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Answer to the Question no : 1

According to LFS 2015-16, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics the amount of unemployed women
between the age 25-29 were seen to be highest. The reasons for such are given below:
1. Employers view women of this age group as someone who will get married, take
children and care for family and they will take leave often from work. They also have
less time for work and that is why women of this age group are discriminated against the
2. Another reason for such conduct is because of company policies. Because of various
household duties and taking children, the government has made certain policies to give
them maternity leave for 6 months minimum. For many companies this is a loss for them.
they have to pay them without getting any profit from them. And so this is why they
discriminate against female population of this age group.
Answer to the Question no : 2

Using Base year prices method,
For 2018,
Price of books is $160
Price of Pens is $50
For 2019,
Quantity for books is 16
Quantity for pens is 22
Keeping 2018 as base year price, real GDP for Eco-land for the year 2019 is,
16*200+22*50 = $4300

Again for 2018,

Price of books is $160
Price of Pens is $50
For 2020,
Quantity for books is 18
Quantity for pens is 25
Keeping 2018 as base year price, real GDP for Eco-land for the year 2020 is,
18*200+25*50 = $4850
Using Chain- Weighted output Index method,

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