed herself down and thinks of some ways to get out of the situation. Coraline said, “I
will stay with you if we play a game, if I win, you will let me and my parents go and free the souls of
those three kids, if you win, I will stay with you forever.

But her other mother just don’t want to it that easy, she said “okay, I will a key inside the house
and you will find them before the sun sets. If you can’t complete the challenge, you will stay with us
forever and your parents will die and the souls will still be mine.

They agreed on those terms and once coralline was freed from the rope, she quickly began to
look for the first key. But she realized she wasn’t able to make a move for she did not know where to

Suddenly, the cat approached her and somehow tells her to follow her. They went to through
every room inside the house, went outside to find it but still have no marks of the key.

She sat in front of fireplace and she noticed the snow globe above, which her real parents were
inside, trapped and scared. She went up and tried to snow globe but it won’t break.

After that, her surroundings somewhat melts, she run fast along with the cat where she
followed it. She saw a small door and went inside of it. She traveled deep into that door and found again
another door. Finally came into a room where the fireplace was found as well as the snow globe.

She went closer to the snow globe and found again her parents inside of it. She got scared,
suddenly the place melts again and the small door was found. She went there again and the same thing
happened. She always ends up in the room. Realizing that it keeps on happening again and again and
Finally she went outside of their house and realized that they are sort of inside a glass, she
concluded that she and her parents were trapped inside a snow globe just like how her parents were

A witch collects snow globes and trap people inside of it for it is a punishment to those who
does not know to be contented in life be thankful for the gift of family.

They went back inside the room where her other parents were and shouted to them that she has found
the key.

Her other parents suddenly melts as well as the house except her and the cat and the 4 buttons
from her other parents. She grabbed them and put them inside her pocket. She closed her eyes, then
suddenly she was now in the small door that she found in the beginning where she can no go back to the
real world.

She saw 4 blank circles in the door, and then she thought about the 4 buttons that she has inside
her pocket. She got those and tried to put them in and suddenly it was all white.

The next thing came; she was now in her room. She went downstairs; still her heart was
thumping very fast thinking that she was still in the other world. She went inside the kitchen and there
she saw a dry chicken which signifies that she was now in the world, because unlike in the other world
she was served with fresh and juicy chicken form her other mother.

But she said she will never think again of what happened and will move on with her life along
with her real parents and will be happy and contented as what she has now that she knows she will
cherish it forever. THE LOVE FROM HER REAL FAMILY

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