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Based on the lesson conducted on 24 Jan 2018 (Wed) of Year 1 Amal,

about 85% of students achieved the objective for explaining the importance of
science in everyday life from my observation during group activities. However,
there are only 70% of students could list what he sees around him that is
related to science.

The Success Criterion has yet to be achieved is moral value- being

grateful that the teacher tried to implement into the lesson. There was no
activity related to the moral value- being grateful being carried out. Moreover,
there is no question being asked to provoke students to speak out their
opinion of being grateful. Besides, the activities are lack of examples for
students to achieve learning outcome which is students need to list what they
see around them that is related to science. This is because only three pictures
were given in the activities. The teacher did not let the student discover what
they see around, and the pictures are limited to foster the student’s ability to
explore more.

The strength of the lesson conducted is teacher prepared authentic

materials such as thermometer which student have a chance to learn to use it.
Authentic materials bring Science to life and help students see for themselves
how science work in everyday life. Based on observation, students enjoyed
doing the most are role-play activity and group discussion. They experience
the feeling of being a doctor and patient, also share their views with their
group members. Group activities are a good method to cultivate collaboration
among students.

Intervention needed to help more students achieve the learning

outcome is using videos to replace the pictures in group activities if equipment
such as laptops are available. Video is more compelling than other mediums
because it implements a more authentic interaction. The students will easier
to get ideas from the videos. Last but not least, the teacher should end the
class with implementation of the moral value such as being grateful and with a
conclusion to summarise the topic learnt.

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